Green senator accused of promoting 'chemical rape' of children because they support vaccination
(too old to reply)
2013-07-03 00:09:41 UTC
Why do anti-vaxxers have such fasination with rape and other child


SOME anti-vaccine campaigners have started a "hate" blitz against
politicians speaking out against their network, accusing the MPs of
"chemical rape".
Greens health spokesperson Senator Richard Di Natale was subjected to a
vicious email campaign after he moved the motion last week that the AVN
"immediately disband".

His motion was passed unanimously by the Senate.

"Please do some research or go and upgrade your academic qualifications
at the recto-cranial inversion university where you currently study,"
one email to the senator said.

"Your position supports the chemical rape and torture of defenceless
infants and countless other innocent victims besides," another said.

Australian Vaccination Network chief Greg Beattie made a tape recording
of a phone conversation with Senator Di Natale without telling the
Senator the conversation was being recorded.

Later, he sought to use the tape to complain on the network's website
and to Greens leader Christine Milne that the senator had "accused me of
screaming at him and hung up on me".

"It's probably unlawful in most instances to record another party
without first obtaining their permission. So my software records my side
only," Mr Beattie says on the AVN website.

And he provided a link to the tape recording.

Senator Di Natale says he was never told the phone conversation was
being recorded.

"We are concerned that part of the conversation appears to have been

"In the past (some of) the AVN have engaged in all sorts of behaviour,
including harassing the families of children who have died from
preventable diseases, used AVOs to silence critics, called doctors
terrorists, and compared vaccination to rape," Senator Di Natale said.

Senator Di Natale said if he couldn't have a frank phone conversation
without any part of it being taped without his consent "I can't do my

Former AVN chief Meryl Dorey has taken out apprehended violence orders
against some of her critics and NSW Opposition health spokesman Dr
Andrew McDonald told parliament he had received threatening phone calls
from anti-vaccine campaigners.

Senator Di Natale said he thought the behaviour said a lot about the
people involved in the anti-vaccination campaign and would not deter

"This is water off a duck's back, it gives me more motivation to
campaign harder," he said.

In a speech to parliament, Senator Di Natale accused the AVN of a
"catalogue of crimes against reason and common decency".

Their claims about the harms of vaccines were "due to some combination
of superstition, paranoia and unscientific illiteracy," he said.


* "Go cuck yourself u evil reptilian bastards a contagions there weapon
of choice"

* "I believe we have a flu epidemic coming, and it will be potentiated
by vaccines that have already been given. In other words current "flu"
vaccines are the Trojan Horse to more rapidly spread a "flu" that will
soon be released, to help reduce the population of the earth.

You of course would know nothing of this as it is your people who have
it planned."

* "God is watching us from a distance. May he/she send you and your
peers some sort of revelation that will make you stop and think and
allow humanity to have some rights."

* "please do some research or go and upgrade your academic
qualifications at the recto-cranial inversion university where you
currently study

* who is buying you?

* how much were you paid?

* big pharma is big $$"

* "Contact green on the outside &red on the inside dumb-Dick or getting
2013-07-03 04:59:33 UTC
On 7/2/2013 8:09 PM, Dan wrote:

Post by Dan
* "Contact green on the outside &red on the inside dumb-Dick or getting
Why does that read like something carole hubbard would send?
"Men are bullies, they start and conduct all the wars.
All pedophiles and rapists are men. Practically all
murderers and criminals are men. All secret societies
that plot against the world are populated by men. All
big corporations that rob and loot the world's resources
are run by men." - carole hubbard the misandrist
Message-ID: <5tehl.16405$***@news-server.bigpond.net.au>
Bob Officer
2013-07-03 06:44:18 UTC
On Wed, 03 Jul 2013 00:59:33 -0400, in misc.health.alternative, Woody
Post by Woody
Post by Dan
* "Contact green on the outside &red on the inside dumb-Dick or getting
Why does that read like something carole hubbard would send?
After a while you become able to recognize the actions of those
people which never learned to think. there seems to be a common
thread linking them together.
Bob Officer

"You wouldn't know an ineffective treatment if it jumped up and bit you on
the dick."
"Carole Hubbard" <***@iimetro.com.au>
Message-ID: <jo_el.14373$***@news-server.bigpond.net.au>