Five year update on the guy who cured his stage IV prostate cancer with baking soda
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Reg Griswold
2013-10-19 00:04:54 UTC
Five year update on the guy who cured his stage IV prostate cancer
with baking soda

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"Trust us, we're experts!"

"If people let the government decide what foods they eat and what
medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as
are the souls who live under tyranny." - Thomas Jefferson
2013-10-19 01:45:55 UTC
Post by Reg Griswold
Five year update on the guy who cured his stage IV prostate cancer
with baking soda
Natural News again.

carole hubbard is a pawn of Natural News.
"I do binge a little here and there - so what?" - carole
Message-ID: <***@posting.google.com>
2013-10-19 01:56:41 UTC
Post by Ernie
Post by Reg Griswold
Five year update on the guy who cured his stage IV prostate cancer
with baking soda
Natural News again.
carole hubbard is a pawn of Natural News.
Ernie is a sock puppet.
2013-10-19 03:13:02 UTC
Post by Reg Griswold
Five year update on the guy who cured his stage IV prostate cancer
with baking soda
Katherine Clairmont
2013-10-24 00:35:00 UTC
Post by Reg Griswold
Five year update on the guy who cured his stage IV prostate cancer
with baking soda
"Trust us, we're experts!"
"If people let the government decide what foods they eat and what
medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as
are the souls who live under tyranny." - Thomas Jefferson
Five year update: The guy died, but nobody told Carole, so she assumes it worked. Also, "BIG PHARMA" (Ooh, scary) would have surpressed all knowledge of SODIUM BICARBONATE BEING A CURE OMG ITS A CONSPURRRACY

I know everyone is entitled to their opinions, but when a person's opinion is directly harmful to many, many others, don't civilized societies usually silence them for the greater good?

Like if there was someone going around telling children it was perfectly safe to drink drain cleaner, as his opinion, we'd lock them up for being a hazard to people who inherently aren't capable of knowing better.

Also, I don't trust any article that does not come from a respected university .edu link, on principle. I'll read it, but with the assumption that it is filled with lies and propaganda.

I do not understand why anyone would deliberately spread harmful misinformation, however, it seems like the behavior of a highly deranged individual.