Understanding the switch from fetal tolerance to adult immunity could help with autoimmunity
(too old to reply)
2011-01-03 02:35:36 UTC

Human Fetal Immune System Arises from Entirely Different Source Than
Adult Immune System

ScienceDaily (Dec. 17, 2010) ‹ UCSF researchers have shown for the first
time that the human fetal immune system arises from an entirely
different source than the adult immune system, and is more likely to
tolerate than fight foreign substances in its environment.

The finding could lead to a better understanding of how newborns respond
to both infections and vaccines, and may explain such conundrums as why
many infants of HIV-positive mothers are not infected with the disease
before birth, the researchers said.

It also could help scientists better understand how childhood allergies
develop, as well as how to manage adult organ transplants, the
researchers said. The findings are described in the Dec. 17 issue of

Until now, the fetal and infant immune system had been thought to be
simply an immature form of the adult system, one that responds
differently because of a lack of exposure to immune threats from the
environment. The new research has unveiled an entirely different immune
system in the fetus at mid-term that is derived from a completely
different set of stem cells than the adult system.

"In the fetus, we found that there is an immune system whose job it is
to teach the fetus to be tolerant of everything it sees, including its
mother and its own organs," said Joseph M. McCune, MD, PhD, a professor
in the UCSF Division of Experimental Medicine who is a co-senior author
on the paper. "After birth, a new immune system arises from a different
stem cell that instead has the job of fighting everything foreign."

The team previously had discovered that fetal immune systems are highly
tolerant of cells foreign to their own bodies and hypothesized that this
prevented fetuses from rejecting their mothers' cells during pregnancy
and from rejecting their own organs as they develop.

The adult immune system, by contrast, is programmed to attack anything
it considers "other," which allows the body to fight off infection, but
also causes it to reject transplanted organs.

"The adult immune system's typical role is to see something foreign and
to respond by attacking and getting rid of it. The fetal system was
thought in the past to fail to 'see' those threats, because it didn't
respond to them," said Jeff E. Mold, first author on the paper and a
postdoctoral fellow in the McCune laboratory. "What we found is that
these fetal immune cells are highly prone to 'seeing' something foreign,
but instead of attacking it, they allow the fetus to tolerate it."

The previous studies attributed this tolerance at least in part to the
extremely high percentage of "regulatory T cells"- those cells that
provoke a tolerant response -- in the fetal immune system. At mid-term,
fetuses have roughly three times the frequency of regulatory T cells as
newborns or adults, the research found.

The team set out to assess whether fetal immune cells were more likely
to become regulatory T cells. They purified so-called naïve T cells --
new cells never exposed to environmental assault -- from mid-term
fetuses and adults, and then exposed them to foreign cells. In a normal
adult immune system, that would provoke an immune attack response.

They found that 70 percent of the fetal cells were activated by that
exposure, compared to only 10 percent of the adult cells, refuting the
notion that fetal cells don't recognize outsiders. But of those cells
that responded, twice as many of the fetal cells turned into regulatory
T cells, showing that these cells are both more sensitive to stimulation
and more likely to respond with tolerance, Mold said.

Researchers then sorted the cells by gene expression, expecting to see
similar expression of genes in the two cell groups. In fact, they were
vastly different, with thousands of genes diverging from the two cell
lines. When they used blood-producing stem cells to generate new cell
lines from the two groups, the same divergence occurred.

"We realized they there are in fact two blood-producing stem cells, one
in the fetus that gives rise to T cells that are tolerant and another in
the adult that produces T cells that attack," Mold said.

Why that occurs, and why the immune system appears to switch over to the
adult version sometime in the third trimester, remains unknown, McCune
said. Further studies will attempt to determine precisely when that
occurs and why, as well as whether infants are born with a range of
proportions of fetal and adult immune systems -- information that could
change the way we vaccinate newborns or treat them for such diseases as

Co-authors of the study include Trevor D. Burt, Jose M. Rivera, Sofiya
Galkina and co-senior author Cheryl A. Stoddart, all from the UCSF
Department of Medicine, Division of Experimental Medicine; Jakob
Michaelsson, from the Center for Infectious Medicine, Karlinska
Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden; and Shivkumar Venkatasubrahmanyam and
Kenneth Weinberg, of the Center for Biomedical Informatics Research and
Division of Hematology/Oncology, respectively, at Stanford University,
Palo Alto, Calif. Burt also is affiliated with the UCSF Division of
Neonatology in the Department of Pediatrics.

Support for this work was provided by grants from the National
Institutes of Health and from the Harvey V. Berneking Living Trust.

Story Source:

The above story is reprinted (with editorial adaptations by ScienceDaily
staff) from materials provided by University of California - San


Journal Reference:

1. J. E. Mold, S. Venkatasubrahmanyam, T. D. Burt, J. Michaelsson, J. M.
Rivera, S. A. Galkina, K. Weinberg, C. A. Stoddart, J. M. McCune. Fetal
and Adult Hematopoietic Stem Cells Give Rise to Distinct T Cell Lineages
in Humans. Science, 2010; 330 (6011): 1695 DOI: 10.1126/science.1196509
2011-01-03 03:27:53 UTC
Post by Kofi
Human Fetal Immune System Arises from Entirely Different Source Than
Adult Immune System
ScienceDaily (Dec. 17, 2010) ‹ UCSF researchers have shown for the first
time that the human fetal immune system arises from an entirely
different source than the adult immune system, and is more likely to
tolerate than fight foreign substances in its environment.
The finding could lead to a better understanding of how newborns respond
to both infections and vaccines, and may explain such conundrums as why
many infants of HIV-positive mothers are not infected with the disease
before birth, the researchers said.
It also could help scientists better understand how childhood allergies
develop, as well as how to manage adult organ transplants, the
researchers said. The findings are described in the Dec. 17 issue of
Until now, the fetal and infant immune system had been thought to be
simply an immature form of the adult system, one that responds
differently because of a lack of exposure to immune threats from the
environment. The new research has unveiled an entirely different immune
system in the fetus at mid-term that is derived from a completely
different set of stem cells than the adult system.
"In the fetus, we found that there is an immune system whose job it is
to teach the fetus to be tolerant of everything it sees, including its
mother and its own organs," said Joseph M. McCune, MD, PhD, a professor
in the UCSF Division of Experimental Medicine who is a co-senior author
on the paper. "After birth, a new immune system arises from a different
stem cell that instead has the job of fighting everything foreign."
The team previously had discovered that fetal immune systems are highly
tolerant of cells foreign to their own bodies and hypothesized that this
prevented fetuses from rejecting their mothers' cells during pregnancy
and from rejecting their own organs as they develop.
The adult immune system, by contrast, is programmed to attack anything
it considers "other," which allows the body to fight off infection, but
also causes it to reject transplanted organs.
"The adult immune system's typical role is to see something foreign and
to respond by attacking and getting rid of it. The fetal system was
thought in the past to fail to 'see' those threats, because it didn't
respond to them," said Jeff E. Mold, first author on the paper and a
postdoctoral fellow in the McCune laboratory. "What we found is that
these fetal immune cells are highly prone to 'seeing' something foreign,
but instead of attacking it, they allow the fetus to tolerate it."
The previous studies attributed this tolerance at least in part to the
extremely high percentage of "regulatory T cells"- those cells that
provoke a tolerant response -- in the fetal immune system. At mid-term,
fetuses have roughly three times the frequency of regulatory T cells as
newborns or adults, the research found.
The team set out to assess whether fetal immune cells were more likely
to become regulatory T cells. They purified so-called naïve T cells --
new cells never exposed to environmental assault -- from mid-term
fetuses and adults, and then exposed them to foreign cells. In a normal
adult immune system, that would provoke an immune attack response.
They found that 70 percent of the fetal cells were activated by that
exposure, compared to only 10 percent of the adult cells, refuting the
notion that fetal cells don't recognize outsiders. But of those cells
that responded, twice as many of the fetal cells turned into regulatory
T cells, showing that these cells are both more sensitive to stimulation
and more likely to respond with tolerance, Mold said.
Researchers then sorted the cells by gene expression, expecting to see
similar expression of genes in the two cell groups. In fact, they were
vastly different, with thousands of genes diverging from the two cell
lines. When they used blood-producing stem cells to generate new cell
lines from the two groups, the same divergence occurred.
"We realized they there are in fact two blood-producing stem cells, one
in the fetus that gives rise to T cells that are tolerant and another in
the adult that produces T cells that attack," Mold said.
Why that occurs, and why the immune system appears to switch over to the
adult version sometime in the third trimester, remains unknown, McCune
said. Further studies will attempt to determine precisely when that
occurs and why, as well as whether infants are born with a range of
proportions of fetal and adult immune systems -- information that could
change the way we vaccinate newborns or treat them for such diseases as
Co-authors of the study include Trevor D. Burt, Jose M. Rivera, Sofiya
Galkina and co-senior author Cheryl A. Stoddart, all from the UCSF
Department of Medicine, Division of Experimental Medicine; Jakob
Michaelsson, from the Center for Infectious Medicine, Karlinska
Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden; and Shivkumar Venkatasubrahmanyam and
Kenneth Weinberg, of the Center for Biomedical Informatics Research and
Division of Hematology/Oncology, respectively, at Stanford University,
Palo Alto, Calif. Burt also is affiliated with the UCSF Division of
Neonatology in the Department of Pediatrics.
Support for this work was provided by grants from the National
Institutes of Health and from the Harvey V. Berneking Living Trust.
The above story is reprinted (with editorial adaptations by ScienceDaily
staff) from materials provided by University of California - San
1. J. E. Mold, S. Venkatasubrahmanyam, T. D. Burt, J. Michaelsson, J. M.
Rivera, S. A. Galkina, K. Weinberg, C. A. Stoddart, J. M. McCune. Fetal
and Adult Hematopoietic Stem Cells Give Rise to Distinct T Cell Lineages
in Humans. Science, 2010; 330 (6011): 1695 DOI: 10.1126/science.1196509
Fetus uses same mechanisms as parasites (and cancer) to evade the host
immune system. Women with autoimmunity issues can just get pregnant
while the men need to buy the German helminth's eggs ...

(TLR2 + IL-10)

2011-01-03 03:35:29 UTC
J Immunol. 2005 Aug 1;175(3):1483-90.

Prostaglandin E2 induces FOXP3 gene expression and T regulatory cell
function in human CD4+ T cells.

Baratelli F, Lin Y, Zhu L, Yang SC, Heuzé-Vourc'h N, Zeng G, Reckamp
K, Dohadwala M, Sharma S, Dubinett SM.
Lung Cancer Research Program of the Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer
Center and Department of Medicine, David Geffen School of Medicine,
University of California, Los Angeles, CA 90095, USA.

Naturally occurring CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells (T reg) are pivotal
in suppressing immune responses and maintaining tolerance. The
identification of molecules controlling T reg differentiation and
function is important in understanding host immune responses in
malignancy and autoimmunity. In this study we show that PGE2 enhances
the in vitro inhibitory function of human purified CD4+CD25+ T reg
cells. Moreover, PGE2 induces a regulatory phenotype in CD4+CD25- T
cells. PGE2-treated T cell-mediated inhibition of anti-CD3-stimulated
lymphocyte proliferation did not require cell contact. Phenotypic
analysis revealed that PGE2 diminished CD25 expression in both
CD4+CD25dim T cells and CD4+CD25bright T reg cells. PGE2 exposure
induced the T reg cell-specific transcription factor forkhead/winged
helix transcription factor gene (FOXP3) in CD4+CD25- T cells and
significantly up-regulated its expression in CD4+CD25+ T reg cells.
Similarly, 24-h incubation with supernatants from cyclooxygenase-2-
overexpressing lung cancer cells that secrete high levels of PGE2
significantly induced FOXP3 in CD4+CD25- T cells. Finally, PGE2 up-
regulated FOXP3 at both mRNA and protein levels and enhanced FOXP3
promoter activity. This is the first report indicating that PGE2 can
modulate FOXP3 expression and T reg function in human lymphocytes.
PMID: 16034085


I bet the the PC in the previously mentioned helminth is loaded with
Omega-6. Taking out PGE2 (via its precursor Omega-6 arachidonic acid)
will abort pregnancy, cancer and helminth infections ....

2011-01-08 10:10:45 UTC
Post by Kofi
Human Fetal Immune System Arises from Entirely Different Source Than
Adult Immune System
ScienceDaily (Dec. 17, 2010) ‹ UCSF researchers have shown for the first
time that the human fetal immune system arises from an entirely
different source than the adult immune system, and is more likely to
tolerate than fight foreign substances in its environment.
The finding could lead to a better understanding of how newborns respond
to both infections and vaccines, and may explain such conundrums as why
many infants of HIV-positive mothers are not infected with the disease
before birth, the researchers said.
It also could help scientists better understand how childhood allergies
develop, as well as how to manage adult organ transplants, the
researchers said. The findings are described in the Dec. 17 issue of
Until now, the fetal and infant immune system had been thought to be
simply an immature form of the adult system, one that responds
differently because of a lack of exposure to immune threats from the
environment. The new research has unveiled an entirely different immune
system in the fetus at mid-term that is derived from a completely
different set of stem cells than the adult system.
"In the fetus, we found that there is an immune system whose job it is
to teach the fetus to be tolerant of everything it sees, including its
mother and its own organs," said Joseph M. McCune, MD, PhD, a professor
in the UCSF Division of Experimental Medicine who is a co-senior author
on the paper. "After birth, a new immune system arises from a different
stem cell that instead has the job of fighting everything foreign."
The team previously had discovered that fetal immune systems are highly
tolerant of cells foreign to their own bodies and hypothesized that this
prevented fetuses from rejecting their mothers' cells during pregnancy
and from rejecting their own organs as they develop.
The adult immune system, by contrast, is programmed to attack anything
it considers "other," which allows the body to fight off infection, but
also causes it to reject transplanted organs.
"The adult immune system's typical role is to see something foreign and
to respond by attacking and getting rid of it. The fetal system was
thought in the past to fail to 'see' those threats, because it didn't
respond to them," said Jeff E. Mold, first author on the paper and a
postdoctoral fellow in the McCune laboratory. "What we found is that
these fetal immune cells are highly prone to 'seeing' something foreign,
but instead of attacking it, they allow the fetus to tolerate it."
The previous studies attributed this tolerance at least in part to the
extremely high percentage of "regulatory T cells"- those cells that
provoke a tolerant response -- in the fetal immune system. At mid-term,
fetuses have roughly three times the frequency of regulatory T cells as
newborns or adults, the research found.
The team set out to assess whether fetal immune cells were more likely
to become regulatory T cells. They purified so-called naïve T cells --
new cells never exposed to environmental assault -- from mid-term
fetuses and adults, and then exposed them to foreign cells. In a normal
adult immune system, that would provoke an immune attack response.
They found that 70 percent of the fetal cells were activated by that
exposure, compared to only 10 percent of the adult cells, refuting the
notion that fetal cells don't recognize outsiders. But of those cells
that responded, twice as many of the fetal cells turned into regulatory
T cells, showing that these cells are both more sensitive to stimulation
and more likely to respond with tolerance, Mold said.
I think there is also some sort of switch from the TREG cells into
allergy causing cells when the organism looses its contact with the
antigen for longer time. I have seen many people (including myself)
who were exposed to certain kinds of pollen in their childhood without
any allergic response, then lost contact with the allergen for many
years or even decades (change to a clean indoors environment due to
study or occupation) and then get severe allergic reaction when
introduced back into the old allergen contaminated environment - e.g.
going back to the countryside of your childhood.

This could also explain some "mysterious" cancer disappearances after
tumor removal given that the cancer hasn't colonized other parts of
the body yet. The tumor is well tolerated because it teaches its own
set of TREGs which may turn against it if they loose the contact with
it for some time.

Could the dendritic cells and cysteinyl leukotrienes play some role in
such switching?

Post by Kofi
Researchers then sorted the cells by gene expression, expecting to see
similar expression of genes in the two cell groups. In fact, they were
vastly different, with thousands of genes diverging from the two cell
lines. When they used blood-producing stem cells to generate new cell
lines from the two groups, the same divergence occurred.
"We realized they there are in fact two blood-producing stem cells, one
in the fetus that gives rise to T cells that are tolerant and another in
the adult that produces T cells that attack," Mold said.
Why that occurs, and why the immune system appears to switch over to the
adult version sometime in the third trimester, remains unknown, McCune
said. Further studies will attempt to determine precisely when that
occurs and why, as well as whether infants are born with a range of
proportions of fetal and adult immune systems -- information that could
change the way we vaccinate newborns or treat them for such diseases as
Co-authors of the study include Trevor D. Burt, Jose M. Rivera, Sofiya
Galkina and co-senior author Cheryl A. Stoddart, all from the UCSF
Department of Medicine, Division of Experimental Medicine; Jakob
Michaelsson, from the Center for Infectious Medicine, Karlinska
Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden; and Shivkumar Venkatasubrahmanyam and
Kenneth Weinberg, of the Center for Biomedical Informatics Research and
Division of Hematology/Oncology, respectively, at Stanford University,
Palo Alto, Calif. Burt also is affiliated with the UCSF Division of
Neonatology in the Department of Pediatrics.
Support for this work was provided by grants from the National
Institutes of Health and from the Harvey V. Berneking Living Trust.
The above story is reprinted (with editorial adaptations by ScienceDaily
staff) from materials provided by University of California - San
1. J. E. Mold, S. Venkatasubrahmanyam, T. D. Burt, J. Michaelsson, J. M.
Rivera, S. A. Galkina, K. Weinberg, C. A. Stoddart, J. M. McCune. Fetal
and Adult Hematopoietic Stem Cells Give Rise to Distinct T Cell Lineages
in Humans. Science, 2010; 330 (6011): 1695 DOI: 10.1126/science.1196509