Warning about pharmaceutical products - including vaccines
(too old to reply)
Reg Griswold
2013-08-03 22:18:33 UTC
They stink!!

Nobody and I mean nobody, who wants to keep their health intact - uses
any sort of pharmaceutical products for anything.

Yes big pharma pushes the propaganda that alternatives don't work -
which is a massive LIE!!

There are alternative solutions for every disease - however there is
one proviso, and that is YOU need to do your own research because big
pharma has done all it can to SUPPRESS anything and everything that
will compete with its profits.

But wait there's more!
Big pharma's plan to turn us all into zombies that can't think
properly. In case you've wondered why there is virtually no action
being taken by mainstream to find cause of autism - it maybe part of
their overall plan to turn us all into more easily compliant people -
yes, autism may be planned outcome.

More to come on this topic.

In the meantime please ignore the pharmaceutical shills in various
alternative health newsgroups. We all know that big pharma spends most
of its budget on propaganda - its how these guys make a living.


"Trust us, we're experts!"
2013-08-03 22:51:43 UTC
Post by Reg Griswold
They stink!!
Nobody and I mean nobody, who wants to keep their health intact - uses
any sort of pharmaceutical products for anything.
Yes big pharma pushes the propaganda that alternatives don't work -
which is a massive LIE!!
There are alternative solutions for every disease - however there is
one proviso, and that is YOU need to do your own research because big
pharma has done all it can to SUPPRESS anything and everything that
will compete with its profits.
But wait there's more!
Big pharma's plan to turn us all into zombies that can't think
properly. In case you've wondered why there is virtually no action
being taken by mainstream to find cause of autism - it maybe part of
their overall plan to turn us all into more easily compliant people -
yes, autism may be planned outcome.
More to come on this topic.
In the meantime please ignore the pharmaceutical shills in various
alternative health newsgroups. We all know that big pharma spends most
of its budget on propaganda - its how these guys make a living.
Had your flu shot this year ?
Happy Oyster
2013-08-03 22:55:04 UTC
Post by Reg Griswold
They stink!!
But how about the laxative-addicted Carole Hubbard?

Guess how much she stinks...
Crowd-funding is for money, crowd-publishing is for mankind.

2013-08-04 00:32:07 UTC
Post by Happy Oyster
Post by Reg Griswold
They stink!!
But how about the laxative-addicted Carole Hubbard?
Guess how much she stinks...
carole doesn't like taking a bath or shower.
"Men are bullies, they start and conduct all the wars.
All pedophiles and rapists are men. Practically all
murderers and criminals are men. All secret societies
that plot against the world are populated by men. All
big corporations that rob and loot the world's resources
are run by men." - carole hubbard the man-hater
Message-ID: <5tehl.16405$***@news-server.bigpond.net.au>
Bob Officer
2013-08-04 05:41:35 UTC
On Sun, 04 Aug 2013 08:18:33 +1000, in misc.health.alternative, Reg
Post by Reg Griswold
They stink!!
Nobody and I mean nobody, who wants to keep their health intact - uses
any sort of pharmaceutical products for anything.
Yes big pharma pushes the propaganda that alternatives don't work -
which is a massive LIE!!
They have failed every test, Carole.
Bob Officer
"Whoops .... now where did I put that other braincell?
It make it very hard to work things out.

Oh, I'll check up my arse ...get back to ya."
carole hubbard in Message-ID: <f3b680d9-da69-4c7e-99b2-***@y5g2000pbi.googlegroups.com>
2013-08-05 01:09:31 UTC
Post by Reg Griswold
They stink!!
Nobody and I mean nobody, who wants to keep their health intact - uses
any sort of pharmaceutical products for anything.
Yes big pharma pushes the propaganda that alternatives don't work -
which is a massive LIE!!
There are alternative solutions for every disease - however there is
one proviso, and that is YOU need to do your own research because big
pharma has done all it can to SUPPRESS anything and everything that
will compete with its profits.
But wait there's more!
Big pharma's plan to turn us all into zombies that can't think
properly. In case you've wondered why there is virtually no action
being taken by mainstream to find cause of autism - it maybe part of
their overall plan to turn us all into more easily compliant people -
yes, autism may be planned outcome.
More to come on this topic.
In the meantime please ignore the pharmaceutical shills in various
alternative health newsgroups. We all know that big pharma spends most
of its budget on propaganda - its how these guys make a living.
"Trust us, we're experts!"
Yes reg, you're right - autism may be intentional after all.

I guess you've seen the Dr Rima video about making a class of people
to do lower grade repetitive type jobs -

Is Autism Intentional? Find Out Now. Watch the Video, then read Dr.
Rima's Powerful New Essay. It will literally rock your world. Video:

They put thermiserol (50% mercury) into vaccines, they fluoridate
water although there's never been any conclusive studies showing the
benefits. So what they're working at is this - turning a portion of
the population into lower level robotoid type workers, the deltas and
epsilons of Aldoux Huxley's Brave New World.

Makes sense.

Good post.

Sylvia Else
2013-08-05 01:19:19 UTC
Post by Reg Griswold
They stink!!
Nobody and I mean nobody, who wants to keep their health intact - uses
any sort of pharmaceutical products for anything.
Yes, I should have got through appendicitis on pure moral fibre.
Anaesthetics? They're for wimps. Antibiotics? Nothing that a good dose
of blood poisoning won't avoid.

Still, my health would have stayed intact, at least until I died aged 15
from peritonitis.

Bob Officer
2013-08-05 01:57:14 UTC
On Mon, 05 Aug 2013 11:19:19 +1000, in misc.health.alternative,
Post by Sylvia Else
Post by Reg Griswold
They stink!!
Nobody and I mean nobody, who wants to keep their health intact - uses
any sort of pharmaceutical products for anything.
Yes, I should have got through appendicitis on pure moral fibre.
Anaesthetics? They're for wimps. Antibiotics? Nothing that a good dose
of blood poisoning won't avoid.
Still, my health would have stayed intact, at least until I died aged 15
from peritonitis.
Sylvia, meet Carole Hubbard. A poorly educated person with no
background in health science. She has never taken any science, math
or medical classes beyond those offered to secondary students in
Australia in the 1960. She makes self contradictory claims and is
upset when people point out how unreliable her resources really are.

Her favorite citations come from whale.to and rense.com, as well as
her own cluttered and twisted web pages. carole has the tendency to
call people names, bully people and for the last few month employ a
plethora of socks with various names, but they the different names
use the same exact phrasings and idioms. All the personalities make
the same reading errors, and fall for the same fallacies.

carole's real claim to fame is not her so-called discovery of using
sodium bicarb and cream of tarter to cure all illness, disease and
cancer, but is "thinking outside the box" where she seems to believe
"adding 2=2 and getting an answer of 3 or 5" makes her an "above
average intelligence" person.
Bob Officer
Carole Hubbard stuns the world showing her belief that 2+2 = 3 or 5 says to me
"And one day they might find a cause for your lack of cognitive ability in
putting 2+2 together and coming up with 4 instead of 3 or 5."
in Message-ID:
Sylvia Else
2013-08-06 00:57:32 UTC
Post by Bob Officer
carole's real claim to fame is not her so-called discovery of using
sodium bicarb and cream of tarter to cure all illness, disease and
cancer, but is "thinking outside the box" where she seems to believe
"adding 2=2 and getting an answer of 3 or 5" makes her an "above
average intelligence" person.
In another group, on another topic completely, someone pointed to this
relevant link.

Bob Officer
2013-08-06 01:38:55 UTC
On Tue, 06 Aug 2013 10:57:32 +1000, in misc.health.alternative,
Post by Sylvia Else
Post by Bob Officer
carole's real claim to fame is not her so-called discovery of using
sodium bicarb and cream of tarter to cure all illness, disease and
cancer, but is "thinking outside the box" where she seems to believe
"adding 2=2 and getting an answer of 3 or 5" makes her an "above
average intelligence" person.
In another group, on another topic completely, someone pointed to this
relevant link.
Dunning and Kruger has been discussed here several times, when it
comes to carole, and her posted claims.

years ago, I used some of Dunning's early work to expose Edmond
Wollmann to be the clown he really was in alt.astrology and to take
Pete Stapleton to task for the con he was trying to run on
sci.skpetic and other groups.
Bob Officer
"Whoops .... now where did I put that other braincell?
It make it very hard to work things out.

Oh, I'll check up my arse ...get back to ya."
carole hubbard in Message-ID: <f3b680d9-da69-4c7e-99b2-***@y5g2000pbi.googlegroups.com>
Sylvia Else
2013-08-06 02:20:15 UTC
Post by Bob Officer
On Tue, 06 Aug 2013 10:57:32 +1000, in misc.health.alternative,
Post by Sylvia Else
Post by Bob Officer
carole's real claim to fame is not her so-called discovery of using
sodium bicarb and cream of tarter to cure all illness, disease and
cancer, but is "thinking outside the box" where she seems to believe
"adding 2=2 and getting an answer of 3 or 5" makes her an "above
average intelligence" person.
In another group, on another topic completely, someone pointed to this
relevant link.
Dunning and Kruger has been discussed here several times, when it
comes to carole, and her posted claims.
years ago, I used some of Dunning's early work to expose Edmond
Wollmann to be the clown he really was in alt.astrology and to take
Pete Stapleton to task for the con he was trying to run on
sci.skpetic and other groups.
I must have had an overly sheltered upbringing, since I wasn't
previously aware of work on this having been done at an academic level.

2013-08-06 04:55:32 UTC
Post by Bob Officer
years ago, I used some of Dunning's early work to expose Edmond
Wollmann to be the clown he really was in alt.astrology and to take
Pete Stapleton to task for the con he was trying to run on
sci.skpetic and other groups.
Now there are some late unlamented names.
Generally I just poke fun because there is a learning disability with
such posters and they -never- learn
Bob Officer
2013-08-06 05:21:38 UTC
On Tue, 06 Aug 2013 16:55:32 +1200, in misc.health.alternative,
Post by george152
Post by Bob Officer
years ago, I used some of Dunning's early work to expose Edmond
Wollmann to be the clown he really was in alt.astrology and to take
Pete Stapleton to task for the con he was trying to run on
sci.skpetic and other groups.
Now there are some late unlamented names.
Generally I just poke fun because there is a learning disability with
such posters and they -never- learn
They never learn because they believe they know everything.

Even when they fail to understand what they have read and it is
pointed out multiple times. Example: carole, with regard to the
vaccine program in Viet Nam. They seem to shoot themselves in both
feet, while the feet are deeply inserted into their own mouths.
Bob Officer
"Whoops .... now where did I put that other braincell?
It make it very hard to work things out.

Oh, I'll check up my arse ...get back to ya."
carole hubbard in Message-ID: <f3b680d9-da69-4c7e-99b2-***@y5g2000pbi.googlegroups.com>
Bob Casanova
2013-08-06 17:35:03 UTC
On Mon, 05 Aug 2013 22:21:38 -0700, the following appeared
Post by Bob Officer
On Tue, 06 Aug 2013 16:55:32 +1200, in misc.health.alternative,
Post by george152
Post by Bob Officer
years ago, I used some of Dunning's early work to expose Edmond
Wollmann to be the clown he really was in alt.astrology and to take
Pete Stapleton to task for the con he was trying to run on
sci.skpetic and other groups.
Wollman and Stapleton, true "blasts from the past". If only
they could join Karl Crawford and return to do battle... ;-)
Post by Bob Officer
Post by george152
Now there are some late unlamented names.
Generally I just poke fun because there is a learning disability with
such posters and they -never- learn
They never learn because they believe they know everything.
Even when they fail to understand what they have read and it is
pointed out multiple times. Example: carole, with regard to the
vaccine program in Viet Nam. They seem to shoot themselves in both
feet, while the feet are deeply inserted into their own mouths.
Now *that's* a mental image one could only wish were
literally true...
Bob C.

"The most exciting phrase to hear in science,
the one that heralds new discoveries, is not
'Eureka!' but 'That's funny...'"

- Isaac Asimov
Bob Officer
2013-08-06 17:46:13 UTC
On Tue, 06 Aug 2013 10:35:03 -0700, in misc.health.alternative, Bob
Post by Bob Casanova
On Mon, 05 Aug 2013 22:21:38 -0700, the following appeared
Post by Bob Officer
On Tue, 06 Aug 2013 16:55:32 +1200, in misc.health.alternative,
Post by george152
Post by Bob Officer
years ago, I used some of Dunning's early work to expose Edmond
Wollmann to be the clown he really was in alt.astrology and to take
Pete Stapleton to task for the con he was trying to run on
sci.skpetic and other groups.
Wollman and Stapleton, true "blasts from the past". If only
they could join Karl Crawford and return to do battle... ;-)
Some people never change, I see.
Post by Bob Casanova
Post by Bob Officer
Post by george152
Now there are some late unlamented names.
Generally I just poke fun because there is a learning disability with
such posters and they -never- learn
They never learn because they believe they know everything.
Even when they fail to understand what they have read and it is
pointed out multiple times. Example: carole, with regard to the
vaccine program in Viet Nam. They seem to shoot themselves in both
feet, while the feet are deeply inserted into their own mouths.
Now *that's* a mental image one could only wish were
literally true...
maybe with duke-gumbaal and a few other really hateful people.
Bob Officer
"Whoops .... now where did I put that other braincell?
It make it very hard to work things out.

Oh, I'll check up my arse ...get back to ya."
carole hubbard in Message-ID: <f3b680d9-da69-4c7e-99b2-***@y5g2000pbi.googlegroups.com>
2013-08-06 20:13:33 UTC
Post by Bob Officer
On Tue, 06 Aug 2013 16:55:32 +1200, in misc.health.alternative,
Post by george152
Post by Bob Officer
years ago, I used some of Dunning's early work to expose Edmond
Wollmann to be the clown he really was in alt.astrology and to take
Pete Stapleton to task for the con he was trying to run on
sci.skpetic and other groups.
Now there are some late unlamented names.
Generally I just poke fun because there is a learning disability with
such posters and they -never- learn
They never learn because they believe they know everything.
Even when they fail to understand what they have read and it is
pointed out multiple times. Example: carole, with regard to the
vaccine program in Viet Nam. They seem to shoot themselves in both
feet, while the feet are deeply inserted into their own mouths.
The sad bit there was that she presumed the article was about the US.
Inability to read the article before linking to it seems to be a trait
of the kook

Bob Officer
2013-08-06 05:17:18 UTC
On Mon, 05 Aug 2013 18:38:55 -0700, in misc.health.alternative, Bob
Post by Bob Officer
On Tue, 06 Aug 2013 10:57:32 +1000, in misc.health.alternative,
Post by Sylvia Else
Post by Bob Officer
carole's real claim to fame is not her so-called discovery of using
sodium bicarb and cream of tarter to cure all illness, disease and
cancer, but is "thinking outside the box" where she seems to believe
"adding 2=2 and getting an answer of 3 or 5" makes her an "above
average intelligence" person.
In another group, on another topic completely, someone pointed to this
relevant link.
Dunning and Kruger has been discussed here several times, when it
comes to carole, and her posted claims.
years ago, I used some of Dunning's early work to expose Edmond
Wollmann to be the clown he really was in alt.astrology and to take
Pete Stapleton to task for the con he was trying to run on
sci.skpetic and other groups.
See the Early work of Dunning, et al, about illusory superiority and
the downing effect.
Bob Officer
"Whoops .... now where did I put that other braincell?
It make it very hard to work things out.

Oh, I'll check up my arse ...get back to ya."
carole hubbard in Message-ID: <f3b680d9-da69-4c7e-99b2-***@y5g2000pbi.googlegroups.com>