Hepatitis B Vaccine Discontinued After Three Newborn Babies Die
(too old to reply)
Reg Griswold
2013-07-28 00:57:13 UTC
Hepatitis B Vaccine Discontinued After Three Newborn Babies Die -


"So far in 2013, nine children in the United States have died after
receiving the hepatitis B vaccines. [4] "

"For most children, the risk of a serious vaccine reaction may be 100
times greater than the risk of hepatitis B.” [7] - "


"Trust us, we're experts!"
2013-07-28 05:28:24 UTC
Post by Reg Griswold
Hepatitis B Vaccine Discontinued After Three Newborn Babies Die -
"So far in 2013, nine children in the United States have died after
receiving the hepatitis B vaccines. [4] "
Post by Reg Griswold
"For most children, the risk of a serious vaccine reaction may be 100
times greater than the risk of hepatitis B.” [7] - "
Post by Reg Griswold
"Trust us, we're experts!"
Since you didn't tell the full story you're no expert

The babies, vaccinated in *Vietnam* under the country’s National
Expanded Program on Immunization, died on July 20 in the central
province of Quang Tri, according to the report.
Bob Officer
2013-07-28 05:37:10 UTC
On Sun, 28 Jul 2013 10:57:13 +1000, in misc.health.alternative, Reg
Post by Reg Griswold
Hepatitis B Vaccine Discontinued After Three Newborn Babies Die -
in viet nam...
Post by Reg Griswold
however the actual statement is this:
"The Vietnamese Health Department has since opted to discontinue the
use of two vaccine lots in the entire country to protect other babies
from a similar, tragic fate.

You have misrepresented the truth, carole.
Post by Reg Griswold
"So far in 2013, nine children in the United States have died after
receiving the hepatitis B vaccines. [4] "
They also died after riding in cars, breathing and eating. The
reference does not lay the blame on the vaccine.
Post by Reg Griswold
"For most children, the risk of a serious vaccine reaction may be 100
times greater than the risk of hepatitis B.” [7] - "
However the citation is not 100% accurate as it refers to VAERS which
is very unqualified and unreliable in the reporting..
Post by Reg Griswold
aka carole. why are you hiding like a coward, afraid your gardening
friends would find out how mentally unstable you really are?
Bob Officer
"Well guess what, I don't care if I don't get the details right."
Carole Hubbard, the infamous 'Idiot from Down Under' in
Message-ID: <5vTzo.1191$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>
2013-07-29 10:38:37 UTC
Post by Bob Officer
On Sun, 28 Jul 2013 10:57:13 +1000, in misc.health.alternative, Reg
Post by Reg Griswold
Hepatitis B Vaccine Discontinued After Three Newborn Babies Die -
in viet nam...
Post by Reg Griswold
"The Vietnamese Health Department has since opted to discontinue the
use of two vaccine lots in the entire country to protect other babies
from a similar, tragic fate.
You have misrepresented the truth, carole.
Post by Reg Griswold
"So far in 2013, nine children in the United States have died after
receiving the hepatitis B vaccines. [4] "
They also died after riding in cars, breathing and eating. The
reference does not lay the blame on the vaccine.
Like I have pointed out, you're either a psychopath or an idiot - and
now it becomes clear than you're an idiot.

Why do you think the vietnam vaccination program was suspended?
This is the whole guts of the piece idiot.

"Families of three babies who died shortly after receiving their
routine hepatitis B vaccine are mourning the loss of their children.
The babies, vaccinated in Vietnam under the country’s National
Expanded Program on Immunization, died on July 20 in the central
province of Quang Tri, according to the report. [1] - "


"So far in 2013, nine children in the United States have died after
receiving the hepatitis B vaccines. [4] - "

The references are at the bottom of the page for further
For heavens sake do some reading instead of spouting off from the
Post by Bob Officer
Post by Reg Griswold
"For most children, the risk of a serious vaccine reaction may be 100
times greater than the risk of hepatitis B.” [7] - "
However the citation is not 100% accurate as it refers to VAERS which
is very unqualified and unreliable in the reporting..
Post by Reg Griswold
aka carole. why are you hiding like a coward, afraid your gardening
friends would find out how mentally unstable you really are?
Bob officer and the Lu-sers spreading disinformation, lies and
propaganda for big pharma.

Bob is the baldy guy in the following film snippet.


"This is America"

Bob Officer
2013-07-29 13:28:04 UTC
On Mon, 29 Jul 2013 20:38:37 +1000, in misc.health.alternative,
Post by Clayton
Post by Bob Officer
On Sun, 28 Jul 2013 10:57:13 +1000, in misc.health.alternative, Reg
Post by Reg Griswold
Hepatitis B Vaccine Discontinued After Three Newborn Babies Die -
in viet nam...
Post by Reg Griswold
"The Vietnamese Health Department has since opted to discontinue the
use of two vaccine lots in the entire country to protect other babies
from a similar, tragic fate.
You have misrepresented the truth, carole.
Post by Reg Griswold
"So far in 2013, nine children in the United States have died after
receiving the hepatitis B vaccines. [4] "
They also died after riding in cars, breathing and eating. The
reference does not lay the blame on the vaccine.
Like I have pointed out, you're either a psychopath or an idiot - and
now it becomes clear than you're an idiot.
Why do you think the vietnam vaccination program was suspended?
This is the whole guts of the piece idiot.
Did you read the entire article?

The suspended using just two (2) lots of vaccine. The did not suspend
the entire program.

This is another case of your own selective reading
Post by Clayton
"Families of three babies who died shortly after receiving their
routine hepatitis B vaccine are mourning the loss of their children.
The babies, vaccinated in Vietnam under the country’s National
Expanded Program on Immunization, died on July 20 in the central
province of Quang Tri, according to the report. [1] - "
The next paragraph which you omitted in selective and false citation

"The Vietnamese Health Department has since opted to discontinue the
use of two vaccine lots in the entire country to protect other babies
from a similar, tragic fate.

IT seems the whole guts of the story doesn't say what you think it
says. The program is continuing, just not using any of those two
Post by Clayton
"So far in 2013, nine children in the United States have died after
receiving the hepatitis B vaccines. [4] - "
The references are at the bottom of the page for further
For heavens sake do some reading instead of spouting off from the
I have that claim is based upon information from the reporting site.
It doesn't say what you and the author claim it says.

You lack due diligence in understanding your own citations and their
Post by Clayton
Post by Bob Officer
Post by Reg Griswold
"For most children, the risk of a serious vaccine reaction may be 100
times greater than the risk of hepatitis B.” [7] - "
However the citation is not 100% accurate as it refers to VAERS which
is very unqualified and unreliable in the reporting..
Post by Reg Griswold
aka carole. why are you hiding like a coward, afraid your gardening
friends would find out how mentally unstable you really are?
Bob officer and the Lu-sers spreading disinformation, lies and
propaganda for big pharma.
Bob is the baldy guy in the following film snippet.
I am not, why do you tell lies.
Bob Officer
Message-ID: <c74f794e-d25a-4153-b34f-***@d2g2000pbd.googlegroups.com>
"I just think of it as background noise.
It helps give mha more validity by increasing group activity."
Carole justifying chung's postings.
Then she demands I "do" something about him:
Message-ID: <0fc33205-d6e0-41ab-a7d5-***@qi8g2000pbb.googlegroups.com>
"All I'm saying is if you find chung as annoying and ridiculous as the
rest of us, instead of blocking him out you should take him to task.

and now you see why carole is considered confused.
2013-07-29 19:56:58 UTC
Post by Bob Officer
On Mon, 29 Jul 2013 20:38:37 +1000, in misc.health.alternative,
Post by Clayton
Post by Bob Officer
On Sun, 28 Jul 2013 10:57:13 +1000, in misc.health.alternative, Reg
Post by Reg Griswold
Hepatitis B Vaccine Discontinued After Three Newborn Babies Die -
in viet nam...
Post by Reg Griswold
"The Vietnamese Health Department has since opted to discontinue the
use of two vaccine lots in the entire country to protect other babies
from a similar, tragic fate.
You have misrepresented the truth, carole.
Post by Reg Griswold
"So far in 2013, nine children in the United States have died after
receiving the hepatitis B vaccines. [4] "
They also died after riding in cars, breathing and eating. The
reference does not lay the blame on the vaccine.
Like I have pointed out, you're either a psychopath or an idiot - and
now it becomes clear than you're an idiot.
Why do you think the vietnam vaccination program was suspended?
This is the whole guts of the piece idiot.
Did you read the entire article?
The suspended using just two (2) lots of vaccine. The did not suspend
the entire program.
This is another case of your own selective reading
Bob, stop making excuses for these vaccines.
The whole program was suspended - in the US there are many cases of
vaccine damaged individuals. It has become so bad that now the
pharmaceutical cartel has gotten legislation introduced so they can't
be held liable and damages have to come out of the public purse now.

I guess they're getting ready for when the shit hits the fan and it
all comes out about how vaccines cause autism and various auto-immune

Go spread your lies and propaganda somewhere else bob.
We all know its a big coverup and that virtually nothing is being done
to get to the bottom of it since it would affect profits.
Post by Bob Officer
Post by Clayton
"Families of three babies who died shortly after receiving their
routine hepatitis B vaccine are mourning the loss of their children.
The babies, vaccinated in Vietnam under the country’s National
Expanded Program on Immunization, died on July 20 in the central
province of Quang Tri, according to the report. [1] - "
The next paragraph which you omitted in selective and false citation
"The Vietnamese Health Department has since opted to discontinue the
use of two vaccine lots in the entire country to protect other babies
from a similar, tragic fate.
IT seems the whole guts of the story doesn't say what you think it
says. The program is continuing, just not using any of those two
Bob go peddle your pro-pharmaceutical propaganda in another group -
oh, but I forgot that is your purpose in mha, ie to run interference
against any alternative health messages.

Shame bob, shame.

Try and keep your lu-py mates under control.

2013-07-29 20:11:35 UTC
Post by clark
Bob go peddle your pro-pharmaceutical propaganda in another group -
oh, but I forgot that is your purpose in mha, ie to run interference
against any alternative health messages.
Alternative 'health" ?
If it can't stand up to testing it aint
Bob Officer
2013-07-29 21:50:37 UTC
On Tue, 30 Jul 2013 08:11:35 +1200, in misc.health.alternative,
Post by george152
Post by clark
Bob go peddle your pro-pharmaceutical propaganda in another group -
oh, but I forgot that is your purpose in mha, ie to run interference
against any alternative health messages.
Alternative 'health" ?
If it can't stand up to testing it aint
Carole's new game is calling facts, data and other evidence which
make up the truth a "loophole".
Bob Officer
"Whoops .... now where did I put that other braincell?
It make it very hard to work things out.

Oh, I'll check up my arse ...get back to ya."
carole hubbard in Message-ID: <f3b680d9-da69-4c7e-99b2-***@y5g2000pbi.googlegroups.com>
Bob Officer
2013-07-29 21:49:13 UTC
On Tue, 30 Jul 2013 05:56:58 +1000, in misc.health.alternative, clark
Post by clark
Post by Bob Officer
On Mon, 29 Jul 2013 20:38:37 +1000, in misc.health.alternative,
Post by Clayton
Post by Bob Officer
On Sun, 28 Jul 2013 10:57:13 +1000, in misc.health.alternative, Reg
Post by Reg Griswold
Hepatitis B Vaccine Discontinued After Three Newborn Babies Die -
in viet nam...
Post by Reg Griswold
"The Vietnamese Health Department has since opted to discontinue the
use of two vaccine lots in the entire country to protect other babies
from a similar, tragic fate.
You have misrepresented the truth, carole.
Post by Reg Griswold
"So far in 2013, nine children in the United States have died after
receiving the hepatitis B vaccines. [4] "
They also died after riding in cars, breathing and eating. The
reference does not lay the blame on the vaccine.
Like I have pointed out, you're either a psychopath or an idiot - and
now it becomes clear than you're an idiot.
Why do you think the vietnam vaccination program was suspended?
This is the whole guts of the piece idiot.
Did you read the entire article?
The suspended using just two (2) lots of vaccine. The did not suspend
the entire program.
This is another case of your own selective reading
Bob, stop making excuses for these vaccines.
The whole program was suspended
Cant you read carole. I will post it again

"The Vietnamese Health Department has since opted to discontinue the
use of two vaccine lots in the entire country to protect other babies
from a similar, tragic fate.

and the important part you are skipping over: <cite>... opted to
discontinue the use of two vaccine lots ... </cite>

"Two lots" There is nothing about the overall program being

Please learn how to read, carole, you are making a idiot out of
Bob Officer

"One of my pet hates is being made an idiot
out of ...but you go right ahead"
Carole Hubbard in Message-ID:
2013-07-29 20:10:00 UTC
Post by Bob Officer
On Mon, 29 Jul 2013 20:38:37 +1000, in misc.health.alternative,
Post by Clayton
Bob officer and the Lu-sers spreading disinformation, lies and
propaganda for big pharma.
Bob is the baldy guy in the following film snippet.
I am not, why do you tell lies.
Because its all Carole has (well, apart from her sox puppets)
Happy Oyster
2013-08-03 22:58:22 UTC
Post by Clayton
Like I have pointed out, you're either a psychopath or an idiot - and
now it becomes clear than you're an idiot.
Oops. Shall we discuss about orchid-killer Carole Hubbard and her insane
lies and habits?
Crowd-funding is for money, crowd-publishing is for mankind.
