Choosing a 2014-2015 flu vaccine
(too old to reply)
2014-10-05 18:53:40 UTC
At least for me, it used to be that you went to a hospital every fall and got a flu shot.

Well, it turns out there are not only multiple types of flu shots and methods of administration, they don't quite contain the same stuff.

A table with some of the ingredients is below, to get you started on your research.
Source: http://www.fda.gov/BiologicsBloodVaccines/Vaccines/ApprovedProducts/ucm094045.htm

When viral proteins are injected into the body, the immune system learns to recognize them (sensitization) and then on subsequent exposure to the proteins it begins to attack them (elicitation). Unfortunately, any other proteins injected with the vaccine are treated the same way. Once sensitized to the injected protein, future exposure to the protein elicits an attack known as an allergic reaction. References are below:

Smith-Norowitz TA, Wong D, Kusonruksa M, Norowitz KB, Joks R, Durkin HG, Bluth MH. Long Term Persistence of IgE Anti-Influenza Virus Antibodies in Pediatric and Adult Serum Post Vaccination with Influenza Virus Vaccine. Int J Med Sci 2011; 8(3):239-244. doi:10.7150/ijms.8.239. Available from http://www.medsci.org/v08p0239.htm

More details and references are here:

Intranasal: the risk is injecting live viruses on to your olfactory nerve that is millimeters away from your brain.
There may also be adventitious agents in the vaccine. In other words, unintentional contamination of the vaccine by viruses/bacteria/amoeba etc..

Intradermal: the risk is skin cells/proteins are torn by the needle and injected along with the vaccine.
If your body develops an allergy to these skin proteins, you can develop immune system related skin disorders such as eczema.

Intramuscular:the risk is skin and muscle cells/proteins are torn by the needle and injected along with the vaccine.
If your body develops an allergy to these muscle proteins (one of which is tropomyosin), you can develop immune system disorders as the immune system attacks any tissue containing tropomyosin. Tropomyosin is present in the brain and the intestines. So disorders can include autism, ulcerative colitis, irritable bowel syndrome etc.
and of course seafood allergy.

Polysorbate 80 contains vegetable oils. Depending on the type of vegetable oil used, it can cause the development of allergies to various food items - food allergies.

Ovalbumin in vaccines can cause the development of allergy to egg.

Formaldehyde is a known carcinogen but your body creates a small amount of it too.

Mercury is a well known toxin for which there is no safe amount.

Triton X-100 can damage cells.

HA is the viral protein. The "active ingredient" of a flu vaccine.

Insect proteins when injected into the body can cause the development of allergy to those insect proteins.
Flublok uses cells from the Fall Armyworm, a type of moth larvae. If you develop an allergy to such an insect protein, it may be very difficult to avoid exposure. Avoiding exposure to egg for a patient with egg allergies is difficult enough. How would one avoid exposure to a moth/larvae protein?

Flucelvax contains dog kidney cell proteins. If you develop an allergy to dog kidney cell protein, your immune system might start attacking your own similar kidney cells. An autoimmune kidney disorder will result.
Also the dog kidney cells used to make the vaccine are highly tumorigenic. The cells are supposed to be all killed. But even the tumorigenic DNA residue in the vaccine is considered dangerous and is therefore limited by the FDA to 10 nanogram. Is that low enough?

Trivalent vaccines contain three viral strains and quadrivalent contain four viral strains.

If you want to perform some probability calculations, flu vaccines work 60% of the time per the CDC.

And about 3000-40,000 people are killed by the flu each year.

In the old days before vaccines, you had no choice but to suffer the flu.
Modern medicine gives you a choice, a choice between the devil and the deep sea ... for a fee.
Katherine Clairmont
2015-05-07 22:20:17 UTC

hate to say this, but you've been duped by the naturalistic fallacy, also known as the appeal to nature. anyone who is unable to check their own ideas for logic failure is categorically unable to educate anyone about anything.