Vaccination refusal: like putting a child on a freeway
(too old to reply)
2013-06-01 12:08:21 UTC

Emma Galliott 1st Jun 2013 12:00 PM

A PROMINENT doctor claims not vaccinating your child is as bad as
putting them in front of oncoming traffic.

Dr Graeme Burger, of Musgrave Street Medical Practice, made the comments
after the NSW government announced unvaccinated children could face
exclusion from childcare facilities.

"I do support the move to ban unvaccinated children from childcare," Dr
Burger said.

"No parent would let their child play in a road where they may be hit by
a car but it seems too many allow their children to be hit by
preventable and potentially deadly diseases."

The new laws would see childcare centres, which enrol unvaccinated
children without an approved exemption, hit with a $4000 fine.

It would also give the right for childcare centres to stop unvaccinated
kids being enrolled, unless their parents got an exception and attended

"It is every parent's first duty to protect their children from harm,"
Dr Burger said.

Dr Burger, who has delivered "a couple of thousand babies" said you only
had to watch a child die from whooping cough to see how tragic and
devastating it could be.

Health Minister Jillian Skinner, who introduced the legislation, agreed.

"Anyone who has seen a baby with whooping cough or a toddler with
measles, as I have, or spoken to a parent who has lost a child knows the
devastating consequences of failure to vaccinate," she said.

The legislation would deny children enrolment in childcare facilities if
parents or guardians cannot show proof of vaccination or provide an
approved exemption.

"The NSW Government is determined to protect our children," Mrs Skinner

"These changes send a very clear message to parents that their children
will need to be vaccinated to attend a childcare facility or they'll
need to get an approved exemption.

"This significantly tightens the rules around child immunisation, it
means those parents who have been reluctant to vaccinate will need to
consult a GP about their decision and be aware of the health risks."

Dr Burger said vaccination was important but did not offer a 100%

"Vaccination is not 100% perfect," he said.

"We achieve about an 80% total protection against the disease but 20%
can still contract the disease although a milder form."

He continued to say there has not been a death from whooping cough in a
fully immunised child.

"However unvaccinated children do still pose a risk to children who are
vaccinated," he said.

Dr Burger said about 10 years ago a medical paper suggested there was
link between the MMR vaccine, an immunisation vaccine against measles,
mumps, and rubella, and autism spectrum disease.

"This caused enormous concern in the medical community at the time," he

"This paper was subsequently shown to be fraudulent but not before an
enormous amount of damage had been done to the vaccination rates around
the world."

He said the damaged remained today "on the basis of fraud."

IThe new legislation passed without amendment on May 21, it will take
effect from January 1, 2014.
John H. Gohde
2013-06-01 13:57:28 UTC
Post by Dan
 Emma Galliott  1st Jun 2013 12:00 PM
A PROMINENT doctor claims not vaccinating your child is as bad as
putting them in front of oncoming traffic.
Dr Graeme Burger, of Musgrave Street Medical Practice, made the comments
after the NSW government announced unvaccinated children could face
exclusion from childcare facilities.
"I do support the move to ban unvaccinated children from childcare," Dr
Burger said.
"No parent would let their child play in a road where they may be hit by
a car but it seems too many allow their children to be hit by
preventable and potentially deadly diseases."
Here in the States, I am being bombarded with vaccine advertisements
on the radio.

If vaccines actually worked, there would be no need for these
advertisements. The use of advertisements by the vaccine industry
speaks well of the fraudulent nature of the vaccine industry.
2013-06-01 14:13:12 UTC
In article <f4dbabb5-9bdb-472e-bb70-
***@bz1g2000vbb.googlegroups.com>, ***@gmail.com
Post by John H. Gohde
Post by Dan
 Emma Galliott  1st Jun 2013 12:00 PM
A PROMINENT doctor claims not vaccinating your child is as bad as
putting them in front of oncoming traffic.
Dr Graeme Burger, of Musgrave Street Medical Practice, made the comments
after the NSW government announced unvaccinated children could face
exclusion from childcare facilities.
"I do support the move to ban unvaccinated children from childcare," Dr
Burger said.
"No parent would let their child play in a road where they may be hit by
a car but it seems too many allow their children to be hit by
preventable and potentially deadly diseases."
Here in the States, I am being bombarded with vaccine advertisements
on the radio.
If vaccines actually worked, there would be no need for these
advertisements. The use of advertisements by the vaccine industry
speaks well of the fraudulent nature of the vaccine industry.
So what your opinion on Homeopathy and other Alternative "Medicine" that
gets advertised?
John H. Gohde
2013-06-01 15:08:34 UTC
Post by Dan
In article <f4dbabb5-9bdb-472e-bb70-
Post by John H. Gohde
Post by Dan
 Emma Galliott  1st Jun 2013 12:00 PM
A PROMINENT doctor claims not vaccinating your child is as bad as
putting them in front of oncoming traffic.
Dr Graeme Burger, of Musgrave Street Medical Practice, made the comments
after the NSW government announced unvaccinated children could face
exclusion from childcare facilities.
"I do support the move to ban unvaccinated children from childcare," Dr
Burger said.
"No parent would let their child play in a road where they may be hit by
a car but it seems too many allow their children to be hit by
preventable and potentially deadly diseases."
Here in the States, I am being bombarded with vaccine advertisements
on the radio.
If vaccines actually worked, there would be no need for these
advertisements.   The use of advertisements by the vaccine industry
speaks well of the fraudulent nature of the vaccine industry.
So what your opinion on Homeopathy and other Alternative "Medicine" that
gets advertised?
What advertisements? Doesn't happen.

I am being hit with vaccine advertisements at least several times
2013-06-01 21:02:47 UTC
Post by John H. Gohde
Post by Dan
In article <f4dbabb5-9bdb-472e-bb70-
Post by John H. Gohde
Post by Dan
Emma Galliott 1st Jun 2013 12:00 PM
A PROMINENT doctor claims not vaccinating your child is as bad as
putting them in front of oncoming traffic.
Dr Graeme Burger, of Musgrave Street Medical Practice, made the comments
after the NSW government announced unvaccinated children could face
exclusion from childcare facilities.
"I do support the move to ban unvaccinated children from childcare," Dr
Burger said.
"No parent would let their child play in a road where they may be hit by
a car but it seems too many allow their children to be hit by
preventable and potentially deadly diseases."
Here in the States, I am being bombarded with vaccine advertisements
on the radio.
If vaccines actually worked, there would be no need for these
advertisements. The use of advertisements by the vaccine industry
speaks well of the fraudulent nature of the vaccine industry.
So what your opinion on Homeopathy and other Alternative "Medicine" that
gets advertised?
What advertisements? Doesn't happen.
I am being hit with vaccine advertisements at least several times
Then adjust the tin foil helmet you're obviously wearing
2013-06-03 02:37:39 UTC
Scientifically proven medicine!
Vaccines don't fall into that category but rather alternative medicine.

Why is it that all the double blind, peer review studies do not apply to

Happy Oyster
2013-06-03 02:39:52 UTC
Post by Eric
Scientifically proven medicine!
Vaccines don't fall into that category but rather alternative medicine.
Who says so?
Post by Eric
Why is it that all the double blind, peer review studies do not apply to
Who says so?
Crowd-funding is for money, crowd-publishing is for mankind.

John H. Gohde
2013-06-03 13:02:35 UTC
Disinformation Vaccine Alarmists Alert!

Vaccination - What the CDC Documents and Science Reveal, 2003, in a
one hour 47 minutes long detailed presentation of the anti-vaccination
evidence by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny.


It is called video. This is the New Millennium, after all. There is
NOT a damn thing wrong with using video to communicate to the public.
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny has dozens of shorter videos around the Internet
on essentially the same subject.
Disinformation Vaccine Alarmists Alert!
Happy Oyster
2013-06-04 02:00:48 UTC
On Mon, 3 Jun 2013 06:02:35 -0700 (PDT), "John H. Gohde"
There is NOT a damn thing wrong with using video to communicate to the public.
Disinformation Vaccine Alarmists Alert!
So how about videos from the CDC?

It is so easy to demonstrate John H Gohde is ... babbling nonsense.
Crowd-funding is for money, crowd-publishing is for mankind.

John H. Gohde
2013-06-04 09:47:01 UTC
Post by Happy Oyster
On Mon, 3 Jun 2013 06:02:35 -0700 (PDT), "John H. Gohde"
There is NOT a damn thing wrong with using video to communicate to the public.
Disinformation Vaccine Alarmists Alert!
So how about videos from the CDC?
It is so easy to demonstrate John H Gohde is ... babbling nonsense.
Science Imbeciles Identifying Themselves Alert!
John H. Gohde
2013-06-05 12:55:41 UTC
Post by John H. Gohde
Disinformation Vaccine Alarmists Alert!
Vaccination - What the CDC Documents and Science Reveal, 2003, in a
one hour 47 minutes long detailed presentation of the anti-vaccination
evidence by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny.
It is called video.  This is the New Millennium, after all. There is
NOT a damn thing wrong with using video to communicate to the public.
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny has dozens of shorter videos around the Internet
on essentially the same subject.
Disinformation Vaccine Alarmists Alert!
Worth repeating ...
John H. Gohde
2013-06-06 13:17:46 UTC
Watching a 2 hour long video is NOT necessary at all.

I was able to put the important concepts into just a few hundred


Unfortunately, the sole YouTube video that nailed the topic, in just a
few minutes, barred their vid from being embedded in HTML coding. So
here it is.

Happy Oyster
2013-06-01 14:27:02 UTC
On Sat, 1 Jun 2013 06:57:28 -0700 (PDT), "John H. Gohde"
Post by John H. Gohde
If vaccines actually worked, there would be no need for these
That is idiotic bullshit. It is idiots like John H. Gohde who sabotage
the healthcare system.
Crowd-funding is for money, crowd-publishing is for mankind.

John H. Gohde
2013-06-01 15:10:07 UTC
Post by Happy Oyster
On Sat, 1 Jun 2013 06:57:28 -0700 (PDT), "John H. Gohde"
Post by John H. Gohde
If vaccines actually worked, there would be no need for these
That is idiotic bullshit. It is idiots like John H. Gohde who sabotage
the healthcare system.
What healthcare system? You speak with a Forked Tongue. You mean the
"Disease Maintenance System," don't you?
Happy Oyster
2013-06-01 21:30:13 UTC
On Sat, 1 Jun 2013 08:10:07 -0700 (PDT), "John H. Gohde"
Post by John H. Gohde
Post by Happy Oyster
On Sat, 1 Jun 2013 06:57:28 -0700 (PDT), "John H. Gohde"
Post by John H. Gohde
If vaccines actually worked, there would be no need for these
That is idiotic bullshit. It is idiots like John H. Gohde who sabotage
the healthcare system.
What healthcare system? You speak with a Forked Tongue. You mean the
"Disease Maintenance System," don't you?
This is one more proof for the disturbed mind of John H. Gohde.
Crowd-funding is for money, crowd-publishing is for mankind.

2013-06-01 16:09:42 UTC
In article <***@4ax.com>, -*-****@.*-*-
Post by Happy Oyster
On Sat, 1 Jun 2013 06:57:28 -0700 (PDT), "John H. Gohde"
Post by John H. Gohde
If vaccines actually worked, there would be no need for these
That is idiotic bullshit. It is idiots like John H. Gohde who sabotage
the healthcare system.
Yep, these anti-vaxxers seem to derive some sort of pleasure from pain
and suffering.
Bob Casanova
2013-06-01 19:19:27 UTC
On Sun, 2 Jun 2013 00:09:42 +0800, the following appeared in
Post by Dan
Post by Happy Oyster
On Sat, 1 Jun 2013 06:57:28 -0700 (PDT), "John H. Gohde"
Post by John H. Gohde
If vaccines actually worked, there would be no need for these
That is idiotic bullshit. It is idiots like John H. Gohde who sabotage
the healthcare system.
Yep, these anti-vaxxers seem to derive some sort of pleasure from pain
and suffering.
It's not necessary to postulate malice for that which can be
explained by willful ignorance and stupidity combined with
gullibility; John is a perfect example of this.
Bob C.

"The most exciting phrase to hear in science,
the one that heralds new discoveries, is not
'Eureka!' but 'That's funny...'"

- Isaac Asimov
John H. Gohde
2013-06-01 19:21:43 UTC
Here in the States, I am being bombarded with vaccine advertisements
on the radio constantly.

If vaccines actually worked, then there would be no need for these
advertisements. The use of advertisements by the vaccine industry
speaks well of the fraudulent nature of the vaccine industry.

They figure that if you repeat the same lie long enough and and often
enough some uninformed people might actually buy it.
John H. Gohde
2013-06-07 23:43:35 UTC
There is nothing wrong with your computer monitor. Do not attempt to
adjust the screen. I am controlling transmission. I can change the
focus to a soft blur or sharpen it to crystal clarity. For the next
few minutes, sit quietly and try to focus on all that you can see and
hear. Repeat to yourself: I am no longer in the land of the Science
Psychos. Tell yourself: There is nothing wrong with my monitor. The
problem is NOT in my mind, but in that dumb primary preventive service
called vaccination.


P.S.: That picture at the top of the article is way to big. It is
that way because of a Facebook bug. I am in control. The size of
that picture will be reduced in half, some time tomorrow. Why?
Because moi is ALWAYS in in control.

John H. Gohde
2013-06-01 19:14:25 UTC
Here in the States, I am being bombarded with vaccine advertisements
on the radio constantly.

If vaccines actually worked, then there would be no need for these
advertisements. The use of advertisements by the vaccine industry
speaks well of the fraudulent nature of the vaccine industry.

They figure that if you repeat the same lie long enough and and often
enough some uninformed people might actually buy it.
Sylvia Else
2013-06-02 06:20:34 UTC
Post by John H. Gohde
Here in the States, I am being bombarded with vaccine advertisements
on the radio constantly.
If vaccines actually worked, then there would be no need for these
advertisements. The use of advertisements by the vaccine industry
speaks well of the fraudulent nature of the vaccine industry.
The purpose of advertisments generally is to persuade people to acquire
things they wouldn't otherwise acquire, either at all, or from the
particular advertiser rather than from another supplier. There is, after
all, no point in spending money persuading someone to acquire something
they'd have acquired from the advertiser anyway.

If a vaccine actually works (to the extent claimed by the health
authories, which is to say, not 100%), and most people are vaccinated,
then the disease in question is rarely seen.

Why, in the absence of information, would a parent seek vaccination for
a disease that they don't see? The answer, of course, is that they
wouldn't. However, ex-hypothesi, the reason the parents don't see the
disease is that the vaccine works, which means that the only way to keep
the disease at bay is to persuade parents to vaccinate against a disease
they don't see. That is, by providing them with appropriate information.
That is the role played by the advertisements.

2013-06-02 07:15:42 UTC
Post by Sylvia Else
Post by John H. Gohde
Here in the States, I am being bombarded with vaccine advertisements
on the radio constantly.
If vaccines actually worked, then there would be no need for these
advertisements. The use of advertisements by the vaccine industry
speaks well of the fraudulent nature of the vaccine industry.
The purpose of advertisments generally is to persuade people to acquire
things they wouldn't otherwise acquire, either at all, or from the
particular advertiser rather than from another supplier. There is, after
all, no point in spending money persuading someone to acquire something
they'd have acquired from the advertiser anyway.
If a vaccine actually works (to the extent claimed by the health
authories, which is to say, not 100%), and most people are vaccinated,
then the disease in question is rarely seen.
Why, in the absence of information, would a parent seek vaccination for
a disease that they don't see? The answer, of course, is that they
wouldn't. However, ex-hypothesi, the reason the parents don't see the
disease is that the vaccine works, which means that the only way to keep
the disease at bay is to persuade parents to vaccinate against a disease
they don't see. That is, by providing them with appropriate information.
That is the role played by the advertisements.
Those who argue against vaccinations should all get polio from not being
vaccinated against it.

The incidence of polio is effectively zero in those nations requiring
vaccination against it for all children and only remains scourge in
those nations where not requiring vaccination against it.
Sylvia Else
2013-06-02 08:47:35 UTC
Post by Virgil
Post by Sylvia Else
Post by John H. Gohde
Here in the States, I am being bombarded with vaccine advertisements
on the radio constantly.
If vaccines actually worked, then there would be no need for these
advertisements. The use of advertisements by the vaccine industry
speaks well of the fraudulent nature of the vaccine industry.
The purpose of advertisments generally is to persuade people to acquire
things they wouldn't otherwise acquire, either at all, or from the
particular advertiser rather than from another supplier. There is, after
all, no point in spending money persuading someone to acquire something
they'd have acquired from the advertiser anyway.
If a vaccine actually works (to the extent claimed by the health
authories, which is to say, not 100%), and most people are vaccinated,
then the disease in question is rarely seen.
Why, in the absence of information, would a parent seek vaccination for
a disease that they don't see? The answer, of course, is that they
wouldn't. However, ex-hypothesi, the reason the parents don't see the
disease is that the vaccine works, which means that the only way to keep
the disease at bay is to persuade parents to vaccinate against a disease
they don't see. That is, by providing them with appropriate information.
That is the role played by the advertisements.
Those who argue against vaccinations should all get polio from not being
vaccinated against it.
The incidence of polio is effectively zero in those nations requiring
vaccination against it for all children and only remains scourge in
those nations where not requiring vaccination against it.
The puzzling thing is the arguments used against it. John Gohde has
posted his advertising argument a couple of times within the past day
despite its obvious flaws.

Other arguments for non-effectiveness have been based on the fact that a
particular place sees more infections amongst vaccinated people than
amongst non-vaccinated people. In fact, this is generally to be expected
in places with a high penetration of vaccination with 100% vaccination
rate, *all* cases would be in vaccinated people), and it's hard to
understand why the argument is offered.

At times, I find it difficult to believe that posters don't realise the
fallacy in their positions. My suspicion is that they're being knowingly
intellectually dishonest in order to push a certain agenda, though that
doesn't explain why they'd want to push it in the first place.

We continue to see people asking why the vaccinators should care if
other people are not vaccinated, and the reasonable explanation seems to
be consistently ignored.

Claims of a conspiracy to suppress knowledge of adverse effects from
vaccination are hard to sustain when details are published on government
web sites, such as


but that doesn't stop the claims.

<head shaking/>

John H. Gohde
2013-06-02 08:50:33 UTC
Post by Sylvia Else
Post by John H. Gohde
Here in the States, I am being bombarded with vaccine advertisements
on the radio constantly.
If vaccines actually worked, then there would be no need for these
advertisements.   The use of advertisements by the vaccine industry
speaks well of the fraudulent nature of the vaccine industry.
The purpose of advertisments generally is to persuade people to acquire
things they wouldn't otherwise acquire, either at all, or from the
particular advertiser rather than from another supplier. There is, after
all, no point in spending money persuading someone to acquire something
they'd have acquired from the advertiser anyway.
If a vaccine actually works (to the extent claimed by the health
authories, which is to say, not 100%), and most people are vaccinated,
then the disease in question is rarely seen.
Why, in the absence of information, would a parent seek vaccination for
a disease that they don't see? The answer, of course, is that they
wouldn't. However, ex-hypothesi, the reason the parents don't see the
disease is that the vaccine works, which means that the only way to keep
the disease at bay is to persuade parents to vaccinate against a disease
they don't see. That is, by providing them with appropriate information.
That is the role played by the advertisements.
Total Bull Alert!

The purpose of Advertisement is to trick people into wasting their
money. However in the case of the vaccine industry, the purspose of
vaccines is to make money for the vaccine industry while totally
destroying their health.

Vaccines are nothing but a total pack of lies.

The CDC's only data shows that vaccines don't work, don't do what the
advertisements claim, and they most certainly do NOT protect anybody,
from anything.
Sylvia Else
2013-06-02 09:21:53 UTC
Post by John H. Gohde
Post by Sylvia Else
Post by John H. Gohde
Here in the States, I am being bombarded with vaccine advertisements
on the radio constantly.
If vaccines actually worked, then there would be no need for these
advertisements. The use of advertisements by the vaccine industry
speaks well of the fraudulent nature of the vaccine industry.
The purpose of advertisments generally is to persuade people to acquire
things they wouldn't otherwise acquire, either at all, or from the
particular advertiser rather than from another supplier. There is, after
all, no point in spending money persuading someone to acquire something
they'd have acquired from the advertiser anyway.
If a vaccine actually works (to the extent claimed by the health
authories, which is to say, not 100%), and most people are vaccinated,
then the disease in question is rarely seen.
Why, in the absence of information, would a parent seek vaccination for
a disease that they don't see? The answer, of course, is that they
wouldn't. However, ex-hypothesi, the reason the parents don't see the
disease is that the vaccine works, which means that the only way to keep
the disease at bay is to persuade parents to vaccinate against a disease
they don't see. That is, by providing them with appropriate information.
That is the role played by the advertisements.
Total Bull Alert!
The purpose of Advertisement is to trick people into wasting their
However in the case of the vaccine industry, the purspose of
vaccines is to make money for the vaccine industry while totally
destroying their health.
I've had a good many vaccinations in my time. My health does not appear
to have been destroyed.
Post by John H. Gohde
Vaccines are nothing but a total pack of lies.
The CDC's only data shows that vaccines don't work
Really? You can cite that data?
Post by John H. Gohde
, don't do what the
advertisements claim, and they most certainly do NOT protect anybody,
from anything.
How then to explain the very strong correlation between the use of
widespread vaccination and the disappearance of diseases, and then a
like correlation where vaccination rates drop and the diseases reappear?

How to explain the eradication of smallpox?

I went through measles, chikenpox, rubella and mumps as a child, and
there was nothing remarkable about that at the time - most people did,
because there were no vaccinations against them. How to explain the
rareness of those diseases now if not because of vaccination?

Oh, and because I had chikenpox, I'm now considering getting vaccinated
against shingles, which, if I hadn't have chickenpox, I'd not be in
danger of getting.

John H. Gohde
2013-06-02 11:28:54 UTC
Post by Sylvia Else
Post by John H. Gohde
Post by Sylvia Else
Post by John H. Gohde
Here in the States, I am being bombarded with vaccine advertisements
on the radio constantly.
If vaccines actually worked, then there would be no need for these
advertisements.   The use of advertisements by the vaccine industry
speaks well of the fraudulent nature of the vaccine industry.
The purpose of advertisments generally is to persuade people to acquire
things they wouldn't otherwise acquire, either at all, or from the
particular advertiser rather than from another supplier. There is, after
all, no point in spending money persuading someone to acquire something
they'd have acquired from the advertiser anyway.
If a vaccine actually works (to the extent claimed by the health
authories, which is to say, not 100%), and most people are vaccinated,
then the disease in question is rarely seen.
Why, in the absence of information, would a parent seek vaccination for
a disease that they don't see? The answer, of course, is that they
wouldn't. However, ex-hypothesi, the reason the parents don't see the
disease is that the vaccine works, which means that the only way to keep
the disease at bay is to persuade parents to vaccinate against a disease
they don't see. That is, by providing them with appropriate information.
That is the role played by the advertisements.
Total Bull Alert!
The purpose of Advertisement is to trick people into wasting their
However in the case of the vaccine industry, the purspose of
vaccines is to make money for the vaccine industry while totally
destroying their health.
I've had a good many vaccinations in my time. My health does not appear
to have been destroyed.
Post by John H. Gohde
Vaccines are nothing but a total pack of lies.
The CDC's only data shows that vaccines don't work
Really? You can cite that data?
Yep! So, what is YOUR problem. All you have to do is check out their
site, Dumb Ass.
Post by Sylvia Else
Post by John H. Gohde
, don't do what the
advertisements claim, and they most certainly do NOT protect anybody,
from anything.
How then to explain the very strong correlation between the use of
widespread vaccination and the disappearance of diseases, and then a
like correlation where vaccination rates drop and the diseases reappear?
How to explain the eradication of smallpox?
I went through measles, chikenpox, rubella and mumps as a child, and
there was nothing remarkable about that at the time - most people did,
because there were no vaccinations against them. How to explain the
rareness of those diseases now if not because of vaccination?
Oh, and because I had chikenpox, I'm now considering getting vaccinated
against shingles, which, if I hadn't have chickenpox, I'd not be in
danger of getting.
Disinformation Vaccine Alarmists Alert!
Sylvia Else
2013-06-02 12:16:58 UTC
Post by John H. Gohde
Post by Sylvia Else
Post by John H. Gohde
Post by Sylvia Else
Post by John H. Gohde
Here in the States, I am being bombarded with vaccine advertisements
on the radio constantly.
If vaccines actually worked, then there would be no need for these
advertisements. The use of advertisements by the vaccine industry
speaks well of the fraudulent nature of the vaccine industry.
The purpose of advertisments generally is to persuade people to acquire
things they wouldn't otherwise acquire, either at all, or from the
particular advertiser rather than from another supplier. There is, after
all, no point in spending money persuading someone to acquire something
they'd have acquired from the advertiser anyway.
If a vaccine actually works (to the extent claimed by the health
authories, which is to say, not 100%), and most people are vaccinated,
then the disease in question is rarely seen.
Why, in the absence of information, would a parent seek vaccination for
a disease that they don't see? The answer, of course, is that they
wouldn't. However, ex-hypothesi, the reason the parents don't see the
disease is that the vaccine works, which means that the only way to keep
the disease at bay is to persuade parents to vaccinate against a disease
they don't see. That is, by providing them with appropriate information.
That is the role played by the advertisements.
Total Bull Alert!
The purpose of Advertisement is to trick people into wasting their
However in the case of the vaccine industry, the purspose of
vaccines is to make money for the vaccine industry while totally
destroying their health.
I've had a good many vaccinations in my time. My health does not appear
to have been destroyed.
Post by John H. Gohde
Vaccines are nothing but a total pack of lies.
The CDC's only data shows that vaccines don't work
Really? You can cite that data?
Yep! So, what is YOUR problem. All you have to do is check out their
site, Dumb Ass.
It's strange how often people claim that data exists, but then get
abusive when asked to point to it. So what do I search for on their
site? "Evidence that vaccines don't work"?

You claim to know the data is there. Presumably you know where.
Apparently you want to support your position using the data. How hard
can it be for you to provide a link? Why wouldn't you?

My natural suspicion is that you're just quoting something you've
heard/read elsewhere, and have no direct knowledge of the availability
of the data. My obvious further suspicion is that there is no such data.
Prove me wrong!

John H. Gohde
2013-06-02 13:24:39 UTC
Post by Sylvia Else
Post by Sylvia Else
Post by John H. Gohde
Post by Sylvia Else
Post by John H. Gohde
Here in the States, I am being bombarded with vaccine advertisements
on the radio constantly.
If vaccines actually worked, then there would be no need for these
advertisements.   The use of advertisements by the vaccine industry
speaks well of the fraudulent nature of the vaccine industry.
The purpose of advertisments generally is to persuade people to acquire
things they wouldn't otherwise acquire, either at all, or from the
particular advertiser rather than from another supplier. There is, after
all, no point in spending money persuading someone to acquire something
they'd have acquired from the advertiser anyway.
If a vaccine actually works (to the extent claimed by the health
authories, which is to say, not 100%), and most people are vaccinated,
then the disease in question is rarely seen.
Why, in the absence of information, would a parent seek vaccination for
a disease that they don't see? The answer, of course, is that they
wouldn't. However, ex-hypothesi, the reason the parents don't see the
disease is that the vaccine works, which means that the only way to keep
the disease at bay is to persuade parents to vaccinate against a disease
they don't see. That is, by providing them with appropriate information.
That is the role played by the advertisements.
Total Bull Alert!
The purpose of Advertisement is to trick people into wasting their
However in the case of the vaccine industry, the purspose of
vaccines is to make money for the vaccine industry while totally
destroying their health.
I've had a good many vaccinations in my time. My health does not appear
to have been destroyed.
Post by John H. Gohde
Vaccines are nothing but a total pack of lies.
The CDC's only data shows that vaccines don't work
Really? You can cite that data?
Yep!  So, what is YOUR problem. All you have to do is check out their
site, Dumb Ass.
It's strange how often people claim that data exists, but then get
abusive when asked to point to it. So what do I search for on their
site? "Evidence that vaccines don't work"?
You claim to know the data is there. Presumably you know where.
Apparently you want to support your position using the data. How hard
can it be for you to provide a link? Why wouldn't you?
My natural suspicion is that you're just quoting something you've
heard/read elsewhere, and have no direct knowledge of the availability
of the data. My obvious further suspicion is that there is no such data.
Prove me wrong!
Disinformation Vaccine Alarmists Alert!

YOU could always try using what is left of YOUR brain.

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny comes to my mind, right off the bat.

Youtube video: Vaccinations, What the CDC Documents and Science
Reveal 2003, one hour 46 minutes long.

Sylvia Else
2013-06-02 14:22:18 UTC
Post by John H. Gohde
Post by Sylvia Else
Post by John H. Gohde
Post by Sylvia Else
Post by John H. Gohde
Post by Sylvia Else
Post by John H. Gohde
Here in the States, I am being bombarded with vaccine advertisements
on the radio constantly.
If vaccines actually worked, then there would be no need for these
advertisements. The use of advertisements by the vaccine industry
speaks well of the fraudulent nature of the vaccine industry.
The purpose of advertisments generally is to persuade people to acquire
things they wouldn't otherwise acquire, either at all, or from the
particular advertiser rather than from another supplier. There is, after
all, no point in spending money persuading someone to acquire something
they'd have acquired from the advertiser anyway.
If a vaccine actually works (to the extent claimed by the health
authories, which is to say, not 100%), and most people are vaccinated,
then the disease in question is rarely seen.
Why, in the absence of information, would a parent seek vaccination for
a disease that they don't see? The answer, of course, is that they
wouldn't. However, ex-hypothesi, the reason the parents don't see the
disease is that the vaccine works, which means that the only way to keep
the disease at bay is to persuade parents to vaccinate against a disease
they don't see. That is, by providing them with appropriate information.
That is the role played by the advertisements.
Total Bull Alert!
The purpose of Advertisement is to trick people into wasting their
However in the case of the vaccine industry, the purspose of
vaccines is to make money for the vaccine industry while totally
destroying their health.
I've had a good many vaccinations in my time. My health does not appear
to have been destroyed.
Post by John H. Gohde
Vaccines are nothing but a total pack of lies.
The CDC's only data shows that vaccines don't work
Really? You can cite that data?
Yep! So, what is YOUR problem. All you have to do is check out their
site, Dumb Ass.
It's strange how often people claim that data exists, but then get
abusive when asked to point to it. So what do I search for on their
site? "Evidence that vaccines don't work"?
You claim to know the data is there. Presumably you know where.
Apparently you want to support your position using the data. How hard
can it be for you to provide a link? Why wouldn't you?
My natural suspicion is that you're just quoting something you've
heard/read elsewhere, and have no direct knowledge of the availability
of the data. My obvious further suspicion is that there is no such data.
Prove me wrong!
Disinformation Vaccine Alarmists Alert!
YOU could always try using what is left of YOUR brain.
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny comes to my mind, right off the bat.
Youtube video: Vaccinations, What the CDC Documents and Science
Reveal 2003, one hour 46 minutes long.
As pointed out in another thread, that's not data on the CDC site, but a
youtube video that could easily be a work of total fiction.

John H. Gohde
2013-06-02 14:28:17 UTC
Post by Sylvia Else
Post by John H. Gohde
Post by Sylvia Else
Post by Sylvia Else
Post by John H. Gohde
Post by Sylvia Else
Post by John H. Gohde
Here in the States, I am being bombarded with vaccine advertisements
on the radio constantly.
If vaccines actually worked, then there would be no need for these
advertisements.   The use of advertisements by the vaccine industry
speaks well of the fraudulent nature of the vaccine industry.
The purpose of advertisments generally is to persuade people to acquire
things they wouldn't otherwise acquire, either at all, or from the
particular advertiser rather than from another supplier. There is, after
all, no point in spending money persuading someone to acquire something
they'd have acquired from the advertiser anyway.
If a vaccine actually works (to the extent claimed by the health
authories, which is to say, not 100%), and most people are vaccinated,
then the disease in question is rarely seen.
Why, in the absence of information, would a parent seek vaccination for
a disease that they don't see? The answer, of course, is that they
wouldn't. However, ex-hypothesi, the reason the parents don't see the
disease is that the vaccine works, which means that the only way to keep
the disease at bay is to persuade parents to vaccinate against a disease
they don't see. That is, by providing them with appropriate information.
That is the role played by the advertisements.
Total Bull Alert!
The purpose of Advertisement is to trick people into wasting their
However in the case of the vaccine industry, the purspose of
vaccines is to make money for the vaccine industry while totally
destroying their health.
I've had a good many vaccinations in my time. My health does not appear
to have been destroyed.
Post by John H. Gohde
Vaccines are nothing but a total pack of lies.
The CDC's only data shows that vaccines don't work
Really? You can cite that data?
Yep!  So, what is YOUR problem. All you have to do is check out their
site, Dumb Ass.
It's strange how often people claim that data exists, but then get
abusive when asked to point to it. So what do I search for on their
site? "Evidence that vaccines don't work"?
You claim to know the data is there. Presumably you know where.
Apparently you want to support your position using the data. How hard
can it be for you to provide a link? Why wouldn't you?
My natural suspicion is that you're just quoting something you've
heard/read elsewhere, and have no direct knowledge of the availability
of the data. My obvious further suspicion is that there is no such data.
Prove me wrong!
Disinformation Vaccine Alarmists Alert!
YOU could always try using what is left of YOUR brain.
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny comes to my mind, right off the bat.
Youtube video:  Vaccinations, What the CDC Documents and Science
Reveal 2003, one hour 46 minutes long.
As pointed out in another thread, that's not data on the CDC site, but a
youtube video that could easily be a work of total fiction.
Bite Me, Fossil!

I just proved to all who will watch this vid that Sylvia is an Ass.

This is the New Millennium. It is about time that dated Fossil's like
Sylvia figured it out.

Signing out for more productive endeavors ...
2013-06-02 22:38:49 UTC
Post by Sylvia Else
Post by John H. Gohde
Post by Sylvia Else
Post by John H. Gohde
Post by Sylvia Else
Post by John H. Gohde
Post by Sylvia Else
Post by John H. Gohde
Here in the States, I am being bombarded with vaccine
on the radio constantly.
If vaccines actually worked, then there would be no need for these
advertisements. The use of advertisements by the vaccine industry
speaks well of the fraudulent nature of the vaccine industry.
The purpose of advertisments generally is to persuade
people to acquire things they wouldn't otherwise acquire,
either at all, or from the particular advertiser rather
than from another supplier. There is, after all, no point
in spending money persuading someone to acquire
something they'd have acquired from the advertiser
If a vaccine actually works (to the extent claimed by the
health authories, which is to say, not 100%), and most
people are vaccinated, then the disease in question is
rarely seen.
Why, in the absence of information, would a parent seek
vaccination for a disease that they don't see? The
answer, of course, is that they wouldn't. However,
ex-hypothesi, the reason the parents don't see the
disease is that the vaccine works, which means that the
only way to keep the disease at bay is to persuade
parents to vaccinate against a disease they don't see.
That is, by providing them with appropriate information.
That is the role played by the advertisements.
Total Bull Alert!
The purpose of Advertisement is to trick people into wasting their
However in the case of the vaccine industry, the purspose of
vaccines is to make money for the vaccine industry while totally
destroying their health.
I've had a good many vaccinations in my time. My health does not appear
to have been destroyed.
Post by John H. Gohde
Vaccines are nothing but a total pack of lies.
The CDC's only data shows that vaccines don't work
Really? You can cite that data?
Yep! So, what is YOUR problem. All you have to do is check out their
site, Dumb Ass.
It's strange how often people claim that data exists, but then get
abusive when asked to point to it. So what do I search for on their
site? "Evidence that vaccines don't work"?
You claim to know the data is there. Presumably you know where.
Apparently you want to support your position using the data. How hard
can it be for you to provide a link? Why wouldn't you?
My natural suspicion is that you're just quoting something you've
heard/read elsewhere, and have no direct knowledge of the availability
of the data. My obvious further suspicion is that there is no such data.
Prove me wrong!
Disinformation Vaccine Alarmists Alert!
YOU could always try using what is left of YOUR brain.
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny comes to my mind, right off the bat.
Youtube video: Vaccinations, What the CDC Documents and Science
Reveal 2003, one hour 46 minutes long.
As pointed out in another thread, that's not data on the CDC site,
but a youtube video that could easily be a work of total fiction.
Odd John doesn't understand how youtube works.
"Men are bullies, they start and conduct all the wars.
All pedophiles and rapists are men. Practically all
murderers and criminals are men. All secret societies
that plot against the world are populated by men. All
big corporations that rob and loot the world's resources
are run by men." - carole hubbard the misandrist
Message-ID: <5tehl.16405$***@news-server.bigpond.net.au>
Bob Casanova
2013-06-03 17:43:17 UTC
On Sun, 02 Jun 2013 18:38:49 -0400, the following appeared
in sci.skeptic, posted by Woody

Post by Woody
Odd John doesn't understand how youtube works.
I suspect you could substitute just about anything even
semi-technical for "youtube" without invalidating that
Bob C.

"The most exciting phrase to hear in science,
the one that heralds new discoveries, is not
'Eureka!' but 'That's funny...'"

- Isaac Asimov
2013-06-03 18:02:49 UTC
Post by Bob Casanova
On Sun, 02 Jun 2013 18:38:49 -0400, the following appeared
in sci.skeptic, posted by Woody
Post by Woody
Odd John doesn't understand how youtube works.
I suspect you could substitute just about anything even
semi-technical for "youtube" without invalidating that
"Men are bullies, they start and conduct all the wars.
All pedophiles and rapists are men. Practically all
murderers and criminals are men. All secret societies
that plot against the world are populated by men. All
big corporations that rob and loot the world's resources
are run by men." - carole hubbard the misandrist
Message-ID: <5tehl.16405$***@news-server.bigpond.net.au>
John H. Gohde
2013-06-04 09:46:41 UTC
Post by Woody
Post by Bob Casanova
On Sun, 02 Jun 2013 18:38:49 -0400, the following appeared
in sci.skeptic, posted by Woody
Post by Woody
Odd John doesn't understand how youtube works.
I suspect you could substitute just about anything even
semi-technical for "youtube" without invalidating that
Science Imbeciles Identifying Themselves Alert!
Bob Casanova
2013-06-02 17:45:46 UTC
On Sun, 2 Jun 2013 06:24:39 -0700 (PDT), the following
appeared in sci.skeptic, posted by "John H. Gohde"
Post by John H. Gohde
Post by Sylvia Else
Post by Sylvia Else
Post by John H. Gohde
Post by Sylvia Else
Post by John H. Gohde
Here in the States, I am being bombarded with vaccine advertisements
on the radio constantly.
If vaccines actually worked, then there would be no need for these
advertisements.   The use of advertisements by the vaccine industry
speaks well of the fraudulent nature of the vaccine industry.
The purpose of advertisments generally is to persuade people to acquire
things they wouldn't otherwise acquire, either at all, or from the
particular advertiser rather than from another supplier. There is, after
all, no point in spending money persuading someone to acquire something
they'd have acquired from the advertiser anyway.
If a vaccine actually works (to the extent claimed by the health
authories, which is to say, not 100%), and most people are vaccinated,
then the disease in question is rarely seen.
Why, in the absence of information, would a parent seek vaccination for
a disease that they don't see? The answer, of course, is that they
wouldn't. However, ex-hypothesi, the reason the parents don't see the
disease is that the vaccine works, which means that the only way to keep
the disease at bay is to persuade parents to vaccinate against a disease
they don't see. That is, by providing them with appropriate information.
That is the role played by the advertisements.
Total Bull Alert!
The purpose of Advertisement is to trick people into wasting their
However in the case of the vaccine industry, the purspose of
vaccines is to make money for the vaccine industry while totally
destroying their health.
I've had a good many vaccinations in my time. My health does not appear
to have been destroyed.
Post by John H. Gohde
Vaccines are nothing but a total pack of lies.
The CDC's only data shows that vaccines don't work
Really? You can cite that data?
Yep!  So, what is YOUR problem. All you have to do is check out their
site, Dumb Ass.
It's strange how often people claim that data exists, but then get
abusive when asked to point to it. So what do I search for on their
site? "Evidence that vaccines don't work"?
You claim to know the data is there. Presumably you know where.
Apparently you want to support your position using the data. How hard
can it be for you to provide a link? Why wouldn't you?
My natural suspicion is that you're just quoting something you've
heard/read elsewhere, and have no direct knowledge of the availability
of the data. My obvious further suspicion is that there is no such data.
Prove me wrong!
Disinformation Vaccine Alarmists Alert!
Thanks for alerting us to your attempted disinformation
below, although it wasn't really necessary.
Post by John H. Gohde
YOU could always try using what is left of YOUR brain.
No cite to the CDC data there...
Post by John H. Gohde
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny comes to my mind, right off the bat.
...and no cite to the CDC data there...
Post by John H. Gohde
Youtube video: Vaccinations, What the CDC Documents and Science
Reveal 2003, one hour 46 minutes long.
...and no cite to the CDC data there.

That's three strikes, and you're out.
Bob C.

"The most exciting phrase to hear in science,
the one that heralds new discoveries, is not
'Eureka!' but 'That's funny...'"

- Isaac Asimov
John H. Gohde
2013-06-02 20:23:29 UTC
Post by Bob Casanova
On Sun, 2 Jun 2013 06:24:39 -0700 (PDT), the following
appeared in sci.skeptic, posted by "John H. Gohde"
Post by John H. Gohde
Post by Sylvia Else
Post by Sylvia Else
Post by John H. Gohde
Post by Sylvia Else
Post by John H. Gohde
Here in the States, I am being bombarded with vaccine advertisements
on the radio constantly.
If vaccines actually worked, then there would be no need for these
advertisements.   The use of advertisements by the vaccine industry
speaks well of the fraudulent nature of the vaccine industry.
The purpose of advertisments generally is to persuade people to acquire
things they wouldn't otherwise acquire, either at all, or from the
particular advertiser rather than from another supplier. There is, after
all, no point in spending money persuading someone to acquire something
they'd have acquired from the advertiser anyway.
If a vaccine actually works (to the extent claimed by the health
authories, which is to say, not 100%), and most people are vaccinated,
then the disease in question is rarely seen.
Why, in the absence of information, would a parent seek vaccination for
a disease that they don't see? The answer, of course, is that they
wouldn't. However, ex-hypothesi, the reason the parents don't see the
disease is that the vaccine works, which means that the only way to keep
the disease at bay is to persuade parents to vaccinate against a disease
they don't see. That is, by providing them with appropriate information.
That is the role played by the advertisements.
Total Bull Alert!
The purpose of Advertisement is to trick people into wasting their
However in the case of the vaccine industry, the purspose of
vaccines is to make money for the vaccine industry while totally
destroying their health.
I've had a good many vaccinations in my time. My health does not appear
to have been destroyed.
Post by John H. Gohde
Vaccines are nothing but a total pack of lies.
The CDC's only data shows that vaccines don't work
Really? You can cite that data?
Yep!  So, what is YOUR problem. All you have to do is check out their
site, Dumb Ass.
It's strange how often people claim that data exists, but then get
abusive when asked to point to it. So what do I search for on their
site? "Evidence that vaccines don't work"?
You claim to know the data is there. Presumably you know where.
Apparently you want to support your position using the data. How hard
can it be for you to provide a link? Why wouldn't you?
My natural suspicion is that you're just quoting something you've
heard/read elsewhere, and have no direct knowledge of the availability
of the data. My obvious further suspicion is that there is no such data.
Prove me wrong!
Disinformation Vaccine Alarmists Alert!
Thanks for alerting us to your attempted disinformation
below, although it wasn't really necessary.
Post by John H. Gohde
YOU could always try using what is left of YOUR brain.
No cite to the CDC data there...
Post by John H. Gohde
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny comes to my mind, right off the bat.
...and no cite to the CDC data there...
Post by John H. Gohde
Youtube video:  Vaccinations, What the CDC Documents and Science
Reveal 2003, one hour 46 minutes long.
...and no cite to the CDC data there.
That's three strikes, and you're out.
Bob C.
It is called video, Bob. You know, where the pictures actually move,
and talk.

NOT a damn thing wrong with a 2 hour long YouTube video, unless of
course you are a Dated Fossil suffering from earlier onset age-related

NOT to mention the fact that NOT everybody can even upload a video
that is longer than 10 or 15 minutes on YouTube. Of course, fossils
like you wouldn't even be aware the little details. Heck, if Bob got
ran over by a Mack Truck, I would rather doubt that he would even be
aware of what just happen to him. due to his dementia.

Sorry, but my time is way too valuable to be wasting it on a living
Netherlander Fossil.

I have fully embraced the New Millennium, unlike Bob.

YOUR kind has my condolences.
Bob Casanova
2013-06-03 17:41:15 UTC
On Sun, 2 Jun 2013 13:23:29 -0700 (PDT), the following
appeared in sci.skeptic, posted by "John H. Gohde"
Post by Bob Casanova
On Sun, 2 Jun 2013 06:24:39 -0700 (PDT), the following
appeared in sci.skeptic, posted by "John H. Gohde"
Post by John H. Gohde
Post by Sylvia Else
Post by Sylvia Else
Post by John H. Gohde
Post by Sylvia Else
Post by John H. Gohde
Here in the States, I am being bombarded with vaccine advertisements
on the radio constantly.
If vaccines actually worked, then there would be no need for these
advertisements.   The use of advertisements by the vaccine industry
speaks well of the fraudulent nature of the vaccine industry.
The purpose of advertisments generally is to persuade people to acquire
things they wouldn't otherwise acquire, either at all, or from the
particular advertiser rather than from another supplier. There is, after
all, no point in spending money persuading someone to acquire something
they'd have acquired from the advertiser anyway.
If a vaccine actually works (to the extent claimed by the health
authories, which is to say, not 100%), and most people are vaccinated,
then the disease in question is rarely seen.
Why, in the absence of information, would a parent seek vaccination for
a disease that they don't see? The answer, of course, is that they
wouldn't. However, ex-hypothesi, the reason the parents don't see the
disease is that the vaccine works, which means that the only way to keep
the disease at bay is to persuade parents to vaccinate against a disease
they don't see. That is, by providing them with appropriate information.
That is the role played by the advertisements.
Total Bull Alert!
The purpose of Advertisement is to trick people into wasting their
However in the case of the vaccine industry, the purspose of
vaccines is to make money for the vaccine industry while totally
destroying their health.
I've had a good many vaccinations in my time. My health does not appear
to have been destroyed.
Post by John H. Gohde
Vaccines are nothing but a total pack of lies.
The CDC's only data shows that vaccines don't work
Really? You can cite that data?
Yep!  So, what is YOUR problem. All you have to do is check out their
site, Dumb Ass.
It's strange how often people claim that data exists, but then get
abusive when asked to point to it. So what do I search for on their
site? "Evidence that vaccines don't work"?
You claim to know the data is there. Presumably you know where.
Apparently you want to support your position using the data. How hard
can it be for you to provide a link? Why wouldn't you?
My natural suspicion is that you're just quoting something you've
heard/read elsewhere, and have no direct knowledge of the availability
of the data. My obvious further suspicion is that there is no such data.
Prove me wrong!
Disinformation Vaccine Alarmists Alert!
Thanks for alerting us to your attempted disinformation
below, although it wasn't really necessary.
Post by John H. Gohde
YOU could always try using what is left of YOUR brain.
No cite to the CDC data there...
Post by John H. Gohde
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny comes to my mind, right off the bat.
...and no cite to the CDC data there...
Post by John H. Gohde
Youtube video:  Vaccinations, What the CDC Documents and Science
Reveal 2003, one hour 46 minutes long.
...and no cite to the CDC data there.
That's three strikes, and you're out.
<snip non-response>

And no CDC data there either.
Bob C.

"The most exciting phrase to hear in science,
the one that heralds new discoveries, is not
'Eureka!' but 'That's funny...'"

- Isaac Asimov
John H. Gohde
2013-06-04 09:46:26 UTC
Post by Bob Casanova
On Sun, 2 Jun 2013 13:23:29 -0700 (PDT), the following
appeared in sci.skeptic, posted by "John H. Gohde"
Post by Bob Casanova
On Sun, 2 Jun 2013 06:24:39 -0700 (PDT), the following
appeared in sci.skeptic, posted by "John H. Gohde"
Post by John H. Gohde
Post by Sylvia Else
Post by Sylvia Else
Post by John H. Gohde
Post by Sylvia Else
Post by John H. Gohde
Here in the States, I am being bombarded with vaccine advertisements
on the radio constantly.
If vaccines actually worked, then there would be no need for these
advertisements. The use of advertisements by the vaccine industry
speaks well of the fraudulent nature of the vaccine industry.
The purpose of advertisments generally is to persuade people to acquire
things they wouldn't otherwise acquire, either at all, or from the
particular advertiser rather than from another supplier. There is, after
all, no point in spending money persuading someone to acquire something
they'd have acquired from the advertiser anyway.
If a vaccine actually works (to the extent claimed by the health
authories, which is to say, not 100%), and most people are vaccinated,
then the disease in question is rarely seen.
Why, in the absence of information, would a parent seek vaccination for
a disease that they don't see? The answer, of course, is that they
wouldn't. However, ex-hypothesi, the reason the parents don't see the
disease is that the vaccine works, which means that the only way to keep
the disease at bay is to persuade parents to vaccinate against a disease
they don't see. That is, by providing them with appropriate information.
That is the role played by the advertisements.
Total Bull Alert!
The purpose of Advertisement is to trick people into wasting their
However in the case of the vaccine industry, the purspose of
vaccines is to make money for the vaccine industry while totally
destroying their health.
I've had a good many vaccinations in my time. My health does not appear
to have been destroyed.
Post by John H. Gohde
Vaccines are nothing but a total pack of lies.
The CDC's only data shows that vaccines don't work
Really? You can cite that data?
Yep! So, what is YOUR problem. All you have to do is check out their
site, Dumb Ass.
It's strange how often people claim that data exists, but then get
abusive when asked to point to it. So what do I search for on their
site? "Evidence that vaccines don't work"?
You claim to know the data is there. Presumably you know where.
Apparently you want to support your position using the data. How hard
can it be for you to provide a link? Why wouldn't you?
My natural suspicion is that you're just quoting something you've
heard/read elsewhere, and have no direct knowledge of the availability
of the data. My obvious further suspicion is that there is no such data.
Prove me wrong!
Disinformation Vaccine Alarmists Alert!
Thanks for alerting us to your attempted disinformation
below, although it wasn't really necessary.
Post by John H. Gohde
YOU could always try using what is left of YOUR brain.
No cite to the CDC data there...
Post by John H. Gohde
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny comes to my mind, right off the bat.
...and no cite to the CDC data there...
Post by John H. Gohde
Youtube video: Vaccinations, What the CDC Documents and Science
Reveal 2003, one hour 46 minutes long.
...and no cite to the CDC data there.
That's three strikes, and you're out.
<snip non-response>
And no CDC data there either.
Bob C.
Science Imbeciles Identifying Themselves Alert!
Bob Casanova
2013-06-04 18:02:18 UTC
On Tue, 4 Jun 2013 02:46:26 -0700 (PDT), the following
appeared in sci.skeptic, posted by "John H. Gohde"
Post by John H. Gohde
Post by Bob Casanova
On Sun, 2 Jun 2013 13:23:29 -0700 (PDT), the following
appeared in sci.skeptic, posted by "John H. Gohde"
Post by Bob Casanova
On Sun, 2 Jun 2013 06:24:39 -0700 (PDT), the following
appeared in sci.skeptic, posted by "John H. Gohde"
Post by John H. Gohde
Post by Sylvia Else
Post by Sylvia Else
Post by John H. Gohde
Post by Sylvia Else
Post by John H. Gohde
Here in the States, I am being bombarded with vaccine advertisements
on the radio constantly.
If vaccines actually worked, then there would be no need for these
advertisements. The use of advertisements by the vaccine industry
speaks well of the fraudulent nature of the vaccine industry.
The purpose of advertisments generally is to persuade people to acquire
things they wouldn't otherwise acquire, either at all, or from the
particular advertiser rather than from another supplier. There is, after
all, no point in spending money persuading someone to acquire something
they'd have acquired from the advertiser anyway.
If a vaccine actually works (to the extent claimed by the health
authories, which is to say, not 100%), and most people are vaccinated,
then the disease in question is rarely seen.
Why, in the absence of information, would a parent seek vaccination for
a disease that they don't see? The answer, of course, is that they
wouldn't. However, ex-hypothesi, the reason the parents don't see the
disease is that the vaccine works, which means that the only way to keep
the disease at bay is to persuade parents to vaccinate against a disease
they don't see. That is, by providing them with appropriate information.
That is the role played by the advertisements.
Total Bull Alert!
The purpose of Advertisement is to trick people into wasting their
However in the case of the vaccine industry, the purspose of
vaccines is to make money for the vaccine industry while totally
destroying their health.
I've had a good many vaccinations in my time. My health does not appear
to have been destroyed.
Post by John H. Gohde
Vaccines are nothing but a total pack of lies.
The CDC's only data shows that vaccines don't work
Really? You can cite that data?
Yep! So, what is YOUR problem. All you have to do is check out their
site, Dumb Ass.
It's strange how often people claim that data exists, but then get
abusive when asked to point to it. So what do I search for on their
site? "Evidence that vaccines don't work"?
You claim to know the data is there. Presumably you know where.
Apparently you want to support your position using the data. How hard
can it be for you to provide a link? Why wouldn't you?
My natural suspicion is that you're just quoting something you've
heard/read elsewhere, and have no direct knowledge of the availability
of the data. My obvious further suspicion is that there is no such data.
Prove me wrong!
Disinformation Vaccine Alarmists Alert!
Thanks for alerting us to your attempted disinformation
below, although it wasn't really necessary.
Post by John H. Gohde
YOU could always try using what is left of YOUR brain.
No cite to the CDC data there...
Post by John H. Gohde
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny comes to my mind, right off the bat.
...and no cite to the CDC data there...
Post by John H. Gohde
Youtube video: Vaccinations, What the CDC Documents and Science
Reveal 2003, one hour 46 minutes long.
...and no cite to the CDC data there.
That's three strikes, and you're out.
<snip non-response>
And no CDC data there either.
Science Imbeciles Identifying Themselves Alert!
And *still* no CDC data...
Bob C.

"The most exciting phrase to hear in science,
the one that heralds new discoveries, is not
'Eureka!' but 'That's funny...'"

- Isaac Asimov
John H. Gohde
2013-06-04 20:14:04 UTC
Post by Bob Casanova
On Tue, 4 Jun 2013 02:46:26 -0700 (PDT), the following
appeared in sci.skeptic, posted by "John H. Gohde"
Post by John H. Gohde
Post by Bob Casanova
On Sun, 2 Jun 2013 13:23:29 -0700 (PDT), the following
appeared in sci.skeptic, posted by "John H. Gohde"
Post by Bob Casanova
On Sun, 2 Jun 2013 06:24:39 -0700 (PDT), the following
appeared in sci.skeptic, posted by "John H. Gohde"
Post by John H. Gohde
Post by Sylvia Else
Post by Sylvia Else
Post by John H. Gohde
Post by Sylvia Else
Post by John H. Gohde
Here in the States, I am being bombarded with vaccine advertisements
on the radio constantly.
If vaccines actually worked, then there would be no need for these
advertisements. The use of advertisements by the vaccine industry
speaks well of the fraudulent nature of the vaccine industry.
The purpose of advertisments generally is to persuade people to acquire
things they wouldn't otherwise acquire, either at all, or from the
particular advertiser rather than from another supplier. There is, after
all, no point in spending money persuading someone to acquire something
they'd have acquired from the advertiser anyway.
If a vaccine actually works (to the extent claimed by the health
authories, which is to say, not 100%), and most people are vaccinated,
then the disease in question is rarely seen.
Why, in the absence of information, would a parent seek vaccination for
a disease that they don't see? The answer, of course, is that they
wouldn't. However, ex-hypothesi, the reason the parents don't see the
disease is that the vaccine works, which means that the only way to keep
the disease at bay is to persuade parents to vaccinate against a disease
they don't see. That is, by providing them with appropriate information.
That is the role played by the advertisements.
Total Bull Alert!
The purpose of Advertisement is to trick people into wasting their
However in the case of the vaccine industry, the purspose of
vaccines is to make money for the vaccine industry while totally
destroying their health.
I've had a good many vaccinations in my time. My health does not appear
to have been destroyed.
Post by John H. Gohde
Vaccines are nothing but a total pack of lies.
The CDC's only data shows that vaccines don't work
Really? You can cite that data?
Yep! So, what is YOUR problem. All you have to do is check out their
site, Dumb Ass.
It's strange how often people claim that data exists, but then get
abusive when asked to point to it. So what do I search for on their
site? "Evidence that vaccines don't work"?
You claim to know the data is there. Presumably you know where.
Apparently you want to support your position using the data. How hard
can it be for you to provide a link? Why wouldn't you?
My natural suspicion is that you're just quoting something you've
heard/read elsewhere, and have no direct knowledge of the availability
of the data. My obvious further suspicion is that there is no such data.
Prove me wrong!
Disinformation Vaccine Alarmists Alert!
Thanks for alerting us to your attempted disinformation
below, although it wasn't really necessary.
Post by John H. Gohde
YOU could always try using what is left of YOUR brain.
No cite to the CDC data there...
Post by John H. Gohde
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny comes to my mind, right off the bat.
...and no cite to the CDC data there...
Post by John H. Gohde
Youtube video: Vaccinations, What the CDC Documents and Science
Reveal 2003, one hour 46 minutes long.
...and no cite to the CDC data there.
That's three strikes, and you're out.
<snip non-response>
And no CDC data there either.
Science Imbeciles Identifying Themselves Alert!
And *still* no CDC data...
Bob C.
Science Imbeciles Identifying Themselves Alert!
2013-06-02 20:57:19 UTC
Post by Sylvia Else
How to explain the eradication of smallpox?
I went through measles, chikenpox, rubella and mumps as a child, and
there was nothing remarkable about that at the time - most people did,
because there were no vaccinations against them. How to explain the
rareness of those diseases now if not because of vaccination?
Oh, and because I had chikenpox, I'm now considering getting vaccinated
against shingles, which, if I hadn't have chickenpox, I'd not be in
danger of getting.

And in those days numbers of children died from those (here I include
whooping cough) whereas most of us suffered for a few days.
Remember all the TB patients we *used* to have?
And those with Polio who spent years in iron lungs until techniques were
devised to allow them to breath unaided.
And those with iron braces on their legs so they could walk and the
diseased arms that Polio inflicted children with.

Anti vaccination freaks should be considered as child molesters