Microbes Growth & Water Status?
(too old to reply)
2009-08-09 11:44:25 UTC

I simply want to understand:-

Can altred water/moisture status of body cause altred cell divisions &
altred growth on pathogenic microbes--bacterias, virus, fungi etc.?

Probably, increased ESR on infections, increase in cell size on
divisions, fastings prefered by other species on sickness, loss of
water in prespiration, vomating, diahria etc. may be bit indicative of
body opting water loss and which may be related to some survival
benefits by reducing water levels discouraging pathogenic growths.

Best wishes.
2009-08-10 08:27:24 UTC
Post by Kumar
I simply want to understand:-
Can altred water/moisture status of body cause altred cell divisions &
altred growth on pathogenic microbes--bacterias, virus, fungi etc.?
Probably, increased ESR on infections, increase in cell size on
divisions, fastings prefered by other species on sickness, loss of
water in prespiration, vomating, diahria etc. may be bit indicative of
body opting water loss and which may be related to some survival
benefits by reducing water levels discouraging pathogenic growths.
Best wishes.
Simply, Can more water exposure to pathogenic microbes in body cause
their increased divisions & growth?
2009-08-13 04:46:10 UTC
Post by Kumar
Post by Kumar
I simply want to understand:-
Can altred water/moisture status of body cause altred cell divisions &
altred growth on pathogenic microbes--bacterias, virus, fungi etc.?
Probably, increased ESR on infections, increase in cell size on
divisions, fastings prefered by other species on sickness, loss of
water in prespiration, vomating, diahria etc. may be bit indicative of
body opting water loss and which may be related to some survival
benefits by reducing water levels discouraging pathogenic growths.
Best wishes.
Simply, Can more water exposure to pathogenic microbes in body cause
their increased divisions & growth?
There look to be a relation between humidity & hydration of body and
reproduction & growth of pathogens. Probably some dehydrated state
make extracellular fluid hypertonic than ICF which pull ICF water of
pathogens causing their death or decreased growth. Is it so?
2009-08-13 08:34:23 UTC
Post by Kumar
I simply want to understand:-
Can altred water/moisture status of body cause altred cell divisions &
altred growth on pathogenic microbes--bacterias, virus, fungi etc.?
Probably, increased ESR on infections, increase in cell size on
divisions, fastings prefered by other species on sickness, loss of
water in prespiration, vomating, diahria etc. may be bit indicative of
body opting water loss and which may be related to some survival
benefits by reducing water levels discouraging pathogenic growths.
Best wishes.
Vomiting: The body tries to get rid of what it just swallowed. The
loss of water/acid is a side effect I would say.
Diarrhea: Bacteria cause the gut walls to leak and increase osmotic
forces, so water is drawn into the gut lumen and therefore "expelled".
It's not the body that decides to get rid of the water, it's the
bacteria that cause this.

2009-08-13 10:09:23 UTC
Post by SanHolo
Post by Kumar
I simply want to understand:-
Can altred water/moisture status of body cause altred cell divisions &
altred growth on pathogenic microbes--bacterias, virus, fungi etc.?
Probably, increased ESR on infections, increase in cell size on
divisions, fastings prefered by other species on sickness, loss of
water in prespiration, vomating, diahria etc. may be bit indicative of
body opting water loss and which may be related to some survival
benefits by reducing water levels discouraging pathogenic growths.
Best wishes.
Vomiting: The body tries to get rid of what it just swallowed. The
loss of water/acid is a side effect I would say.
Diarrhea: Bacteria cause the gut walls to leak and increase osmotic
forces, so water is drawn into the gut lumen and therefore "expelled".
It's not the body that decides to get rid of the water, it's the
bacteria that cause this.
Thanks. This not always happen in everyone. So there can be other
initiations also to decrease water in body. Just look at following

"Apart from other factors, there seems to be a link between pathogenic
reproduction & growth with humid, hydrated, dry & dehydrated
conditions at body & local level. Probably, such growth is enhanced in
humid & hydrated conditions and restricted in dry & dehydrated
conditions. It also appears that body mechanisms try to lose water on
any infection in urine, runny nose. perspiration, vomiting, diarrhea
etc. or by getting aversion to take fluids. Naturally, other species
get natural initiation to practice fasting & stay in cool & dark place
on any sickness. Excessive vegetative & insects growth is also noted
in humid conditions than in dry environment. Probably, dehydrated
conditions cause hypertonic ECF than ICF which may draw water from
such pathogens resulting their death or restricted growth.Elevated ESR
can also be linked with water status in blood. Although own cells can
also be affected in this manner, but what is there in better survival
benefit, can be studied. As such, if humid & hydrated conditions
support life and increased reproduction & growth of pathogenic agents,
swine flu virus can also be studied accordingly. This is just a
thought, need not to be valid but practices of few alternative systems
(eg. inducing excessive sweat by hydrotherapy in flu, fasting etc.)
may be indicative."
