Failure to immunize your children should be a crime.
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Katherine Clairmont
2013-09-09 07:53:13 UTC
I recently contracted adult chicken pox. From a child who had the disease, who had an anti-vaccine mother. I nearly died from the infection, and the mother in question claimed that if I had lived a healthier lifestyle (water, yeast, probiotics which do nothing, really), I would not have suffered.

I would like to just put it out there, that if your kid is a carrier of virulent disease and I get sick, and you have refused to immunize your child against said virulent disease, you are directly responsible for my illness.

IF I should die from that illness, that makes you at very least guilty of manslaughter, if not murder.

I therefore choose to claim that any parent who would rather claim agency over their child's health than any shared responsibility to the health of the community in which they live, is not only abusing their own child, but endangering the lives of countless people. If you do not vaccinate your child, they should not be allowed into pools, parks, public schools or libraries; as all these places are public, and the potential to spread disease in these locations, through means of unvaccinated snot or a cough, is far more risky to far more people than any perceived risk of developing autism spectrum disorder.

This type of selfish behavior endangers the lives of everyone that unvaccinated child comes into contact with, and greatly increases the risk of an epidemic of, for example, the winter flu, which routinely kills many children and elderly every year.

Not to vaccinate is to demonstrate blatant disregard for the life of your child and the lives of anyone you allow them to have contact with.
Katherine Clairmont
2013-09-09 08:03:08 UTC
Furthermore, not only has it been definitively proven that vaccination does not cause children to become autistic, but I myself am willing to ingest far greater doses of ALL supposed autism-causing chemicals than are present in the vaccinations standard for children; as I am not afraid to step up and put my body on the line for science.

Any person who wants to tell me that I am wrong, please do so with citing well-known and respected medical journals, not wikipedia pages and so-called green health blogs, or other disreputable sources of misinformation; as doing this will only strengthen my position against yours, without requiring me to make an argument at all.

I am willing to put my body on the line, because I know it is safe. Oh, I also eat junk food, smoke cigarettes and take opiates for an injury I sustained a long time ago. None of this pharmacopoeia has caused me any detriment. The polonium-210 found in my cigarettes is FAR more dangerous than any vaccine, and yet I live.

Boggles the mind, doesn't it?
