Warning about Homeopathic (Fake) Vaccinations.
(too old to reply)
2013-08-03 13:44:02 UTC
Queensland Health Posted on Facebook.


'Fake' homeopathic immunisations misleading parents trying to do the
right thing

Chief Health Officer has warned parents to beware of ?fake?

Queensland parents are being warned of the risks surrounding so-called
homeopathic vaccinations.

The State?s Chief Health Officer, Dr Jeannette Young, said she was
issuing the warning after becoming aware of a child whose parents
reported she had been protected by ?homeopathic? immunisation.

Dr Young said in scientific terms the notion of homeopathic vaccinations
was nonsense.

?The Department of Health becomes aware of this as an issue from time to
time,?? she said.

?It is really frustrating to see cases where parents think they are
doing the right thing by their child and, in fact, they?re not
protecting them at all.

?We?ve recently been told by a doctor of a parent who reported their
child had received homeopathic vaccinations from a homeopath, believing
this was an acceptable alternative to mainstream immunisation.

?This is totally wrong and the whole science behind homeoprophylaxis, or
homeopathic immunisation, is incorrect.

?Anyone offering remedies in place of standard vaccinations is
dangerously misleading parents into believing their child is protected
against serious diseases.

?Homeopathic vaccinations are no substitutes for standard vaccination.

?Such so-called vaccinations are a serious breach of trust and should
not be tolerated from a health care provider.??

Dr Young said immunisation was considered one of the most important
achievements of modern medicine and had saved millions of lives

?Immunisation underpins a healthy community and is a core responsibility
of the healthcare sector,?? she said.

?The immunisation program remains extremely important and highly
effective at preventing serious and life-threatening infectious

?Thanks to the immunisation program, diseases like diphtheria, tetanus,
measles, influenza Type B, meningococcal C, and polio do not occur or
occur rarely in Queensland.

?Always talk to your GP or immunisation provider if you have any
concerns as there is a lot of information readily available for parents
on the importance and value of immunisation.??
2013-08-03 16:59:27 UTC
Post by Dan
Queensland Health Posted on Facebook.
'Fake' homeopathic immunisations misleading parents trying to do the
right thing
Chief Health Officer has warned parents to beware of ?fake?
Queensland parents are being warned of the risks surrounding so-called
homeopathic vaccinations.
The State?s Chief Health Officer, Dr Jeannette Young, said she was
issuing the warning after becoming aware of a child whose parents
reported she had been protected by ?homeopathic? immunisation.
Dr Young said in scientific terms the notion of homeopathic vaccinations
was nonsense.
?The Department of Health becomes aware of this as an issue from time to
time,?? she said.
?It is really frustrating to see cases where parents think they are
doing the right thing by their child and, in fact, they?re not
protecting them at all.
?We?ve recently been told by a doctor of a parent who reported their
child had received homeopathic vaccinations from a homeopath, believing
this was an acceptable alternative to mainstream immunisation.
?This is totally wrong and the whole science behind homeoprophylaxis, or
homeopathic immunisation, is incorrect.
?Anyone offering remedies in place of standard vaccinations is
dangerously misleading parents into believing their child is protected
against serious diseases.
?Homeopathic vaccinations are no substitutes for standard vaccination.
?Such so-called vaccinations are a serious breach of trust and should
not be tolerated from a health care provider.??
Dr Young said immunisation was considered one of the most important
achievements of modern medicine and had saved millions of lives
?Immunisation underpins a healthy community and is a core responsibility
of the healthcare sector,?? she said.
?The immunisation program remains extremely important and highly
effective at preventing serious and life-threatening infectious
?Thanks to the immunisation program, diseases like diphtheria, tetanus,
measles, influenza Type B, meningococcal C, and polio do not occur or
occur rarely in Queensland.
?Always talk to your GP or immunisation provider if you have any
concerns as there is a lot of information readily available for parents
on the importance and value of immunisation.??
Homeopathic vaccine claims targetted by Queensland Health
Posted Fri Aug 2, 2013 8:52pm AEST

The State's Chief Health Officer Dr Jeanette Young is investigating what
action can be taken against a homeopath who allegedly told a mother his
treatment would immunise her child.

Bob Officer
2013-08-03 17:53:38 UTC
On Sun, 4 Aug 2013 00:59:27 +0800, in misc.health.alternative, Dan
Post by Dan
Post by Dan
Queensland Health Posted on Facebook.
'Fake' homeopathic immunisations misleading parents trying to do the
right thing
Chief Health Officer has warned parents to beware of ?fake?
Queensland parents are being warned of the risks surrounding so-called
homeopathic vaccinations.
The State?s Chief Health Officer, Dr Jeannette Young, said she was
issuing the warning after becoming aware of a child whose parents
reported she had been protected by ?homeopathic? immunisation.
Dr Young said in scientific terms the notion of homeopathic vaccinations
was nonsense.
?The Department of Health becomes aware of this as an issue from time to
time,?? she said.
?It is really frustrating to see cases where parents think they are
doing the right thing by their child and, in fact, they?re not
protecting them at all.
?We?ve recently been told by a doctor of a parent who reported their
child had received homeopathic vaccinations from a homeopath, believing
this was an acceptable alternative to mainstream immunisation.
?This is totally wrong and the whole science behind homeoprophylaxis, or
homeopathic immunisation, is incorrect.
?Anyone offering remedies in place of standard vaccinations is
dangerously misleading parents into believing their child is protected
against serious diseases.
?Homeopathic vaccinations are no substitutes for standard vaccination.
?Such so-called vaccinations are a serious breach of trust and should
not be tolerated from a health care provider.??
Dr Young said immunisation was considered one of the most important
achievements of modern medicine and had saved millions of lives
?Immunisation underpins a healthy community and is a core responsibility
of the healthcare sector,?? she said.
?The immunisation program remains extremely important and highly
effective at preventing serious and life-threatening infectious
?Thanks to the immunisation program, diseases like diphtheria, tetanus,
measles, influenza Type B, meningococcal C, and polio do not occur or
occur rarely in Queensland.
?Always talk to your GP or immunisation provider if you have any
concerns as there is a lot of information readily available for parents
on the importance and value of immunisation.??
Homeopathic vaccine claims targetted by Queensland Health
Posted Fri Aug 2, 2013 8:52pm AEST
The State's Chief Health Officer Dr Jeanette Young is investigating what
action can be taken against a homeopath who allegedly told a mother his
treatment would immunise her child.
It seems to me if a quack-o-path in the US tried nonsense they would
simple be charged with practicing medicine without a license and
prosecuted under FDA Fraud charges, Claiming to "treat, prevent or
cure" a specific condition without any evidence or supporting data.

Chiro-quacks here in the US get charged all the time for claiming or
advertising treatments for specific conditions and disease. The one
which they seem to be charged the most is treating diabetes and
Cancers of all sorts.

I know for a while your TGA regulations were similar to our FDA
regulations. So your mileage could vary.

I wish Dr Young well and hope she manages to stop this nonsense.
After Quackopaths lost with the anti-malaria cases, you would think
they would be afraid to stick their collective heads out of their
Bob Officer
"Whoops .... now where did I put that other braincell?
It make it very hard to work things out.

Oh, I'll check up my arse ...get back to ya."
carole hubbard in Message-ID: <f3b680d9-da69-4c7e-99b2-***@y5g2000pbi.googlegroups.com>
Happy Oyster
2013-08-03 22:52:20 UTC
Post by Dan
Post by Dan
Queensland Health Posted on Facebook.
'Fake' homeopathic immunisations misleading parents trying to do the
right thing
Chief Health Officer has warned parents to beware of ?fake?
Queensland parents are being warned of the risks surrounding so-called
homeopathic vaccinations.
The State?s Chief Health Officer, Dr Jeannette Young, said she was
issuing the warning after becoming aware of a child whose parents
reported she had been protected by ?homeopathic? immunisation.
Dr Young said in scientific terms the notion of homeopathic vaccinations
was nonsense.
?The Department of Health becomes aware of this as an issue from time to
time,?? she said.
?It is really frustrating to see cases where parents think they are
doing the right thing by their child and, in fact, they?re not
protecting them at all.
?We?ve recently been told by a doctor of a parent who reported their
child had received homeopathic vaccinations from a homeopath, believing
this was an acceptable alternative to mainstream immunisation.
?This is totally wrong and the whole science behind homeoprophylaxis, or
homeopathic immunisation, is incorrect.
?Anyone offering remedies in place of standard vaccinations is
dangerously misleading parents into believing their child is protected
against serious diseases.
?Homeopathic vaccinations are no substitutes for standard vaccination.
?Such so-called vaccinations are a serious breach of trust and should
not be tolerated from a health care provider.??
Dr Young said immunisation was considered one of the most important
achievements of modern medicine and had saved millions of lives
?Immunisation underpins a healthy community and is a core responsibility
of the healthcare sector,?? she said.
?The immunisation program remains extremely important and highly
effective at preventing serious and life-threatening infectious
?Thanks to the immunisation program, diseases like diphtheria, tetanus,
measles, influenza Type B, meningococcal C, and polio do not occur or
occur rarely in Queensland.
?Always talk to your GP or immunisation provider if you have any
concerns as there is a lot of information readily available for parents
on the importance and value of immunisation.??
Homeopathic vaccine claims targetted by Queensland Health
Posted Fri Aug 2, 2013 8:52pm AEST
The State's Chief Health Officer Dr Jeanette Young is investigating what
action can be taken against a homeopath who allegedly told a mother his
treatment would immunise her child.
Crowd-funding is for money, crowd-publishing is for mankind.

Happy Oyster
2013-08-03 22:51:30 UTC
Post by Dan
Queensland Health Posted on Facebook.
'Fake' homeopathic immunisations misleading parents trying to do the
right thing
Chief Health Officer has warned parents to beware of ?fake?
Queensland parents are being warned of the risks surrounding so-called
homeopathic vaccinations.
The State?s Chief Health Officer, Dr Jeannette Young, said she was
issuing the warning after becoming aware of a child whose parents
reported she had been protected by ?homeopathic? immunisation.
Dr Young said in scientific terms the notion of homeopathic vaccinations
was nonsense.
?The Department of Health becomes aware of this as an issue from time to
time,?? she said.
?It is really frustrating to see cases where parents think they are
doing the right thing by their child and, in fact, they?re not
protecting them at all.
?We?ve recently been told by a doctor of a parent who reported their
child had received homeopathic vaccinations from a homeopath, believing
this was an acceptable alternative to mainstream immunisation.
?This is totally wrong and the whole science behind homeoprophylaxis, or
homeopathic immunisation, is incorrect.
?Anyone offering remedies in place of standard vaccinations is
dangerously misleading parents into believing their child is protected
against serious diseases.
?Homeopathic vaccinations are no substitutes for standard vaccination.
?Such so-called vaccinations are a serious breach of trust and should
not be tolerated from a health care provider.??
Dr Young said immunisation was considered one of the most important
achievements of modern medicine and had saved millions of lives
?Immunisation underpins a healthy community and is a core responsibility
of the healthcare sector,?? she said.
?The immunisation program remains extremely important and highly
effective at preventing serious and life-threatening infectious
?Thanks to the immunisation program, diseases like diphtheria, tetanus,
measles, influenza Type B, meningococcal C, and polio do not occur or
occur rarely in Queensland.
?Always talk to your GP or immunisation provider if you have any
concerns as there is a lot of information readily available for parents
on the importance and value of immunisation.??
Good work! Thanks!
Crowd-funding is for money, crowd-publishing is for mankind.
