Vaccination is a human rights issue.
(too old to reply)
2013-05-31 06:59:46 UTC

Thursday, May 30, 2013 at 11:26PM Dan Buzzard

On Tuesday the Australian Vaccination Network sent out an email full of
their usual rubbish. Except there was one thing that caught my eye.
About one third of the way down is the subtitle "Civil Liberties
Organisation approves of Discrimination!" what I found was very amusing.
It would appear that a member of the AVN has contacted Civil Liberties
Australia regarding their stance on vaccination.

The CLA has responded:

Dear DM

We support vaccination, as it is a right of the child.

Note, the child. The child has a separate right from that of the parent.

Parents can believe anything they like, but we believe children have the
right to the best chance at health.

This is a formal right under international agreement. the Convention on
the Right of the Child.

You can make any choice you like...that's your right. You can insist on
your right to say 'no' as a new parent, but it could be your child who
suffers the consequences.

Or another child: see the example in our policy document, or see the
vision of the baby whooping in Sunday night's documentary on SBS
http://www.sbs.com.au under Video Highlights, "Jabbed: Love, Fear and
Vaccines" (you only need to watch a few minutes, the child comes at the
start of the program). The child was whooping because an unvaccinated
children had passed on the disease to the baby before the baby was old
enough to be vaccinated.

If you choose to not vaccinate your children, we believe you are taking
away their right to their best chance at health.

Your choice.


The child has a right to health, independent of the right of a parent to
adopt measures for her or his child that accord with the parent's view

CLA believes that a child has a right to immediate vaccination in the
face of an imminent and preventable illness (for example, Hep B for
children born to mothers who have the disease) and has a right to a
'best chance' at life, which would support the well-tested schedule of
childhood vaccinations.

Parents have a responsibility to act in the 'best interests' of the
child (this is a formal responsibility on a parent under the Convention
on Rights of the Child).

CLA's position allows children (and their parents) to make their own
decision on some types of vaccines, especially those that come later in
life, such as the HPV[1] vaccine (which isn't life saving in the same
way Hep B, tetanus or whooping cough vaccines can be). It also allows
parents a way to opt-out of 'new' and less-tested vaccines such as
seasonal influenza.


Bill Rowlings

-Civil Liberties Australia

The idea that an anti-vaxxer would contact a human rights organisation
is just beyond laughable. People who don't vaccinate are contributing to
a lower heard immunity and placing other members of the community at
risk. Vaccination is a human rights issue and should be mandatory, with
the only exception being medical reasons. Even adults should be required
to be vaccinated if they wish to take part in society.

There is no "right" to lower heard immunity put others at risk of
potentially fatal diseases for the same reason there is no "right" to
drink and drive.
John H. Gohde
2013-05-31 09:14:41 UTC
Post by Dan
-Civil Liberties Australia
The idea that an anti-vaxxer would contact a human rights organisation
is just beyond laughable. People who don't vaccinate are contributing to
a lower heard immunity and placing other members of the community at
risk. Vaccination is a human rights issue and should be mandatory, with
the only exception being medical reasons. Even adults should be required
to be vaccinated if they wish to take part in society.
There is no "right" to lower heard immunity put others at risk of
potentially fatal diseases for the same reason there is no "right" to
drink and drive.
Total Bull, and I do NOT mind saying so.

Now, can all the "vaccine induced health rejects" kindly stay the F*ck
away from moi. YOU are infringing upon moi's right to breath clean
air and being associated with positive people ALL around me.

Your constant disease states are infringing upon moi's right to stay
healthy. :)
Bob Casanova
2013-05-31 21:18:45 UTC
On Fri, 31 May 2013 02:14:41 -0700 (PDT), the following
appeared in sci.skeptic, posted by "John H. Gohde"
Post by John H. Gohde
Post by Dan
-Civil Liberties Australia
The idea that an anti-vaxxer would contact a human rights organisation
is just beyond laughable. People who don't vaccinate are contributing to
a lower heard immunity and placing other members of the community at
risk. Vaccination is a human rights issue and should be mandatory, with
the only exception being medical reasons. Even adults should be required
to be vaccinated if they wish to take part in society.
There is no "right" to lower heard immunity put others at risk of
potentially fatal diseases for the same reason there is no "right" to
drink and drive.
Total Bull, and I do NOT mind saying so.
Now, can all the "vaccine induced health rejects" kindly stay the F*ck
away from moi. YOU are infringing upon moi's right to breath clean
air and being associated with positive people ALL around me.
Enjoy central Antarctica.
Post by John H. Gohde
Your constant disease states are infringing upon moi's right to stay
healthy. :)
Those vaccinated are healthy; the vaccinations are to ensure
that. Your desire to be potentially *un*healthy by refusing
to take advantage of modern medicine is your problem, and
you'd better hope you never need treatment for a potentially
lethal disease, since a rational medical establishment
should take you at your word and refuse to treat you.
Bob C.

"The most exciting phrase to hear in science,
the one that heralds new discoveries, is not
'Eureka!' but 'That's funny...'"

- Isaac Asimov
John H. Gohde
2013-05-31 21:24:47 UTC
Post by Bob Casanova
On Fri, 31 May 2013 02:14:41 -0700 (PDT), the following
appeared in sci.skeptic, posted by "John H. Gohde"
Post by John H. Gohde
Post by Dan
-Civil Liberties Australia
The idea that an anti-vaxxer would contact a human rights organisation
is just beyond laughable. People who don't vaccinate are contributing to
a lower heard immunity and placing other members of the community at
risk. Vaccination is a human rights issue and should be mandatory, with
the only exception being medical reasons. Even adults should be required
to be vaccinated if they wish to take part in society.
There is no "right" to lower heard immunity put others at risk of
potentially fatal diseases for the same reason there is no "right" to
drink and drive.
Total Bull, and I do NOT mind saying so.
Now, can all the "vaccine induced health rejects" kindly stay the F*ck
away from moi.  YOU are infringing upon moi's right to breath clean
air and being associated with positive people ALL around me.
Enjoy central Antarctica.
Post by John H. Gohde
Your constant disease states are infringing upon moi's right to stay
healthy.  :)
Those vaccinated are healthy; the vaccinations are to ensure
that. Your desire to be potentially *un*healthy by refusing
to take advantage of modern medicine is your problem, and
you'd better hope you never need treatment for a potentially
lethal disease, since a rational medical establishment
should take you at your word and refuse to treat you.
Total Bull, and I do NOT mind saying so.

Now, can all the "vaccine induced health rejects" kindly stay the
away from moi. YOU are infringing upon moi's right to breathe clean
air and being associated with positive people ALL around me.

Your constant disease states are infringing upon moi's right to stay
healthy. :)
Happy Oyster
2013-05-31 22:36:24 UTC
On Fri, 31 May 2013 14:24:47 -0700 (PDT), "John H. Gohde"
Post by John H. Gohde
Now, can all the "vaccine induced health rejects" kindly stay the F*ck
away from moi. YOU are infringing upon moi's right to breathe clean
air and being associated with positive people ALL around me.
Your constant disease states are infringing upon moi's right to stay
healthy. :)
I did not know John H. Gohde lives in a sewage tank.
Crowd-funding is for money, crowd-publishing is for mankind.

Bob Casanova
2013-06-01 19:09:29 UTC
On Fri, 31 May 2013 14:24:47 -0700 (PDT), the following
appeared in sci.skeptic, posted by "John H. Gohde"
Post by John H. Gohde
Post by Bob Casanova
On Fri, 31 May 2013 02:14:41 -0700 (PDT), the following
appeared in sci.skeptic, posted by "John H. Gohde"
Post by John H. Gohde
Post by Dan
-Civil Liberties Australia
The idea that an anti-vaxxer would contact a human rights organisation
is just beyond laughable. People who don't vaccinate are contributing to
a lower heard immunity and placing other members of the community at
risk. Vaccination is a human rights issue and should be mandatory, with
the only exception being medical reasons. Even adults should be required
to be vaccinated if they wish to take part in society.
There is no "right" to lower heard immunity put others at risk of
potentially fatal diseases for the same reason there is no "right" to
drink and drive.
Total Bull, and I do NOT mind saying so.
Now, can all the "vaccine induced health rejects" kindly stay the F*ck
away from moi.  YOU are infringing upon moi's right to breath clean
air and being associated with positive people ALL around me.
Enjoy central Antarctica.
Post by John H. Gohde
Your constant disease states are infringing upon moi's right to stay
healthy.  :)
Those vaccinated are healthy; the vaccinations are to ensure
that. Your desire to be potentially *un*healthy by refusing
to take advantage of modern medicine is your problem, and
you'd better hope you never need treatment for a potentially
lethal disease, since a rational medical establishment
should take you at your word and refuse to treat you.
Total Bull, and I do NOT mind saying so.
Yes, everything you post is "Total Bull"; glad you recognize

<snip additional idiocy>
Bob C.

"The most exciting phrase to hear in science,
the one that heralds new discoveries, is not
'Eureka!' but 'That's funny...'"

- Isaac Asimov
Bob Officer
2013-05-31 21:40:44 UTC
On Fri, 31 May 2013 14:18:45 -0700, in misc.health.alternative, Bob
Post by Bob Casanova
On Fri, 31 May 2013 02:14:41 -0700 (PDT), the following
appeared in sci.skeptic, posted by "John H. Gohde"
Post by John H. Gohde
Post by Dan
-Civil Liberties Australia
The idea that an anti-vaxxer would contact a human rights organisation
is just beyond laughable. People who don't vaccinate are contributing to
a lower heard immunity and placing other members of the community at
risk. Vaccination is a human rights issue and should be mandatory, with
the only exception being medical reasons. Even adults should be required
to be vaccinated if they wish to take part in society.
There is no "right" to lower heard immunity put others at risk of
potentially fatal diseases for the same reason there is no "right" to
drink and drive.
Total Bull, and I do NOT mind saying so.
Now, can all the "vaccine induced health rejects" kindly stay the F*ck
away from moi. YOU are infringing upon moi's right to breath clean
air and being associated with positive people ALL around me.
Enjoy central Antarctica.
Post by John H. Gohde
Your constant disease states are infringing upon moi's right to stay
healthy. :)
Those vaccinated are healthy; the vaccinations are to ensure
that. Your desire to be potentially *un*healthy by refusing
to take advantage of modern medicine is your problem, and
you'd better hope you never need treatment for a potentially
lethal disease, since a rational medical establishment
should take you at your word and refuse to treat you.
If an adult chooses to go unvaccinated, but yet spreads a disease,
said adult should be prosecuted for criminal charges and then sued
for civil damages.

It is not a right to spread disease.
Bob Officer
"Whoops .... now where did I put that other braincell?
It make it very hard to work things out.

Oh, I'll check up my arse ...get back to ya."
carole hubbard in Message-ID: <f3b680d9-da69-4c7e-99b2-***@y5g2000pbi.googlegroups.com>
Happy Oyster
2013-05-31 22:55:11 UTC
Post by Bob Officer
If an adult chooses to go unvaccinated, but yet spreads a disease,
said adult should be prosecuted for criminal charges and then sued
for civil damages.
It is not a right to spread disease.
Then think of German medical doctors who do exactly that.

The book mentioned in the following thread is this one:




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"erkrankte Kinder ... in die Schule und auf die Straße geschickt werden"
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Topic: "erkrankte Kinder ... in die Schule und auf die Straße geschickt
werden" (Read 675 times)
Jr. Member

Posts: 546

"erkrankte Kinder ... in die Schule und auf die Straße geschickt werden"
« on: March 20, 2008, 09:06:03 PM »

Re: Was Dr. med. Splittstoeßer zur Röteln-Impfung schreibt
[ Forum Impfen ]
Geschrieben von Thomas am 29. März 2001 07:24:29:
Als Antwort auf: Was Dr. med. Splittstoeßer zur Röteln-Impfung schreibt
von Hans am 28. März 2001 20:40:54:

das vorgersagte heißt doch praktisch:

Leute, schickt Eure Kinder zu Rötelnkranken, damit ihr ausreichend
habt (v. a. die Mädels).

Wurde früher auch so gehandhabt. Meine Großmutter hat mir folgendes
wenn das Gerücht auftauchte, bei der Familie xy seien Windpocken oder
Masern oder ... ausgebrochen, dann wurden sofort die Kinder dorthin zum
Spielen geschickt.
Ich selber habe mir schon überlegt, ob ich nicht per Anzeige Kinder
suchen soll, die gerade irgendeine Kinderkrankheit durchmachen. Habe
aber aus Angst vor der Regenbogenpresse ("Vater quält Sohn mit
Windpocken" Untertitel: große Gefahr für die Volksgesundheit) bisher
davon Abstand genommen.
Gruß Thomas


[ Forum Impfen ]

Hier die geballte Ladung geistige Infektion aus dem Buch von


Was Dr. med. Splittstoeßer zur Röteln-Impfung schreibt
[ Forum Impfen ]
Geschrieben von Hans am 28. März 2001 20:40:54:
Als Antwort auf: Re: Röteln-Impfung nicht vor Eintritt der
Fortpflanzungsfähigkeit geschrieben von Dr. Vogelsang am 28. März 2001
Quelle: Dr. med. Wulf Splittstoeßer, "Goldrausch", Seite 258 bis 261


Die Erkrankung mit Röteln ist eine meist leicht verlaufende, akute
fieberhafte Erkrankung, die durch einen feinfleckigen Ausschlag und
Lymphknotenschwellungen gekennzeichnet ist. Sie wird durch
Tröpfcheninfektion direkt von Mensch zu Mensch übertragen. Unbemerkt
verlaufende Erkrankungen sind häufig.
Seltene Komplikationen sind die Gehirnentzündung, Enzephalitis und eine
Entzündung der Nervenwurzeln, Polyradikulitis. In einigen Fällen wird
auch über Entzündungen der großen und kleinen Gelenke mit Schwellung und
Schmerz sowie über trombozytopenische Purpura berichtet. [532] (Sirnon,
1983, S. 707 ff.)

"Viele Kinder machen Röteln als harmlose Unpäßlichkeit ohne
Hautmanifestation durch. Dafür verfügen in unserem Land 90 % der Frauen,
wenn sie ins gebärfähige Alter kommen, über einen natürlichen Schutz
natürliche Infektion. Deshalb äußerte schon vor 15 Jahren Prof.
Thomsson, Direktor des Hygiene-Instituts in Göttingen, seine Bedenken
gegen die Röteln-Massenimpfungen. Er empfahl, die restlichen 10 % durch
Testmethoden herauszusuchen und nur diese zu impfen. Thomsson fragt:
Warum Massenimpfungen, wenn wir wissen, daß 90 % der Mädchen einen
"Impfschutz" überhaupt nicht benötigen, da sie die Röteln - sichtbar
oder unsichtbar - bereits mitgemacht haben. Er erinnert an das Risiko
der Impfung mit einem Impfstoff, der auf mit Röteln-Virus infizierten
Kaninchennieren gezüchtet wird." [533] (Buchwald, 1994, S. 106)

Ganz wesentlich ist, sich zu vergegenwärtigen, daß die durch normalen
Infekt erworbene Immunität gegen Röteln gewöhnlich ein Leben lang
anhält. Die Zweiterkrankungsrate wird mit 2 -5% angegeben. Auch für
Frankreich gilt, daß 90-93 % der 20-jährigen Frauen Antikörper gegen
Röteln aufweisen, obwohl sie
nicht geimpft worden waren. [534] (Delarue, 1995, S. 50/51 )

Das Risiko einer angeborenen Röteln-Schädigung nach Infektion der
Schwangeren hängt vor allem vom Zeitpunkt der Infektion ab. Im
allgemeinen kann man sagen, daß das Risiko um so größer ist, je früher
während der Schwangerschaft die Infektion erfolgte. "Infektionen im
ersten Schwangerschaftsmonat führten bei 50 -60 % zu Organschäden beim
Kind, im zweiten Schwangerschaftsmonat bei etwa 25 %, im dritten bei
etwa 15% und im vierten Monat bei 7-10 %. Diese Häufigkeit von
Organschäden erhöht sich
durch die erst im späteren Leben nachweisbaren Schäden, z.B.
Hörschäden." [535] (Spiess, 1994, S. 210 ff.)
Entsprechend den Impfempfehlungen der Ständigen Impfkommission am
Robert-Koch-lnstitut, Berlin, (STIKO) sollen alle Kinder und
Kleinkinder, also auch die Jungen, ab dem zweiten Lebensjahr mit einem
MMR-Kombinationsimpfstoff geimpft werden. Eine Wiederholungsimpfung
aller Kinder mit MMR-Impfstoff wird ab dem 6. Lebensjahr empfohlen.
Durch diese Wiederholungsimpfung sollen Impflücken geschlossen und
Impfversager ausgeglichen werden.

1992 schrieb Prof. G. Huber: "Die Immunisierung durch Krankheit ist
sicherer, belastungsfähiger und länger anhaltend als durch die Impfung."
[536] (Huber, 1992, S. 1337 in: Buchwald, 1994, S. 107) Gerade hier
liegt das vermutlich größte Problem bei der Röteln-Impfung. Die
amerikanische Virologin Dorothy
Horstman fand bei Geimpften eine Rate von 50- 100% an
Zweiterkrankungen. [537] (Buchwald, 1994, S. 104)

Indem die durch Impfung erworbene Immunität mit der Zeit abfällt oder
von vornherein unvollständig war, wird das Risiko, zum Zeitpunkt einer
Schwangerschaft nicht geschützt zu sein, nach einer im Kleinkindalter
begonnenen Erstimpfung größer. Bevor man wußte, daß deshalb eine
Zweitimpfung notwendig
sein würde "trat in den USA die Röteln-Epidemie des Winters 1963 auf
1964 auf, die 20 Mio. junger Frauen erkranken lieB und 30.000
Mißbildungen bei Geburten zur Folge hatte." [538] (Delarue, 1995, S.
197) - Eine ungeheuer teure Erkenntis über Sinn und möglichen Nutzen
einer Impfmaßnahme.

"Die Röteln sind hochinfektiös. Für jedes Mädchen besteht die Hoffnung,
sich irgendwann anzustecken und eine echte Röteln-Erkrankung
durchzumachen. Da diese ein Kind körperlich kaum beeinträchtigt, sollten
an Röteln erkrankte Kinder nicht zu Hause behalten werden. Sie sollten
in die Schule und auf die Straße
geschickt werden, damit möglichst viele Kinder sich mit echten Röteln
anstecken können und dadurch einen verläßlichen Schutz erhalten. In der
Literatur sind mehrfach Fälle beschrieben worden, daß Mütter, die gegen
Röteln geimpft waren, doch ein Kind mit der gefürchteten
Röteln-Embryopathie zur Welt gebracht haben" [539] (Buchwald, 1994, S.

1990 und 1991 waren in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland keine Fälle von
Röteln-Embryopathie gemeldet. Dennoch wurde die Impfempfehlung der STIKO
für Mädchen 1991 dahingehend geändert, daß die Impfung nun für alle
Kinder empfohlen wurde -also auch für Jungen! [540] (Buchwald, 1994, S.
Im anschließenden Jahr 1992 wurden daraufhin 7 Fälle von
Röteln-Embryopathie gemeldet; 1993 und 1994 jeweils 1 und 1995 2.

Gegen die allgemeine Impfempfehlung spricht die Tatsache, daß im
Verbund mit der Impfung nicht allein Fieber, Ausschläge und
Lymphknotenschwellungen, sondern auch Gelenkbeschwerden berichtet
werden. In bezug auf diese ist bei Verwendung der attenuierten HPV-77
auf Enten-Embryonen gezüchtete Vakzine
gefunden worden, daß die Häufigkeit des Auftretens, die bei Frauen im
Alter zwischen 25 und 33 Jahren 50 % erreicht, mit dem relativen
Zeitpunkt der Impfung im Menstruationszylus im Zusammenhang steht. Diese
ist umso geringer, je eher zu Beginn des Zyklus geimpft wird und steigt
5 Tage vor bzw. 5 Tage nach Einsetzen der Periode deutlich an. [541]
(Swartz, et al., 1971, S. 246-51)

Eine andere Arbeit vergleicht die Häufigkeit von Gelenkkomplikationen
bei drei verschiedenen Impfstoffzubereitungen: HPV-77, DE-5
(Entenembryo), HPV-77, DK-12 (Hundenieren) und GMK-4 (RK-53 (cendehill).
Betrachtet wurden 6.471 Impfungen mit der Hundenieren-Vakzine, bei denen
14,4% der geimpften Kinder Gelenkbeschwerden entwickelten. Bei 9.624 mit
der Entenembryonen-Vakcine geimpften Kindern entwickelten 5,4 %
Gelenkbeschwerden. Bei 3.441 mit der cendehill-Vakzine geimpften Kindern
entwickelten 5, 1 % der Kinder Gelenkbeschwerden. Diese dauerten bei
einzelnen Kindern bis zu 3 Monaten oder länger. Insbesondere waren
Heftigkeit und Dauer der Beschwerden bei der Verwendung der
Hundenieren-Vakzine deutlich höher als bei den beiden anderen
Impfstoffen. [542] (Barnes, et al., 1972, S. 59-66)

Die Ergebnisse einer Untersuchung des Institute of Medicine (IOM), die
infolge des Impfschadens-
Entschädigungsgesetzes, das 1986 in den Vereinigten Staaten
verabschiedet wurde, durchgeführt werden mußte, zeigen einen
Zusammenhang der Röteln-Impfung mit Auftreten einer akuten Arthritis als
möglich auf [543] (Howson /Fineberg, JAMA, 1992)

Dieses und mögliche Spätfolgen des Impfens müssen in die Überlegungen
mit einbezogen werden, wenn die Frage einer Impfung der Mädchen mit
negativem Antikörpertiter entschieden werden soll, sobald sie ins
gebärfähige Alter kommen.

wurde schon mal gepostet:


Re: Was Dr. med. Splittstoeßer zur Röteln-Impfung schreibt Thomas
29.3.2001 07:24 (0)
[ Forum Impfen ]

Kinder als lebende Infektionsbomben:

"Die Röteln sind hochinfektiös. Für jedes Mädchen besteht die Hoffnung,
sich irgendwann anzustecken und eine echte Röteln-Erkrankung
durchzumachen. Da diese ein Kind körperlich kaum beeinträchtigt, sollten
an Röteln erkrankte Kinder nicht zu Hause behalten werden. Sie sollten
in die Schule und auf die Straße
geschickt werden, damit möglichst viele Kinder sich mit echten Röteln
anstecken können und dadurch einen verläßlichen Schutz erhalten. In der
Literatur sind mehrfach Fälle beschrieben worden, daß Mütter, die gegen
Röteln geimpft waren, doch ein Kind mit der gefürchteten
Röteln-Embryopathie zur Welt gebracht haben" [539] (Buchwald, 1994, S.

Darüber werden FBI und CIA sicherlich anderer Meinung sein....

« Last Edit: June 04, 2008, 01:56:17 AM by ama »

Heaven can wait!

Jr. Member

Posts: 546

"erkrankte Kinder ... in die Schule und auf die Straße geschickt werden"
« Reply #1 on: April 29, 2008, 10:41:20 PM »
Am 29.4.2008 bei Amazon online nachgeprüft:

Goldrausch. Oder die Frage: Sind Impfungen notwendig, geeignet und
von Wulf Splittstoeßer (Autor)
Preis: EUR 23,00
Verfügbarkeit: Auf Lager.

Book on Demand (2., überarb. A.)


* Taschenbuch: 396 Seiten
* Verlag: Splittstoesser Dr. W.; Auflage: 3., überarb. und erg. A.
(Dezember 2002)
* ISBN-10: 3934022383
* ISBN-13: 978-3934022386
* Größe und/oder Gewicht: 21,8 x 15,4 x 2,8 cm

Die erste Ausgabe ist von 1999. Hans Tolzin zitiert im Jahr 2001, also
ziemlich sicher aus der ersten Ausgabe:


Was Dr. med. Splittstoeßer zur Röteln-Impfung schreibt
[ Forum Impfen ]
Geschrieben von Hans am 28. März 2001 20:40:54:
Als Antwort auf: Re: Röteln-Impfung nicht vor Eintritt der
Fortpflanzungsfähigkeit geschrieben von Dr. Vogelsang am 28. März 2001
Quelle: Dr. med. Wulf Splittstoeßer, "Goldrausch", Seite 258 bis 261

Das bedeutet eine ganze Menge.

ERSTENS hat Buchwald zu diesem Straftatbestand angestiftet.

ZWEITENS hat Splittstoeßer diese Anstiftung schon in der ersten Ausgabe
seines Buchs gemacht. Distanziert hat er sich von Buchwalds Äußerung
nicht, sondern sie durch Zitat zu seiner eigenen gemacht.

DRITTENS hat Splittstoeßer zu diesem Straftatbestand angestiftet.

VIERTENS hat Buchwald 1994 anscheinend nur dieses Buch veröffentlicht:

Impfen. Das Geschäft mit der Angst (Gebundene Ausgabe)
von Gerhard Buchwald (Autor)

Gebundene Ausgabe: 254 Seiten
Verlag: Emu-Verlags-GmbH (1994)
ISBN-10: 3891890443
ISBN-13: 978-3891890448

FÜNFTENS hat Buchwald mindestens seit 1994 zu diesem Straftatbestand
angestiftet. Splittstoeßer hat mindestens seit 1999 zu diesem
Straftatbestand angestiftet.

14 Jahre lang hat Buchwald und 9 Jahre lang hat Splittstoeßer anstiften
können, ohne daß man ihnen das Handwerk gelegt hat.

Aber das ist noch lange nicht alles. Die Landesärztekammer Hessen hat
noch dieses Detail auf Lager:


Landesärztekammer Hessen
Körperschaft des öffentlichen Rechts
Im Vogelsgesang 3, 60488 Frankfurt am Main

Verzeichnis der zur Weiterbildung im Bereich HOMÖOPATHIE
ermächtigten Ärztinnen und Ärzte in Hessen

Stand: März 2007

Weiterbildungs- befugte/r
Dr. med. Wulf E. Splittstoeßer
Weiterbildungs- stätte
Praxis Luisenstraße 4 65779 Kelkheim
Weiterbildungs- zeitraum
WBO 1995 36 Monate

Splittstoeßer ist ARZT! Buchwald ist ebenfalls Arzt.

14 Jahre lang wurden die Impfgegner im In-und Ausland von deutschen
ÄRZTEN angefeuert mit der Anstiftung zum vorsätzlichen Verstoß gegen das
Infektionsschutzgesetz. Es ist daher kein Wunder, wenn in den Zirkeln
dieser speziellen sozialen Randexistenzen immer wieder kriminelle
Handlungsanweisungen und Tips gegeben werden.

« Last Edit: June 02, 2008, 04:47:18 PM by ama »

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John H. Gohde
2013-06-01 19:16:04 UTC
Here in the States, I am being bombarded with vaccine advertisements
on the radio constantly.

If vaccines actually worked, then there would be no need for these
advertisements. The use of advertisements by the vaccine industry
speaks well of the fraudulent nature of the vaccine industry.

They figure that if you repeat the same lie long enough and and often
enough some uninformed people might actually buy it.
Bob Casanova
2013-06-02 17:38:18 UTC
On Sat, 1 Jun 2013 12:16:04 -0700 (PDT), the following
appeared in sci.skeptic, posted by "John H. Gohde"
Post by John H. Gohde
Here in the States, I am being bombarded with vaccine advertisements
on the radio constantly.
That statement means one of three things:

You're intentionally lying, or...

You don't know the difference between "vaccine" and "drug",

You're interpreting public service announcements as

So which is it?
Bob C.

"The most exciting phrase to hear in science,
the one that heralds new discoveries, is not
'Eureka!' but 'That's funny...'"

- Isaac Asimov
John H. Gohde
2013-06-02 20:24:00 UTC
Post by Bob Casanova
On Sat, 1 Jun 2013 12:16:04 -0700 (PDT), the following
appeared in sci.skeptic, posted by "John H. Gohde"
Post by John H. Gohde
Here in the States, I am being bombarded with vaccine advertisements
on the radio constantly.
You're intentionally lying, or...
You don't know the difference between "vaccine" and "drug",
You're interpreting public service announcements as
So which is it?
Bob C.
It is called video, Bob. You know, where the pictures actually move,
and talk.

NOT a damn thing wrong with a 2 hour long YouTube video, unless of
course you are a Dated Fossil suffering from earlier onset age-related

NOT to mention the fact that NOT everybody can even upload a video
that is longer than 10 or 15 minutes on YouTube. Of course, fossils
like you wouldn't even be aware the little details. Heck, if Bob got
ran over by a Mack Truck, I would rather doubt that he would even be
aware of what just happen to him. due to his dementia.

Sorry, but my time is way too valuable to be wasting it on a living
Netherlander Fossil.

I have fully embraced the New Millennium, unlike Bob.

YOUR kind has my condolences.
Bob Casanova
2013-06-03 17:39:44 UTC
On Sun, 2 Jun 2013 13:24:00 -0700 (PDT), the following
appeared in sci.skeptic, posted by "John H. Gohde"
Post by John H. Gohde
Post by Bob Casanova
On Sat, 1 Jun 2013 12:16:04 -0700 (PDT), the following
appeared in sci.skeptic, posted by "John H. Gohde"
Post by John H. Gohde
Here in the States, I am being bombarded with vaccine advertisements
on the radio constantly.
You're intentionally lying, or...
You don't know the difference between "vaccine" and "drug",
You're interpreting public service announcements as
So which is it?
It is called video, Bob. You know, where the pictures actually move,
and talk.
NOT a damn thing wrong with a 2 hour long YouTube video, unless of
course you are a Dated Fossil suffering from earlier onset age-related
NOT to mention the fact that NOT everybody can even upload a video
that is longer than 10 or 15 minutes on YouTube. Of course, fossils
like you wouldn't even be aware the little details. Heck, if Bob got
ran over by a Mack Truck, I would rather doubt that he would even be
aware of what just happen to him. due to his dementia.
Sorry, but my time is way too valuable to be wasting it on a living
Netherlander Fossil.
I have fully embraced the New Millennium, unlike Bob.
YOUR kind has my condolences.
Irrelevant response (I said nothing about the validity of
any video; I questioned your claim) left unsnipped for

I repeat, which of the three choices is correct? I suspect
you're misinterpreting "drug" as "vaccine", but that's
because I suspect you don't actually know the difference.
Bob C.

"The most exciting phrase to hear in science,
the one that heralds new discoveries, is not
'Eureka!' but 'That's funny...'"

- Isaac Asimov
Bob Casanova
2013-06-01 19:09:56 UTC
On Fri, 31 May 2013 14:40:44 -0700, the following appeared
Post by Bob Officer
On Fri, 31 May 2013 14:18:45 -0700, in misc.health.alternative, Bob
Post by Bob Casanova
On Fri, 31 May 2013 02:14:41 -0700 (PDT), the following
appeared in sci.skeptic, posted by "John H. Gohde"
Post by John H. Gohde
Post by Dan
-Civil Liberties Australia
The idea that an anti-vaxxer would contact a human rights organisation
is just beyond laughable. People who don't vaccinate are contributing to
a lower heard immunity and placing other members of the community at
risk. Vaccination is a human rights issue and should be mandatory, with
the only exception being medical reasons. Even adults should be required
to be vaccinated if they wish to take part in society.
There is no "right" to lower heard immunity put others at risk of
potentially fatal diseases for the same reason there is no "right" to
drink and drive.
Total Bull, and I do NOT mind saying so.
Now, can all the "vaccine induced health rejects" kindly stay the F*ck
away from moi. YOU are infringing upon moi's right to breath clean
air and being associated with positive people ALL around me.
Enjoy central Antarctica.
Post by John H. Gohde
Your constant disease states are infringing upon moi's right to stay
healthy. :)
Those vaccinated are healthy; the vaccinations are to ensure
that. Your desire to be potentially *un*healthy by refusing
to take advantage of modern medicine is your problem, and
you'd better hope you never need treatment for a potentially
lethal disease, since a rational medical establishment
should take you at your word and refuse to treat you.
If an adult chooses to go unvaccinated, but yet spreads a disease,
said adult should be prosecuted for criminal charges and then sued
for civil damages.
I tend to agree.
Post by Bob Officer
It is not a right to spread disease.
Bob C.

"The most exciting phrase to hear in science,
the one that heralds new discoveries, is not
'Eureka!' but 'That's funny...'"

- Isaac Asimov
John H. Gohde
2013-06-03 13:07:11 UTC
Disinformation Vaccine Alarmists Alert!

Vaccination - What the CDC Documents and Science Reveal, 2003, in a
one hour 47 minutes long detailed presentation of the anti-vaccination
evidence by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny.


It is called video. This is the New Millennium, after all. There is
NOT a damn thing wrong with using video to communicate to the public.
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny has dozens of shorter videos around the Internet
on essentially the same subject.
John H. Gohde
2013-06-03 18:21:24 UTC
Post by John H. Gohde
Disinformation Vaccine Alarmists Alert!
Vaccination - What the CDC Documents and Science Reveal, 2003, in a
one hour 47 minutes long detailed presentation of the anti-vaccination
evidence by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny.
It is called video.  This is the New Millennium, after all. There is
NOT a damn thing wrong with using video to communicate to the public.
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny has dozens of shorter videos around the Internet
on essentially the same subject.
Bite me, Science Psychos!
John H. Gohde
2013-05-31 09:24:48 UTC
Post by Dan
-Civil Liberties Australia
While I thought that the Brits were bad enough, the world views of
Austrialians are far worst. :(

Hmn, maybe that is the end result of these strange people doing
everything backwards and standing on their heads all day long. After
all, it is scientific fact that even water goes down the drains
backwards in Australia. Who ever heard of Christmas, in July?
John H. Gohde
2013-06-06 13:18:30 UTC
Watching a 2 hour long video is NOT necessary at all.

I was able to put the important concepts into just a few hundred


Unfortunately, the sole YouTube video that nailed the topic, in just a
few minutes, barred their vid from being embedded in HTML coding. So
here it is.

John H. Gohde
2013-06-07 23:43:04 UTC
There is nothing wrong with your computer monitor. Do not attempt to
adjust the screen. I am controlling transmission. I can change the
focus to a soft blur or sharpen it to crystal clarity. For the next
few minutes, sit quietly and try to focus on all that you can see and
hear. Repeat to yourself: I am no longer in the land of the Science
Psychos. Tell yourself: There is nothing wrong with my monitor. The
problem is NOT in my mind, but in that dumb primary preventive service
called vaccination.


P.S.: That picture at the top of the article is way to big. It is
that way because of a Facebook bug. I am in control. The size of
that picture will be reduced in half, some time tomorrow. Why?
Because moi is ALWAYS in in control.
