The England Hypothesis: The Real Reason Behind the Autism Pandemic
(too old to reply)
Reg Griswold
2013-08-28 22:18:28 UTC
The England Hypothesis: The Real Reason Behind the Autism Pandemic



"Trust us, we're experts!"
Bob Officer
2013-08-28 23:23:51 UTC
On Thu, 29 Aug 2013 08:18:28 +1000, in misc.health.alternative, Reg
Post by Reg Griswold
The England Hypothesis: The Real Reason Behind the Autism Pandemic
Don't you believe you should check facts?

The error in the Sentence <cite> "According to the England
Hypothesis, vaccine injury-induced autism is an intentional chemical
manipulation used to create millions of worker drones – sterile,
docile, unable to question the conditions handed to them for their
lives, content with boring, repetitive tasks, placid, disposable and
interchangeable. In short, autists are the ‘deltas’ and ‘epsilons’ of
the brave New World Order toward which we are being herded through
intentional social, political and genetic manipulation consistent
with the genocidal aspirations of the globalists and their horrifying
Agenda 21. </cite>

Autistic children are not "sterile", "docile" "unable to question

Typical carole not reading and understanding what she posts on

carole have you ever been around autistic children?

Agenda 21 is not related to Huxley's fictional story, carole.
You and other's have problems with the concept of agenda 21 and it
equal distribution of wealth both on national international level as
well as personal level? And then there is the plan for care of
different groups and how to protect their rights and cultures.

Maybe you need to watch _Plan_9_from_outer_space_ its fictional too,
but some people believe it is real.

just a fictional as Plan 9 from outer space [
http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0052077/ ].
Bob Officer
"Whoops .... now where did I put that other braincell?
It make it very hard to work things out.

Oh, I'll check up my arse ...get back to ya."
carole hubbard in Message-ID: <f3b680d9-da69-4c7e-99b2-***@y5g2000pbi.googlegroups.com>
2013-08-29 23:48:49 UTC
Post by Bob Officer
On Thu, 29 Aug 2013 08:18:28 +1000, in misc.health.alternative, Reg
Post by Reg Griswold
The England Hypothesis: The Real Reason Behind the Autism Pandemic
Don't you believe you should check facts?
The error in the Sentence <cite> "According to the England
Hypothesis, vaccine injury-induced autism is an intentional chemical
manipulation used to create millions of worker drones – sterile,
docile, unable to question the conditions handed to them for their
lives, content with boring, repetitive tasks, placid, disposable and
interchangeable. In short, autists are the ‘deltas’ and ‘epsilons’ of
the brave New World Order toward which we are being herded through
intentional social, political and genetic manipulation consistent
with the genocidal aspirations of the globalists and their horrifying
Agenda 21. </cite>
Autistic children are not "sterile", "docile" "unable to question
Typical carole not reading and understanding what she posts on
carole have you ever been around autistic children?
Agenda 21 is not related to Huxley's fictional story, carole.
You and other's have problems with the concept of agenda 21 and it
equal distribution of wealth both on national international level as
well as personal level? And then there is the plan for care of
different groups and how to protect their rights and cultures.
Maybe you need to watch _Plan_9_from_outer_space_ its fictional too,
but some people believe it is real.
just a fictional as Plan 9 from outer space [
http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0052077/ ].
Yeah but fred, these autism people are now being regarded as suitable
work employees by a couple of big companies who say they are going to
employ 10% autism subjects ... in spite of their disability or maybe
because of it.

The article adds up in that only token efforts are being made to find
the cause or treat autism - perhaps, as this article suggests, because
it is intentional.

I'll go with the hypothesis for now, until it can be proven wrong.


"When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have
a thousand reasons to smile." - Anonymous
Bob Officer
2013-08-30 00:21:57 UTC
On Fri, 30 Aug 2013 09:48:49 +1000, in misc.health.alternative,
Post by Clayton
Post by Bob Officer
On Thu, 29 Aug 2013 08:18:28 +1000, in misc.health.alternative, Reg
Post by Reg Griswold
The England Hypothesis: The Real Reason Behind the Autism Pandemic
Don't you believe you should check facts?
The error in the Sentence <cite> "According to the England
Hypothesis, vaccine injury-induced autism is an intentional chemical
manipulation used to create millions of worker drones – sterile,
docile, unable to question the conditions handed to them for their
lives, content with boring, repetitive tasks, placid, disposable and
interchangeable. In short, autists are the ‘deltas’ and ‘epsilons’ of
the brave New World Order toward which we are being herded through
intentional social, political and genetic manipulation consistent
with the genocidal aspirations of the globalists and their horrifying
Agenda 21. </cite>
Autistic children are not "sterile", "docile" "unable to question
Typical carole not reading and understanding what she posts on
carole have you ever been around autistic children?
Agenda 21 is not related to Huxley's fictional story, carole.
You and other's have problems with the concept of agenda 21 and it
equal distribution of wealth both on national international level as
well as personal level? And then there is the plan for care of
different groups and how to protect their rights and cultures.
Maybe you need to watch _Plan_9_from_outer_space_ its fictional too,
but some people believe it is real.
just a fictional as Plan 9 from outer space [
http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0052077/ ].
Yeah but fred, these autism people are now being regarded as suitable
work employees by a couple of big companies who say they are going to
employ 10% autism subjects ... in spite of their disability or maybe
because of it.
"subjects"? why are you so demeaning?
Post by Clayton
The article adds up in that only token efforts are being made to find
the cause or treat autism - perhaps, as this article suggests, because
it is intentional.
That addition is a fabrication, carole. an out right lie. The article
is a outright pitch for money, praying on a people with a mental
illness called paranoia. The same sort of people like you carole, are
just the target audience.
Post by Clayton
I'll go with the hypothesis for now, until it can be proven wrong.
It already has. OR didn't you know that lies repeated are still lies.
Bob Officer
"Whoops .... now where did I put that other braincell?
It make it very hard to work things out.

Oh, I'll check up my arse ...get back to ya."
carole hubbard in Message-ID: <f3b680d9-da69-4c7e-99b2-***@y5g2000pbi.googlegroups.com>
2013-08-30 05:34:56 UTC
Post by Bob Officer
On Fri, 30 Aug 2013 09:48:49 +1000, in misc.health.alternative,
Post by Clayton
Post by Bob Officer
On Thu, 29 Aug 2013 08:18:28 +1000, in misc.health.alternative, Reg
Post by Reg Griswold
The England Hypothesis: The Real Reason Behind the Autism Pandemic
Don't you believe you should check facts?
The error in the Sentence <cite> "According to the England
Hypothesis, vaccine injury-induced autism is an intentional chemical
manipulation used to create millions of worker drones – sterile,
docile, unable to question the conditions handed to them for their
lives, content with boring, repetitive tasks, placid, disposable and
interchangeable. In short, autists are the ‘deltas’ and ‘epsilons’ of
the brave New World Order toward which we are being herded through
intentional social, political and genetic manipulation consistent
with the genocidal aspirations of the globalists and their horrifying
Agenda 21. </cite>
Autistic children are not "sterile", "docile" "unable to question
Typical carole not reading and understanding what she posts on
carole have you ever been around autistic children?
Agenda 21 is not related to Huxley's fictional story, carole.
You and other's have problems with the concept of agenda 21 and it
equal distribution of wealth both on national international level as
well as personal level? And then there is the plan for care of
different groups and how to protect their rights and cultures.
Maybe you need to watch _Plan_9_from_outer_space_ its fictional too,
but some people believe it is real.
just a fictional as Plan 9 from outer space [
http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0052077/ ].
Yeah but fred, these autism people are now being regarded as suitable
work employees by a couple of big companies who say they are going to
employ 10% autism subjects ... in spite of their disability or maybe
because of it.
"subjects"? why are you so demeaning?
All in your imagination fred.
Post by Bob Officer
Post by Clayton
The article adds up in that only token efforts are being made to find
the cause or treat autism - perhaps, as this article suggests, because
it is intentional.
That addition is a fabrication, carole. an out right lie. The article
is a outright pitch for money, praying on a people with a mental
illness called paranoia. The same sort of people like you carole, are
just the target audience.
Only token effort being made to find cause - 1st reaction is to deny
and say its a change in the way sufferers are grouped. 2nd denial is
to say its not being caused by vaccinations. Apart from that I don't
see any mad scramble to find cause or cure.
Post by Bob Officer
Post by Clayton
I'll go with the hypothesis for now, until it can be proven wrong.
It already has. OR didn't you know that lies repeated are still lies.
I think the article is a very real hypothesis based on what we already
know about the directions society is heading all under the control of
the global elite. They don't want people who can think, just people
who can follow directions.

What's it like being a pharmaceutical pawn fred?


"When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have
a thousand reasons to smile." - Anonymous
2013-08-30 05:37:01 UTC
Post by Clayton
Post by Bob Officer
On Fri, 30 Aug 2013 09:48:49 +1000, in misc.health.alternative,
Post by Clayton
Post by Bob Officer
On Thu, 29 Aug 2013 08:18:28 +1000, in misc.health.alternative, Reg
Post by Reg Griswold
The England Hypothesis: The Real Reason Behind the Autism Pandemic
Don't you believe you should check facts?
The error in the Sentence <cite> "According to the England
Hypothesis, vaccine injury-induced autism is an intentional chemical
manipulation used to create millions of worker drones – sterile,
docile, unable to question the conditions handed to them for their
lives, content with boring, repetitive tasks, placid, disposable and
interchangeable. In short, autists are the ‘deltas’ and ‘epsilons’ of
the brave New World Order toward which we are being herded through
intentional social, political and genetic manipulation consistent
with the genocidal aspirations of the globalists and their horrifying
Agenda 21. </cite>
Autistic children are not "sterile", "docile" "unable to question
Typical carole not reading and understanding what she posts on
carole have you ever been around autistic children?
Agenda 21 is not related to Huxley's fictional story, carole.
You and other's have problems with the concept of agenda 21 and it
equal distribution of wealth both on national international level as
well as personal level? And then there is the plan for care of
different groups and how to protect their rights and cultures.
Maybe you need to watch _Plan_9_from_outer_space_ its fictional too,
but some people believe it is real.
just a fictional as Plan 9 from outer space [
http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0052077/ ].
Yeah but fred, these autism people are now being regarded as suitable
work employees by a couple of big companies who say they are going to
employ 10% autism subjects ... in spite of their disability or maybe
because of it.
"subjects"? why are you so demeaning?
All in your imagination fred.
Post by Bob Officer
Post by Clayton
The article adds up in that only token efforts are being made to find
the cause or treat autism - perhaps, as this article suggests, because
it is intentional.
That addition is a fabrication, carole. an out right lie. The article
is a outright pitch for money, praying on a people with a mental
illness called paranoia. The same sort of people like you carole, are
just the target audience.
Only token effort being made to find cause - 1st reaction is to deny
and say its a change in the way sufferers are grouped. 2nd denial is
to say its not being caused by vaccinations. Apart from that I don't
see any mad scramble to find cause or cure.
Post by Bob Officer
Post by Clayton
I'll go with the hypothesis for now, until it can be proven wrong.
It already has. OR didn't you know that lies repeated are still lies.
I think the article is a very real hypothesis based on what we already
know about the directions society is heading all under the control of
the global elite. They don't want people who can think, just people
who can follow directions.
What's it like being a pharmaceutical pawn fred?
"When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have
a thousand reasons to smile." - Anonymous
Good call Clayton.
I think Bob needs to have a reality check instead of believing every
word that comes out of the mouth of "experts" and other such mouth
pieces under the control of big pharma.

2013-08-30 20:31:46 UTC
Post by clark
Good call Clayton.
I think Bob needs to have a reality check instead of believing every
word that comes out of the mouth of "experts" and other such mouth
pieces under the control of big pharma.
Carole invents more sock puppets
Bob Officer
2013-08-30 06:05:04 UTC
On Fri, 30 Aug 2013 15:34:56 +1000, in misc.health.alternative,
Post by Clayton
Post by Bob Officer
On Fri, 30 Aug 2013 09:48:49 +1000, in misc.health.alternative,
Post by Clayton
Post by Bob Officer
On Thu, 29 Aug 2013 08:18:28 +1000, in misc.health.alternative, Reg
Post by Reg Griswold
The England Hypothesis: The Real Reason Behind the Autism Pandemic
Don't you believe you should check facts?
The error in the Sentence <cite> "According to the England
Hypothesis, vaccine injury-induced autism is an intentional chemical
manipulation used to create millions of worker drones – sterile,
docile, unable to question the conditions handed to them for their
lives, content with boring, repetitive tasks, placid, disposable and
interchangeable. In short, autists are the ‘deltas’ and ‘epsilons’ of
the brave New World Order toward which we are being herded through
intentional social, political and genetic manipulation consistent
with the genocidal aspirations of the globalists and their horrifying
Agenda 21. </cite>
Autistic children are not "sterile", "docile" "unable to question
Typical carole not reading and understanding what she posts on
carole have you ever been around autistic children?
Agenda 21 is not related to Huxley's fictional story, carole.
You and other's have problems with the concept of agenda 21 and it
equal distribution of wealth both on national international level as
well as personal level? And then there is the plan for care of
different groups and how to protect their rights and cultures.
Maybe you need to watch _Plan_9_from_outer_space_ its fictional too,
but some people believe it is real.
just a fictional as Plan 9 from outer space [
http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0052077/ ].
Yeah but fred, these autism people are now being regarded as suitable
work employees by a couple of big companies who say they are going to
employ 10% autism subjects ... in spite of their disability or maybe
because of it.
"subjects"? why are you so demeaning?
All in your imagination fred.
Not at all it is after all your choice of words, carole. or is this a
case where you simple cut and pasted without understand what you were
Post by Clayton
Post by Bob Officer
Post by Clayton
The article adds up in that only token efforts are being made to find
the cause or treat autism - perhaps, as this article suggests, because
it is intentional.
That addition is a fabrication, carole. an out right lie. The article
is a outright pitch for money, praying on a people with a mental
illness called paranoia. The same sort of people like you carole, are
just the target audience.
Only token effort being made to find cause - 1st reaction is to deny
and say its a change in the way sufferers are grouped. 2nd denial is
to say its not being caused by vaccinations. Apart from that I don't
see any mad scramble to find cause or cure.
and what do you base that upon. Millions of dollars have been spend
chasing after all sorts of false causes. Wakefield alone cost several
millions of dollars, is my guess.

To date, no evidence has been presented which stands up to
examination that vaccines are the cause of autism. Autism predate
vaccines, carole. you keep ignoring that fact.

Current studies seems to still be linking de novo mutations with

re: the original article the story is full of lies and untruths.
Post by Clayton
Post by Bob Officer
Post by Clayton
I'll go with the hypothesis for now, until it can be proven wrong.
It already has. OR didn't you know that lies repeated are still lies.
I think the article is a very real hypothesis based on what we already
know about the directions society is heading all under the control of
the global elite. They don't want people who can think, just people
who can follow directions.
It is pure nonsense carole. What part of falsified premise don't you
understand. Autistic people are not sterile. That fact should cast
doubt upon the all the rest of the premises put forward.
Post by Clayton
What's it like being a pharmaceutical pawn fred?
I don't know, carole, tell us all what it is like to be willfully
ignorant, to the point you would be classified as stupid or retarded?
Bob Officer
Carole Hubbard stuns the world showing her belief that 2+2 = 3 or 5 says to me
"And one day they might find a cause for your lack of cognitive ability in
putting 2+2 together and coming up with 4 instead of 3 or 5."
in Message-ID:
2013-08-28 23:50:59 UTC
Post by Reg Griswold
The England Hypothesis: The Real Reason Behind the Autism Pandemic
Abusing the word 'truth' eh.
Bob Officer
2013-08-29 00:39:32 UTC
On Thu, 29 Aug 2013 11:50:59 +1200, in misc.health.alternative,
Post by george152
Post by Reg Griswold
The England Hypothesis: The Real Reason Behind the Autism Pandemic
Abusing the word 'truth' eh.
worse than that this Doctor has what appears some sort mental illness
which fails to recognized fictional stories published in the early
1930s from fact.

Actually this Doctor doesn't really have a grasp on facts and
believes autistics are sterile, (before treatment from the
not-a-doctor-any-more and his son-never-was-a-doctor Geier.)

What sort of mental disorder hits about age 65-70 which attributes
are presented with disconnection from reality and paranoia?
Bob Officer
Carole Hubbard describes her difficulties in understanding:
"Yeah ok. Everybody keeps telling me to read this and that.
Hell I'm still trying to plough my way through
http://zapatopi.net/afdb.html "
Message-ID: <d4s9du$2kr8$***@austarmetro.com.au>
2013-08-29 02:57:35 UTC
Post by Bob Officer
On Thu, 29 Aug 2013 11:50:59 +1200, in misc.health.alternative,
Post by george152
Post by Reg Griswold
The England Hypothesis: The Real Reason Behind the Autism Pandemic
Abusing the word 'truth' eh.
worse than that this Doctor has what appears some sort mental illness
which fails to recognized fictional stories published in the early
1930s from fact.
Actually this Doctor doesn't really have a grasp on facts and
believes autistics are sterile, (before treatment from the
not-a-doctor-any-more and his son-never-was-a-doctor Geier.)
What sort of mental disorder hits about age 65-70 which attributes
are presented with disconnection from reality and paranoia?
We have very strict licensing of medical practitioners here.

A situation worth repeating throughout the world.

However my ex-wifes grandfather was a medical practitioner in Cleveleys
near Blackpool until his death at age 90 and I know what Dr Ward thought
of such 'doctors'
Sylvia Else
2013-08-30 01:17:54 UTC
Post by Reg Griswold
The England Hypothesis: The Real Reason Behind the Autism Pandemic
"Trust us, we're experts!"
It doesn't even make sense. There's not enough work around for the
existing worker drones, and there's less and less every day as
automation takes over, doing the work more reliably and even more
cheaply than the cheapest worker drone can. Why would anyone want to
create more worker drones?

Bob Officer
2013-08-30 05:50:56 UTC
On Fri, 30 Aug 2013 11:17:54 +1000, in misc.health.alternative,
Post by Sylvia Else
Post by Reg Griswold
The England Hypothesis: The Real Reason Behind the Autism Pandemic
"Trust us, we're experts!"
It doesn't even make sense. There's not enough work around for the
existing worker drones, and there's less and less every day as
automation takes over, doing the work more reliably and even more
cheaply than the cheapest worker drone can. Why would anyone want to
create more worker drones?
That's carole hubbard for you, she really doesn't think critically or
ready and understand what she has read.
Bob Officer
"Whoops .... now where did I put that other braincell?
It make it very hard to work things out.

Oh, I'll check up my arse ...get back to ya."
carole hubbard in Message-ID: <f3b680d9-da69-4c7e-99b2-***@y5g2000pbi.googlegroups.com>
2013-08-31 14:23:32 UTC
On Fri, 30 Aug 2013 11:17:54 +1000, Sylvia Else
Post by Sylvia Else
Post by Reg Griswold
The England Hypothesis: The Real Reason Behind the Autism Pandemic
"Trust us, we're experts!"
It doesn't even make sense. There's not enough work around for the
existing worker drones, and there's less and less every day as
automation takes over, doing the work more reliably and even more
cheaply than the cheapest worker drone can. Why would anyone want to
create more worker drones?
Easier to control, don't ask questions - they're the workers
ideologised in Orwell's prophetic work 1984.
Bob Officer
2013-08-31 16:32:25 UTC
On Sun, 01 Sep 2013 00:23:32 +1000, in misc.health.alternative,
Post by Clayton
On Fri, 30 Aug 2013 11:17:54 +1000, Sylvia Else
Post by Sylvia Else
Post by Reg Griswold
The England Hypothesis: The Real Reason Behind the Autism Pandemic
"Trust us, we're experts!"
It doesn't even make sense. There's not enough work around for the
existing worker drones, and there's less and less every day as
automation takes over, doing the work more reliably and even more
cheaply than the cheapest worker drone can. Why would anyone want to
create more worker drones?
Easier to control, don't ask questions - they're the workers
ideologised in Orwell's prophetic work 1984.
he is a question which needs to be ask:
How can a "work" be considered "prophetic" when "1984" came and
passed, and nothing in the book came true?

This is just another 'clayton', one of carole's fake identities/socks
showing her ignorant self to the world.

Carole can't use logic and often ignores facts to make every fit in
her paranoia and conspiracy laden world.
Bob Officer
Carole Hubbard describes her difficulties in understanding:
"Yeah ok. Everybody keeps telling me to read this and that.
Hell I'm still trying to plough my way through
http://zapatopi.net/afdb.html "
Message-ID: <d4s9du$2kr8$***@austarmetro.com.au>