Meryl Dorey admits she doesn't fear threatening phone calls.
(too old to reply)
2013-07-06 03:08:41 UTC
This certainly raises a few questions. Ms Dorey claims to fear for her
own safety as an excuse for breaking the law.


Meryl Dorey admits she doesn't fear threatening phone calls.
Wednesday, July 3, 2013 at 10:54AM | Dan Buzzard

Yesterday Meryl Dorey, founder and immediate past president of the
Australian Vaccination Network was the guest on a podcast called Blog
Talk Radio. Because no mainstream form of media will go near her.

During the episode Dorey repeated the same nonsense we're used to,
Government is corrupt, Anti-vaxxers are being persecuted like the Jews
in the Holocaust. Generally stuff I wouldn't recommend people waste
their time listening to. However there were two new things that Ms Dorey
said that she hasn't previously disclosed publicly.

1. Dorey admitted that anyone who's a member of the AVN is obviously
opposed to vaccination. While we already knew this it's alway good to
have an official confirmation.

2. Dorey admitted that she isn't bothered by people making threatening
phone calls.

I have transcribed the audio as best I could:

"Christian scientists are automatically exempt from any
vaccination regulation. Um and when the conscientious objection
clause came in we said well anyone who's a member of the AVN
should also be exempt, because by being a member they're obviously
objecting to vaccination on a conscientious level if not a
scientific level." -Meryl Dorey; 28 Minutes 10 Seconds.

"What's happening now with the threats. I receive threats
constantly. I'm used to it now, I got a call the other night from
someone who's using a voice synthesiser saying "You F-ing you know
what, you should just die, please die" and I hung up the phone and
I thought oh just another one. The fact that these things are
happening is a sign that we are having the right effect." -Meryl
Dorey; 42 Minutes 53 Seconds.

So Meryl Dorey freely admits that threatening phone calls don't bother
her? Why then did she initiate legal proceeding against someone she
claims (and still hasn't proven) made threatening calls to her home?

She also took out an AVO against Daniel Raffaele, who helped start
the Stop the Australian Vaccination Network group, claiming he
made threatening calls to her. Mr Raffaele, who denied making any
threatening calls, said he eventually agreed to the order because
he was "sick of dealing with it", although he made sure her "gag
order" was struck out. -The Daily Telegraph

Why did her husband Ken Dorey make a statement to the court about
another critic of Ms Dorey stating that:

Because of Bowditch and others, we live in a constant atmosphere
of stress and fear. We have removed our letterbox and street
numbers. We sleep with batons beside our bed and do not answer
phone calls from undisclosed numbers.
-Statement of Kenneth james Dorey (End of Document)

Ms Dorey has been playing the victims card for years now. So it's quite
refreshing to finally see an admission of no fear.

The podcast episode can be found here. http://skep.li/19RGsoR
Bob Officer
2013-07-06 04:13:23 UTC
On Sat, 6 Jul 2013 11:08:41 +0800, in misc.health.alternative, Dan
Post by Dan
This certainly raises a few questions. Ms Dorey claims to fear for her
own safety as an excuse for breaking the law.
Meryl Dorey admits she doesn't fear threatening phone calls.
Wednesday, July 3, 2013 at 10:54AM | Dan Buzzard
Yesterday Meryl Dorey, founder and immediate past president of the
Australian Vaccination Network was the guest on a podcast called Blog
Talk Radio. Because no mainstream form of media will go near her.
During the episode Dorey repeated the same nonsense we're used to,
Government is corrupt, Anti-vaxxers are being persecuted like the Jews
in the Holocaust. Generally stuff I wouldn't recommend people waste
their time listening to. However there were two new things that Ms Dorey
said that she hasn't previously disclosed publicly.
1. Dorey admitted that anyone who's a member of the AVN is obviously
opposed to vaccination. While we already knew this it's alway good to
have an official confirmation.
2. Dorey admitted that she isn't bothered by people making threatening
phone calls.
"Christian scientists are automatically exempt from any
vaccination regulation. Um and when the conscientious objection
clause came in we said well anyone who's a member of the AVN
should also be exempt, because by being a member they're obviously
objecting to vaccination on a conscientious level if not a
scientific level." -Meryl Dorey; 28 Minutes 10 Seconds.
"What's happening now with the threats. I receive threats
constantly. I'm used to it now, I got a call the other night from
someone who's using a voice synthesiser saying "You F-ing you know
what, you should just die, please die" and I hung up the phone and
I thought oh just another one. The fact that these things are
happening is a sign that we are having the right effect." -Meryl
Dorey; 42 Minutes 53 Seconds.
So Meryl Dorey freely admits that threatening phone calls don't bother
her? Why then did she initiate legal proceeding against someone she
claims (and still hasn't proven) made threatening calls to her home?
It seems everyone she has taken to court needs to take this bit of
public utterance and file suit for "abuse of legal system". the legal
principle is covered in Black's and seems to have slightly different
names and action depending on the area you reside.

In this case, she is making false statements to court when she files
actions for AVOs, is she not?
Post by Dan
She also took out an AVO against Daniel Raffaele, who helped start
the Stop the Australian Vaccination Network group, claiming he
made threatening calls to her. Mr Raffaele, who denied making any
threatening calls, said he eventually agreed to the order because
he was "sick of dealing with it", although he made sure her "gag
order" was struck out. -The Daily Telegraph
Why did her husband Ken Dorey make a statement to the court about
Because of Bowditch and others, we live in a constant atmosphere
of stress and fear. We have removed our letterbox and street
numbers. We sleep with batons beside our bed and do not answer
phone calls from undisclosed numbers.
-Statement of Kenneth james Dorey (End of Document)
Ms Dorey has been playing the victims card for years now. So it's quite
refreshing to finally see an admission of no fear.
Maybe it is time for their immigration statements to be examined. The
constant and deliberate violation of the law, seeking AVO under false
causes and causing expenses to natural born citizens and the wasting
the court system might be grounds for them to be named Vexatious
Litigants or to force an expulsion?
Post by Dan
The podcast episode can be found here. http://skep.li/19RGsoR
Thanks. Qued up.
Bob Officer
"Whoops .... now where did I put that other braincell?
It make it very hard to work things out.

Oh, I'll check up my arse ...get back to ya."
carole hubbard in Message-ID: <f3b680d9-da69-4c7e-99b2-***@y5g2000pbi.googlegroups.com>
2013-07-07 01:37:26 UTC
On Sat, 6 Jul 2013 11:08:41 +0800, Dan <***@bigpharma.com.au>

Why should Meryl Dorey be subjected to threatening phone calls?

People are entitled to their views, and are entitled to have both
sides of a story presented to them - EXCEPT if we live in a fascist

So its not a matter of whether she minds the calls, or whether her
website is pro or con vaccination - its a question of whether she is
allowed her views.

And there are a lot of unanswered questions surrounding vaccination
and autism.

For starters the decline in childhood diseases was on the way well
before vaccination was introduced.


Why is this not acknowledged by mainstream medicine?
And why are the downside of vaccinations kept hidden from the public?
Why aren't the stories of vaccination causing epidemics widely known
rather than hushed up?

Why the ongoing vigorouis campaign to increase numbers of
Why does organised medicine side with corporate medicine while making
attempts to criminalise natural medicine?

And why has there never been officially acknowledged that there is an
autism pandemic, and why does modern medicine have no idea what is the
cause of autism if it is so cutting edge and in the know?

Maybe Peter can answer some of these questions for us, but then maybe
not since he is more interested in sticking to his "skeptic" agenda of
bagging alternative medicine and hoisting drug-based medicine on a


"When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have
a thousand reasons to smile." - Anonymous
Bob Officer
2013-07-07 02:36:27 UTC
On Sun, 07 Jul 2013 11:37:26 +1000, in misc.health.alternative,
Post by Clayton
Why should Meryl Dorey be subjected to threatening phone calls?
I suspect the phone records show she wasn't.
Post by Clayton
People are entitled to their views, and are entitled to have both
sides of a story presented to them - EXCEPT if we live in a fascist
But views which are not true are disruptive to society and should be

Actually many legal experts feel that advocating non0vaccination of
children is advocating child abuse.

Do you think it is ok to abuse children?
Post by Clayton
So its not a matter of whether she minds the calls, or whether her
website is pro or con vaccination - its a question of whether she is
allowed her views.
She is advocating abusing children. Do you think it is right?
Post by Clayton
And there are a lot of unanswered questions surrounding vaccination
and autism.
No, there isn't.
Post by Clayton
For starters the decline in childhood diseases was on the way well
before vaccination was introduced.
Not it wasn't.

The mortality rate had dropped but not the incidence. you need to
learn to read better. Once the mortality rate dropped the rate of
living children adversely affected by the diseases increased.
blind-deafness from measles alone increase by 300% in just a few
years. The rate of incident didn't decrease at all.

<snip of misrepresentation of data>
Post by Clayton
Why is this not acknowledged by mainstream medicine?
because the conclusion was false carole
Post by Clayton
And why are the downside of vaccinations kept hidden from the public?
and what are those? those with mDNA disorders would be just as
injured by encountering the virus in the wild. the MDNA disorder is
the cause of most all ASD.

<Snip of misrepresentations which have been falsified but carole and
her socks just don't pay any attention to those articles.>
Bob Officer
"Whoops .... now where did I put that other braincell?
It make it very hard to work things out.

Oh, I'll check up my arse ...get back to ya."
carole hubbard in Message-ID: <f3b680d9-da69-4c7e-99b2-***@y5g2000pbi.googlegroups.com>
2013-07-07 02:53:29 UTC
Post by Bob Officer
On Sun, 07 Jul 2013 11:37:26 +1000, in misc.health.alternative,
Post by Clayton
Why should Meryl Dorey be subjected to threatening phone calls?
I suspect the phone records show she wasn't.
Post by Clayton
People are entitled to their views, and are entitled to have both
sides of a story presented to them - EXCEPT if we live in a fascist
But views which are not true are disruptive to society and should be
I agree - so when are you leaving?
Post by Bob Officer
Actually many legal experts feel that advocating non0vaccination of
children is advocating child abuse.
Do you think it is ok to abuse children?
No, I don't think it is ok that so many are developing autism with no
explanation from "experts".
Post by Bob Officer
Post by Clayton
So its not a matter of whether she minds the calls, or whether her
website is pro or con vaccination - its a question of whether she is
allowed her views.
She is advocating abusing children. Do you think it is right?
The vaccinations are abusing children, not Meryl Dorey.
Post by Bob Officer
Post by Clayton
And there are a lot of unanswered questions surrounding vaccination
and autism.
No, there isn't.
Yes, there are - as I listed.

1. That childhood diseases were on the decline before vaccinations
were introduced. http://childhealthsafety.wordpress.com/graphs/
2. That vaccinations are pushed onto people regardless of whether they
are the best way to maintain health - merely corporate profits.
3. When all is weighed up the massive correlation between vaccination
and autism needs closer scrutiny.
4. If modern medicine is so good, why doesn't it explain (a) the
increase incidence of autism which has now reached pandemic
proportions, b) why modern medicine is as a total loss to cure autism.

But I know you have no answers for any of these questions blob since
you are merely one of the fake mind controlled skeptics, put into ng
to dessiminate false information.

See www.bolenreport.com for more information on the fake skeptic


"When life gives you lemons, make lemonade." - unknown
Bob Officer
2013-07-07 03:33:56 UTC
On Sun, 07 Jul 2013 12:53:29 +1000, in misc.health.alternative,
Post by Clayton
Post by Bob Officer
On Sun, 07 Jul 2013 11:37:26 +1000, in misc.health.alternative,
Post by Clayton
Why should Meryl Dorey be subjected to threatening phone calls?
I suspect the phone records show she wasn't.
Post by Clayton
People are entitled to their views, and are entitled to have both
sides of a story presented to them - EXCEPT if we live in a fascist
But views which are not true are disruptive to society and should be
I agree - so when are you leaving?
I am not. I am not disruptive, but it appears you are. Have you
contacted my news provider yet?
Post by Clayton
Post by Bob Officer
Actually many legal experts feel that advocating non-vaccination of
children is advocating child abuse.
Do you think it is ok to abuse children?
No, I don't think it is ok that so many are developing autism with no
explanation from "experts".
What part of *de nova mutation causing mDNA disorder*, don't you
understand, carole?

It seems the "experts" are speaking but you don't seem to listen.
That explanation has and evidence to support it has been talked about
for over a year.
Post by Clayton
Post by Bob Officer
Post by Clayton
So its not a matter of whether she minds the calls, or whether her
website is pro or con vaccination - its a question of whether she is
allowed her views.
She is advocating abusing children. Do you think it is right?
The vaccinations are abusing children, not Meryl Dorey.
The vaccinations prevent disease. That what the evidence shows. ms
dorey has no evidence.

Not getting children puts them are risk for debilitating diseases.
Post by Clayton
Post by Bob Officer
Post by Clayton
And there are a lot of unanswered questions surrounding vaccination
and autism.
No, there isn't.
Yes, there are - as I listed.
1. That childhood diseases were on the decline before vaccinations
were introduced. http://childhealthsafety.wordpress.com/graphs/
This like the rest is a misrepresentation.

The deaths from the diseases were dropping because of medical
advances. Incident of diseases were not dropping. The last effects of
the disease, like blind-deafness, was increasing as the survival
rates increased. Modern medicine was saving children only to see them
blind and or deaf as the result of measles.

You seem to ignore this fact every time it is posted. you, carole, go
back the same misrepresented and untruthful, post hoc claims.

Comparing the incidence of disease and the rate of deaths are like
comparing apples and porkchops.
Bob Officer
"Whoops .... now where did I put that other braincell?
It make it very hard to work things out.

Oh, I'll check up my arse ...get back to ya."
carole hubbard in Message-ID: <f3b680d9-da69-4c7e-99b2-***@y5g2000pbi.googlegroups.com>
Bob Officer
2013-07-07 04:46:37 UTC
On Sat, 06 Jul 2013 20:33:56 -0700, in misc.health.alternative, Bob
Post by Bob Officer
On Sun, 07 Jul 2013 12:53:29 +1000, in misc.health.alternative,
Post by Clayton
Post by Bob Officer
On Sun, 07 Jul 2013 11:37:26 +1000, in misc.health.alternative,
Post by Clayton
Why should Meryl Dorey be subjected to threatening phone calls?
I suspect the phone records show she wasn't.
Post by Clayton
People are entitled to their views, and are entitled to have both
sides of a story presented to them - EXCEPT if we live in a fascist
But views which are not true are disruptive to society and should be
I agree - so when are you leaving?
I am not. I am not disruptive, but it appears you are. Have you
contacted my news provider yet?
It seems you, carole, feel like the freedom to be heard is all one
sided. dopey can have her followers call parents of deceased
children, but no one can call ms dopey?

Then dopey failed to show she was even getting calls of any sort,
during the hearing over the AVOs.
Post by Bob Officer
Post by Clayton
Post by Bob Officer
Actually many legal experts feel that advocating non-vaccination of
children is advocating child abuse.
Do you think it is ok to abuse children?
No, I don't think it is ok that so many are developing autism with no
explanation from "experts".
What part of *de nova mutation causing mDNA disorder*, don't you
understand, carole?
It seems the "experts" are speaking but you don't seem to listen.
That explanation has and evidence to support it has been talked about
for over a year.
Post by Clayton
Post by Bob Officer
Post by Clayton
So its not a matter of whether she minds the calls, or whether her
website is pro or con vaccination - its a question of whether she is
allowed her views.
She is advocating abusing children. Do you think it is right?
The vaccinations are abusing children, not Meryl Dorey.
The vaccinations prevent disease. That what the evidence shows. ms
dorey has no evidence.
Not getting children puts them are risk for debilitating diseases.
Post by Clayton
Post by Bob Officer
Post by Clayton
And there are a lot of unanswered questions surrounding vaccination
and autism.
No, there isn't.
Yes, there are - as I listed.
1. That childhood diseases were on the decline before vaccinations
were introduced. http://childhealthsafety.wordpress.com/graphs/
This like the rest is a misrepresentation.
The deaths from the diseases were dropping because of medical
advances. Incident of diseases were not dropping. The last effects of
the disease, like blind-deafness, was increasing as the survival
rates increased. Modern medicine was saving children only to see them
blind and or deaf as the result of measles.
You seem to ignore this fact every time it is posted. you, carole, go
back the same misrepresented and untruthful, post hoc claims.
Comparing the incidence of disease and the rate of deaths are like
comparing apples and porkchops.
Bob Officer
"Whoops .... now where did I put that other braincell?
It make it very hard to work things out.

Oh, I'll check up my arse ...get back to ya."
carole hubbard in Message-ID: <f3b680d9-da69-4c7e-99b2-***@y5g2000pbi.googlegroups.com>
2013-07-09 10:38:15 UTC
Post by Clayton
Why should Meryl Dorey be subjected to threatening phone calls?
No one said she should.
Post by Clayton
People are entitled to their views, and are entitled to have both
sides of a story presented to them - EXCEPT if we live in a fascist
But you aren't entitled to your own facts.
Post by Clayton
So its not a matter of whether she minds the calls, or whether her
website is pro or con vaccination - its a question of whether she is
allowed her views.
Nobody has said she can't hold her views.
Post by Clayton
And there are a lot of unanswered questions surrounding vaccination
and autism.
For starters the decline in childhood diseases was on the way well
before vaccination was introduced.
An anonymous website full of bias information and outright lies can be
safely ignored.
Post by Clayton
Why is this not acknowledged by mainstream medicine?
And why are the downside of vaccinations kept hidden from the public?
Why aren't the stories of vaccination causing epidemics widely known
rather than hushed up?
Probabbly because there are no epidemics caused by vaccinations, the few
problems that do occur are reported to the public.
Post by Clayton
Why the ongoing vigorouis campaign to increase numbers of
Why does organised medicine side with corporate medicine while making
attempts to criminalise natural medicine?
And why has there never been officially acknowledged that there is an
autism pandemic, and why does modern medicine have no idea what is the
cause of autism if it is so cutting edge and in the know?
Maybe Peter can answer some of these questions for us, but then maybe
not since he is more interested in sticking to his "skeptic" agenda of
bagging alternative medicine and hoisting drug-based medicine on a
"When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have
a thousand reasons to smile." - Anonymous
Bob Officer
2013-07-09 13:17:01 UTC
On Tue, 9 Jul 2013 18:38:15 +0800, in misc.health.alternative, Dan
Post by Dan
Post by Clayton
Why should Meryl Dorey be subjected to threatening phone calls?
No one said she should.
Post by Clayton
People are entitled to their views, and are entitled to have both
sides of a story presented to them - EXCEPT if we live in a fascist
But you aren't entitled to your own facts.
Post by Clayton
So its not a matter of whether she minds the calls, or whether her
website is pro or con vaccination - its a question of whether she is
allowed her views.
Nobody has said she can't hold her views.
Post by Clayton
And there are a lot of unanswered questions surrounding vaccination
and autism.
For starters the decline in childhood diseases was on the way well
before vaccination was introduced.
An anonymous website full of bias information and outright lies can be
safely ignored.
this web site confuses the issue. The mortality rate dropped with the
introduction of modern medicine. Modern EBM with the IV fluids and
early anto-biotics saved lives. The morbidity rate (rate of
infections) however didn't drop at all. Instead the rate of
Blind-Deafness syndrome increased in some places as much as 10 times.

Since the development of measles vaccine the morbidly rate has
dropped along with the rate of Blind-deafness

one has to examine information and see just what rates they are

carole/clayton and the rest of her sock have had this fact explained
to them before to no avail.
Post by Dan
Post by Clayton
Why is this not acknowledged by mainstream medicine?
And why are the downside of vaccinations kept hidden from the public?
Why aren't the stories of vaccination causing epidemics widely known
rather than hushed up?
Probabbly because there are no epidemics caused by vaccinations, the few
problems that do occur are reported to the public.
Post by Clayton
Why the ongoing vigorouis campaign to increase numbers of
Why does organised medicine side with corporate medicine while making
attempts to criminalise natural medicine?
And why has there never been officially acknowledged that there is an
autism pandemic, and why does modern medicine have no idea what is the
cause of autism if it is so cutting edge and in the know?
Maybe Peter can answer some of these questions for us, but then maybe
not since he is more interested in sticking to his "skeptic" agenda of
bagging alternative medicine and hoisting drug-based medicine on a
Bob Officer
"Whoops .... now where did I put that other braincell?
It make it very hard to work things out.

Oh, I'll check up my arse ...get back to ya."
carole hubbard in Message-ID: <f3b680d9-da69-4c7e-99b2-***@y5g2000pbi.googlegroups.com>
2013-07-09 13:36:13 UTC
Post by Bob Officer
On Tue, 9 Jul 2013 18:38:15 +0800, in misc.health.alternative, Dan
Post by Dan
Post by Clayton
Why should Meryl Dorey be subjected to threatening phone calls?
No one said she should.
Post by Clayton
People are entitled to their views, and are entitled to have both
sides of a story presented to them - EXCEPT if we live in a fascist
But you aren't entitled to your own facts.
Post by Clayton
So its not a matter of whether she minds the calls, or whether her
website is pro or con vaccination - its a question of whether she is
allowed her views.
Nobody has said she can't hold her views.
Post by Clayton
And there are a lot of unanswered questions surrounding vaccination
and autism.
For starters the decline in childhood diseases was on the way well
before vaccination was introduced.
An anonymous website full of bias information and outright lies can be
safely ignored.
this web site confuses the issue. The mortality rate dropped with the
introduction of modern medicine. Modern EBM with the IV fluids and
early anto-biotics saved lives. The morbidity rate (rate of
infections) however didn't drop at all. Instead the rate of
Blind-Deafness syndrome increased in some places as much as 10 times.
Since the development of measles vaccine the morbidly rate has
dropped along with the rate of Blind-deafness
one has to examine information and see just what rates they are
carole/clayton and the rest of her sock have had this fact explained
to them before to no avail.
Oh no . . . carole is a *to no avail* type.

How sad!
Post by Bob Officer
Post by Dan
Post by Clayton
Why is this not acknowledged by mainstream medicine?
And why are the downside of vaccinations kept hidden from the public?
Why aren't the stories of vaccination causing epidemics widely known
rather than hushed up?
Probabbly because there are no epidemics caused by vaccinations, the few
problems that do occur are reported to the public.
Post by Clayton
Why the ongoing vigorouis campaign to increase numbers of
Why does organised medicine side with corporate medicine while making
attempts to criminalise natural medicine?
And why has there never been officially acknowledged that there is an
autism pandemic, and why does modern medicine have no idea what is the
cause of autism if it is so cutting edge and in the know?
Maybe Peter can answer some of these questions for us, but then maybe
not since he is more interested in sticking to his "skeptic" agenda of
bagging alternative medicine and hoisting drug-based medicine on a
"Men are bullies, they start and conduct all the wars.
All pedophiles and rapists are men. Practically all
murderers and criminals are men. All secret societies
that plot against the world are populated by men. All
big corporations that rob and loot the world's resources
are run by men." - carole hubbard the misandrist
Message-ID: <5tehl.16405$***@news-server.bigpond.net.au>