Dangerous Vaccines Found to Cause Symptoms of Shaken Baby Syndrome
(too old to reply)
Fred's brain fungus
2014-05-24 18:05:47 UTC
Dangerous Vaccines Found to Cause Symptoms of Shaken Baby Syndrome

"In 2010, Dr. Lucija Tomljenovic wrote an extensive paper exposing
evidence that she uncovered surrounding many cases in which children
developed encephalitis or meningitis after they received vaccinations
from as early as 1983, which she says were deliberately covered up by
the UK government’s JCVI (Joint Committee for Vaccination and
Immunization). [5]"

Fred's brain fungus
Brought to you by big pharma, where only the best propaganda will do

Attacking any remedies that can't be patented on behalf of big pharma
Bob Officer
2014-05-24 18:35:38 UTC
On Sun, 25 May 2014 04:05:47 +1000, in misc.health.alternative,
Post by Fred's brain fungus
Dangerous Vaccines Found to Cause Symptoms of Shaken Baby Syndrome
"In 2010, Dr. Lucija Tomljenovic wrote an extensive paper exposing
evidence that she uncovered surrounding many cases in which children
developed encephalitis or meningitis after they received vaccinations
from as early as 1983, which she says were deliberately covered up by
the UK government’s JCVI (Joint Committee for Vaccination and
Immunization). [5]"
Did you know several people have tried to use Tomljenovic as an
excuse to get off of changes for child abuse? The courts have rules
her testimony as non-allowable in court cases.

The fact is Tomljenovic has a major problem publishing papers than
confuse Correlation with Causation




Only a fool would cite Tomljenovic or Shaw as an authority on any
matter without making sure that the data and conclusion actually made

But then we are seeing that does, in fact, carole does false
authorities like this all the time.

The body of Shaw's and Tomljenovic's work is rife with poor data
sets, mis-use of stats and conclusion which are not supported by the
data used in the study.

I read one criticism of Tomljenovic's work one the net. The critic
said, ~~"It appears as if Tomljenovic writes her studies using a
conclusion and then works backwards designing tests and data
collection methods which will produce the required sets which seems
to agree with her conclusion. The manufacturing process is very
noticeable, and these type of processes it detectable because the
results she gets are not reproducible in independent Random Double
Blinded Controlled Studies."
Bob Officer

"One of my pet hates is being made an idiot
out of ...but you go right ahead"
Carole Hubbard in Message-ID:
Fred's brain fungus
2014-05-24 18:47:40 UTC
Post by Bob Officer
On Sun, 25 May 2014 04:05:47 +1000, in misc.health.alternative,
< pharmaceutical pawn rubbish deleted >

Viera Scheibner, Ph.D - "Many infants who suffer the so-called 'shaken
baby syndrome' may be victims of undiagnosed vaccine damage. Ever
since mass vaccination of infants began, reports of serious brain,
cardiovascular, metabolic and other injuries started filling pages of
medical journals." In fact, pertussis vaccine has been used to induce
encephalomyelitis, which is characterized by brain swelling and
hemorrhaging" - See more at:

Fred's brain fungus
Brought to you by big pharma, where only the best propaganda will do

Attacking any remedies that can't be patented on behalf of big pharma
Bob Officer
2014-05-24 20:32:05 UTC
On Sun, 25 May 2014 04:47:40 +1000, in misc.health.alternative,
Post by Fred's brain fungus
Post by Bob Officer
On Sun, 25 May 2014 04:05:47 +1000, in misc.health.alternative,
< pharmaceutical pawn rubbish deleted >
Viera Scheibner, Ph.D - "Many infants who suffer the so-called 'shaken
baby syndrome' may be victims of undiagnosed vaccine damage.

About a week ago, I wrote about something that really irritates me,
namely that most despicable of antivaccine claims, which is that
shaken baby syndrome is somehow a misdiagnosis for vaccine injury. It
is a claim that, as far as I can recall, began when, for reasons that
have continued to elude me more than a decade later, the antivaccine
movement glommed onto the case of Alan Yurko, a man convicted of
shaking his girlfriend’s baby to death, and tried to get him freed
based on the claim that the baby had really died from encephalitis
caused by vaccine injury. The claim was so ridiculous as to make one
wonder why anyone would take it the least bit seriously, but some
antivaccinationists hate vaccines so much that no contortion of the
truth is too twisted. It’s an idea that appears to have originated
with Australian antivaccinationist Veira Scheibner in the late 1990s.


The rest of the blog is a very good read.

and a few other non-flattering mentions of Scheibner



Read comment # 4

Nods to #Ratbags.

and Last here is this wonderful article full of supporting links. All
of them are interesting.


Enjoy your Memorial Day Holiday For those american's do you know the
origin of the Memorial Day holiday...


The first widely publicized observance of a Memorial Day-type
observance after the Civil War was in Charleston, South Carolina, on
May 1, 1865. During the war, Union soldiers who were prisoners of war
had been held at the Charleston Race Course; at least 257 Union
prisoners died there and were hastily buried in unmarked graves.[12]
Together with teachers and missionaries, black residents of
Charleston organized a May Day ceremony in 1865, which was covered by
the New York Tribune and other national papers. The freedmen cleaned
up and landscaped the burial ground, building an enclosure and an
arch labeled, "Martyrs of the Race Course." Nearly ten thousand
people, mostly freedmen, gathered on May 1 to commemorate the war
dead. Involved were about 3,000 school children newly enrolled in
freedmen's schools, mutual aid societies, Union troops, black
ministers, and white northern missionaries. Most brought flowers to
lay on the burial field. Today the site is used as Hampton Park.[13]
Years later, the celebration would come to be called the "First
Decoration Day" in the North.

David W. Blight described the day:

"This was the first Memorial Day. African Americans invented
Memorial Day in Charleston, South Carolina. What you have there is
black Americans recently freed from slavery announcing to the world
with their flowers, their feet, and their songs what the war had been
about. What they basically were creating was the Independence Day of
a Second American Revolution.”[14]

However, Blight stated he "has no evidence" that this event in
Charleston inspired the establishment of Memorial Day across the


12> Joan Waugh; Gary W. Gallagher (1 June 2009). Wars Within a War:
Controversy and Conflict Over the American Civil War. Univ of North
Carolina Press. p. 187. ISBN 978-0-8078-3275-2.

13> Blight, David W. Race and Reunion: The Civil War in American
Memory (2001), ch. 3, "Decoration Days", pp. 67-70

14> Blight, David W. Race and Reunion: The Civil War in American
Memory (2001, 2nd printing), ch. 3, "Decoration Days", pp. 67-70
"Blight, David W., Lecture: "To Appomattox and Beyond," ''".
Oyc.yale.edu. Retrieved 2014-04-07.

15> David Blight, cited by Campbell Robertson, "Birthplace of
Memorial Day," New York Times, May 28, 2012 - Link is first of two
web pages - Blight quote from 2nd web page: "He has called that the
first Memorial Day, as it predated most of the other contenders,
though he said he has no evidence that it led to General Logan’s call
for a national holiday."

Bob Officer

"One of my pet hates is being made an idiot
out of ...but you go right ahead"
Carole Hubbard in Message-ID:
2014-05-24 23:13:37 UTC
Post by Bob Officer
On Sun, 25 May 2014 04:47:40 +1000, in misc.health.alternative,
Post by Fred's brain fungus
Post by Bob Officer
On Sun, 25 May 2014 04:05:47 +1000, in misc.health.alternative,
< pharmaceutical pawn rubbish deleted >
Viera Scheibner, Ph.D - "Many infants who suffer the so-called 'shaken
baby syndrome' may be victims of undiagnosed vaccine damage.
< pharmaceutical pawn apologost propaganda deleted >

Shaken Baby Syndrome often caused by vaccines, not parents

Learn more:

"Writing for VacTruth.com, investigative journalist Christina England
explores this issue in a recent piece, looking at an array of both
former and recently published studies involving children who developed
cerebral edemas, a type of swelling or inflammation inside the brain,
following routine vaccinations. England looks at a 2010 review
published by Dr. Lucija Tomljenovic, for instance, which contains
hundreds of cases dating back to the early 1980s in which children
developed encephalitis or meningitis following vaccination.

Learn more:

Big pharma lies and manipulates perceptions.

Stupid people believe every word.


"Rockefeller's general Education Board has spent more than $100
million to gain control of the nation's medical schools and turn our
physicians to physicians of the allopathic school, dedicated to
surgery and the heavy use of drugs."

Where did the PROPAGANDA phrases "quack" and "traveling snake oil
salesman" originate?
Big Bill = William Avery Rockefeller
"The image of the traveling snake oil salesman of 19th century America
is by now a familiar trope. It is the image of the heartless huckster
who preys upon the trust of the general public to swindle them out of
their hard-earned savings. With a bottle of useless tonic and the help
of a plant in the audience, the snake oil salesman made a living out
of lies and deceit."

Pharmaceutical drugs are leading cause of death

The Disinformation Campaign Against Homeopathy

Lies, Damned Lies, and Medical Science
"Much of what medical researchers conclude in their studies is
misleading, exaggerated, or flat-out wrong. So why are doctors—to a
striking extent—still drawing upon misinformation in their everyday
practice? Dr. John Ioannidis has spent his career challenging his
peers by exposing their bad science."

The Truth Troll
" ... the perverted citation system has become the refuge of academic
assassins and truth trolls who use the system to concoct ridiculous
and illogical arguments that nonetheless are accepted as "truth"
because they are reliably referenced."

"Rockefeller’s goal was to dominate the oil, chemical, and
pharmaceutical markets, so his company (Standard Oil of New Jersey)
purchased a controlling interest in a huge German drug/chemical
company called I.G. Farben."

History of the Pharmaceutical Drug Business - from 'Murder by
Injection - The story of the Medical Conspiracy against America' by
Eustice Mullins,
Bob Officer
2014-05-25 00:09:58 UTC
On Sun, 25 May 2014 09:13:37 +1000, in misc.health.alternative,
Post by Clayton
Post by Bob Officer
On Sun, 25 May 2014 04:47:40 +1000, in misc.health.alternative,
Post by Fred's brain fungus
Post by Bob Officer
On Sun, 25 May 2014 04:05:47 +1000, in misc.health.alternative,
< pharmaceutical pawn rubbish deleted >
Viera Scheibner, Ph.D - "Many infants who suffer the so-called 'shaken
baby syndrome' may be victims of undiagnosed vaccine damage.
< pharmaceutical pawn apologost propaganda deleted >
Shaken Baby Syndrome often caused by vaccines, not parents
"Writing for VacTruth.com, investigative journalist Christina England
explores this issue in a recent piece, looking at an array of both
former and recently published studies involving children who developed
cerebral edemas, a type of swelling or inflammation inside the brain,
following routine vaccinations. England looks at a 2010 review
published by Dr. Lucija Tomljenovic, for instance, which contains
hundreds of cases dating back to the early 1980s in which children
developed encephalitis or meningitis following vaccination.
It seems to do not understand the concept of circular references,
Bob Officer

"One of my pet hates is being made an idiot
out of ...but you go right ahead"
Carole Hubbard in Message-ID:
2014-05-25 00:44:17 UTC
Post by Bob Officer
On Sun, 25 May 2014 09:13:37 +1000, in misc.health.alternative,
Post by Clayton
Post by Bob Officer
On Sun, 25 May 2014 04:47:40 +1000, in misc.health.alternative,
Post by Fred's brain fungus
Post by Bob Officer
On Sun, 25 May 2014 04:05:47 +1000, in misc.health.alternative,
< pharmaceutical pawn rubbish deleted >
Viera Scheibner, Ph.D - "Many infants who suffer the so-called 'shaken
baby syndrome' may be victims of undiagnosed vaccine damage.
< pharmaceutical pawn apologost propaganda deleted >
Shaken Baby Syndrome often caused by vaccines, not parents
"Writing for VacTruth.com, investigative journalist Christina England
explores this issue in a recent piece, looking at an array of both
former and recently published studies involving children who developed
cerebral edemas, a type of swelling or inflammation inside the brain,
following routine vaccinations. England looks at a 2010 review
published by Dr. Lucija Tomljenovic, for instance, which contains
hundreds of cases dating back to the early 1980s in which children
developed encephalitis or meningitis following vaccination.
It seems to do not understand the concept of circular references,
Bob officer is a very stupid person -- and very ugly on the inside and
the outside.

And stupid -- have I mentioned that?

Oh yes, that's right I've mentioned that before .. I get distracted
sometimes and repeate myself.

Nevertheless it can't be repeated often enough.

Stupid bob officer -- a legend in his own mind -- his hobby is
self-aggrandisement and brown nosing to authority.

But don't forget the rocks -- in his head mainly.


Biochemic Handbook at

The pharmaceutical fraud

History of the Pharmaceutical Drug Business - the drug trust
2014-05-25 00:48:48 UTC
Post by carole
Bob officer is a very stupid person -- and very ugly on the inside and
the outside.
And stupid -- have I mentioned that?
Oh yes, that's right I've mentioned that before .. I get distracted
sometimes and repeate myself.
Nevertheless it can't be repeated often enough.
Stupid bob officer -- a legend in his own mind -- his hobby is
self-aggrandisement and brown nosing to authority.
But don't forget the rocks -- in his head mainly.
Look who crawled out from under its sock puppets.
Bob Officer
2014-05-25 00:58:13 UTC
On Sun, 25 May 2014 10:44:17 +1000, in misc.health.alternative,
Post by carole
Post by Bob Officer
On Sun, 25 May 2014 09:13:37 +1000, in misc.health.alternative,
Post by Clayton
Post by Bob Officer
On Sun, 25 May 2014 04:47:40 +1000, in misc.health.alternative,
Post by Fred's brain fungus
Post by Bob Officer
On Sun, 25 May 2014 04:05:47 +1000, in misc.health.alternative,
< pharmaceutical pawn rubbish deleted >
Viera Scheibner, Ph.D - "Many infants who suffer the so-called 'shaken
baby syndrome' may be victims of undiagnosed vaccine damage.
< pharmaceutical pawn apologost propaganda deleted >
Shaken Baby Syndrome often caused by vaccines, not parents
"Writing for VacTruth.com, investigative journalist Christina England
explores this issue in a recent piece, looking at an array of both
former and recently published studies involving children who developed
cerebral edemas, a type of swelling or inflammation inside the brain,
following routine vaccinations. England looks at a 2010 review
published by Dr. Lucija Tomljenovic, for instance, which contains
hundreds of cases dating back to the early 1980s in which children
developed encephalitis or meningitis following vaccination.
It seems to do not understand the concept of circular references,
Bob officer is a very stupid person -- and very ugly on the inside and
the outside.
Really carole do you understand what you have done you cited three
people which all cite each other:
A cites B as an authority ->
B cites C as an authority ->
C cites A as an authority ->

Circular reasoning. and a well known fallacy.
Post by carole
And stupid -- have I mentioned that?
I not the one using circular references, carole.
Post by carole
Oh yes, that's right I've mentioned that before .. I get distracted
sometimes and repeate myself.
Nevertheless it can't be repeated often enough.
Stupid bob officer -- a legend in his own mind -- his hobby is
self-aggrandisement and brown nosing to authority.
But then Carole I wasn't the person using circular references.
Post by carole
But don't forget the rocks -- in his head mainly.
Here is just another attempt to belittle people to better her own
self worth. Does anyone believe it is working for her?
Bob Officer

"One of my pet hates is being made an idiot
out of ...but you go right ahead"
Carole Hubbard in Message-ID:
2014-05-25 01:45:06 UTC
Post by carole
Post by Bob Officer
It seems to do not understand the concept of circular references,
Bob officer is a very stupid person -- and very ugly on the inside
and the outside.
And stupid -- have I mentioned that?
Oh yes, that's right I've mentioned that before .. I get distracted
sometimes and repeate myself.
Nevertheless it can't be repeated often enough.
Stupid bob officer -- a legend in his own mind -- his hobby is
self-aggrandisement and brown nosing to authority.
But don't forget the rocks -- in his head mainly.
Get help.
From: Mark Probert <***@gmail.com>
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative
Subject: Re: All the world's problems caused by men ...not women.
Date: Sat, 26 Sep 2009 18:27:24 -0700 (PDT)
Post by carole
They say that men have bigger brains than women -- the only problem
is they think about sex and sport 75% of the time.
Carole, you can stop that. Just put your picture on your website.
It would be the equivalent of a cold shower at absolute zero.



From: Martin <***@nowhere.com>
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative
Subject: Re: All the world's problems caused by men ...not women.
Message-ID: <***@4ax.com>
Date: Sat, 26 Sep 2009 09:40:25 +0200

On Fri, 25 Sep 2009 21:01:50 -0700 (PDT), carole
Post by carole
Did I forget most criminals are men.
Generally, men dominate the world through brute force,
bullshit and bluff.
[You’re] just upset that because you have a problem with
personal hygiene (witness your eternal problems with body
odour and athletes foot) [and] you can't get a man.

From: Martin <***@nowhere.com>
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative
Subject: Re: The truth about Quack Barrett, and other news
Message-ID: <***@4ax.com>
Date: Sat, 04 Sep 2010 09:36:06 +0200
Post by carole
Did anybody ever tell him that sodium fluoride was a poison
and that people have a right not to have their water medicated?
Did anybody ever tell you that the reason they found out that
fluoride works against tooth decay was because it naturally
(read that Carole: naturally!) occured in the water of a town
and people there had less cavities then the rest of the
country, without any detrimental effects whatsoever on
the population.

Fluoride is a 100% natural remedy Carole. That it's poisonous
is probably a lie by Big Pharma (and/or Big Dental) because
they can not make any money on natural remedies.

From: Peter Bowditch <***@ratbags.com>
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative
Subject: Re: The truth about Quack Barrett, and other news
Organization: The RatbagsDotCom Empire
Message-ID: <***@4ax.com>
Date: Sat, 04 Sep 2010 14:03:09 +1000
Post by carole
But why does jan think its the same martin other
than the same firstname?
Probably for the same reason that she accused Cathy B of being
Rosalind Dalefield because they are both women with children
who at some time lived in Australia.

Probably for the same reason that at various times she accused
Cathy B of being me, my wife and my daughter, apparently
because we all live in Australia.

Probably for the same reason that she accuses Mark Probert
of being a disbarred lawyer, which is that she read it on
a web site of someone who also claimed that Mark was his
own dead uncle.

Probably for the same reason that she thinks that all the
people who set up their newsreader program options to show
"***@." as the originating email address are all the same

Probably because she really believes that there is only one
person in the world named Martin.

Probably because she is an uneducatable idiot.

Probably all of the above.
2014-05-25 03:58:13 UTC
Post by Fred
Get help.
Probably an inoculation will do it
2014-05-24 20:13:43 UTC
Post by Bob Officer
I read one criticism of Tomljenovic's work one the net. The critic
said, ~~"It appears as if Tomljenovic writes her studies using a
conclusion and then works backwards designing tests and data
collection methods which will produce the required sets which seems
to agree with her conclusion.
Sounds like carole has several non de plumes
Bob Officer
2014-05-24 20:46:00 UTC
On Sun, 25 May 2014 08:13:43 +1200, in misc.health.alternative,
Post by george152
Post by Bob Officer
I read one criticism of Tomljenovic's work one the net. The critic
said, ~~"It appears as if Tomljenovic writes her studies using a
conclusion and then works backwards designing tests and data
collection methods which will produce the required sets which seems
to agree with her conclusion.
Sounds like carole has several non de plumes
I would estimate the sock puppet count to be 12-16 now and growing.
Bob Officer
Corollary to Hubbard's Law:
When you have a lack of people willing to believe your unsupported
claims, invent lots of sock puppets. Sock puppets which use your own
phrases and idioms. Make sure the are so identical to you, even to
the point of making the same logic and grammar errors. Then make sure
to fail to change the headers and signature to match the puppet. Then
become offended when everyone laughs at your antics and points out
your overall lack of intelligence.
2014-05-25 04:22:02 UTC
Post by Bob Officer
On Sun, 25 May 2014 08:13:43 +1200, in misc.health.alternative,
Post by george152
Post by Bob Officer
I read one criticism of Tomljenovic's work one the net. The critic
said, ~~"It appears as if Tomljenovic writes her studies using a
conclusion and then works backwards designing tests and data
collection methods which will produce the required sets which seems
to agree with her conclusion.
Sounds like carole has several non de plumes
I would estimate the sock puppet count to be 12-16 now and growing.
Seventeen now with the addition of "The Sock", if my count is right.
Bob Officer
2014-05-25 04:37:15 UTC
On Sun, 25 May 2014 00:22:02 -0400, in misc.health.alternative, Lu
Post by Lu
Post by Bob Officer
On Sun, 25 May 2014 08:13:43 +1200, in misc.health.alternative,
Post by george152
Post by Bob Officer
I read one criticism of Tomljenovic's work one the net. The critic
said, ~~"It appears as if Tomljenovic writes her studies using a
conclusion and then works backwards designing tests and data
collection methods which will produce the required sets which seems
to agree with her conclusion.
Sounds like carole has several non de plumes
I would estimate the sock puppet count to be 12-16 now and growing.
Seventeen now with the addition of "The Sock", if my count is right.
the count...

And each of them have the same identical flaws...
Bob Officer

"One of my pet hates is being made an idiot
out of ...but you go right ahead"
Carole Hubbard in Message-ID:
2014-05-25 05:02:36 UTC
Post by Bob Officer
On Sun, 25 May 2014 00:22:02 -0400, in misc.health.alternative, Lu
Post by Lu
Post by Bob Officer
On Sun, 25 May 2014 08:13:43 +1200, in misc.health.alternative,
Post by george152
Post by Bob Officer
I read one criticism of Tomljenovic's work one the net. The critic
said, ~~"It appears as if Tomljenovic writes her studies using a
conclusion and then works backwards designing tests and data
collection methods which will produce the required sets which seems
to agree with her conclusion.
Sounds like carole has several non de plumes
I would estimate the sock puppet count to be 12-16 now and growing.
Seventeen now with the addition of "The Sock", if my count is right.
the count...
And each of them have the same identical flaws...
So many flaws a lift is required
Bob Officer
2014-05-25 05:15:20 UTC
On Sun, 25 May 2014 17:02:36 +1200, in misc.health.alternative,
Post by george152
Post by Bob Officer
On Sun, 25 May 2014 00:22:02 -0400, in misc.health.alternative, Lu
Post by Lu
Post by Bob Officer
On Sun, 25 May 2014 08:13:43 +1200, in misc.health.alternative,
Post by george152
Post by Bob Officer
I read one criticism of Tomljenovic's work one the net. The critic
said, ~~"It appears as if Tomljenovic writes her studies using a
conclusion and then works backwards designing tests and data
collection methods which will produce the required sets which seems
to agree with her conclusion.
Sounds like carole has several non de plumes
I would estimate the sock puppet count to be 12-16 now and growing.
Seventeen now with the addition of "The Sock", if my count is right.
the count...
And each of them have the same identical flaws...
So many flaws a lift is required
Bob Officer

"One of my pet hates is being made an idiot
out of ...but you go right ahead"
Carole Hubbard in Message-ID:
2014-05-25 16:03:44 UTC
Post by Bob Officer
On Sun, 25 May 2014 00:22:02 -0400, in misc.health.alternative, Lu
Post by Lu
Post by Bob Officer
On Sun, 25 May 2014 08:13:43 +1200, in misc.health.alternative,
Post by george152
Post by Bob Officer
I read one criticism of Tomljenovic's work one the net. The critic
said, ~~"It appears as if Tomljenovic writes her studies using a
conclusion and then works backwards designing tests and data
collection methods which will produce the required sets which seems
to agree with her conclusion.
Sounds like carole has several non de plumes
I would estimate the sock puppet count to be 12-16 now and growing.
Seventeen now with the addition of "The Sock", if my count is right.
the count...
And each of them have the same identical flaws...

I mark all Carole's sock (dummies) with the color pink. I have been waiting
for a whole thread to be alo pink responders. LOL
2014-05-26 01:52:09 UTC
Post by Lu
Post by Bob Officer
On Sun, 25 May 2014 00:22:02 -0400, in misc.health.alternative, Lu
Post by Lu
Post by Bob Officer
On Sun, 25 May 2014 08:13:43 +1200, in misc.health.alternative,
Post by george152
Post by Bob Officer
I read one criticism of Tomljenovic's work one the net. The critic
said, ~~"It appears as if Tomljenovic writes her studies using a
conclusion and then works backwards designing tests and data
collection methods which will produce the required sets which seems
to agree with her conclusion.
Sounds like carole has several non de plumes
I would estimate the sock puppet count to be 12-16 now and growing.
Seventeen now with the addition of "The Sock", if my count is right.
the count...
And each of them have the same identical flaws...
I mark all Carole's sock (dummies) with the color pink. I have been waiting
for a whole thread to be alo pink responders. LOL
I don't know if that's fundamentally wrong, or the most right thing I've
read on this ng today. Either way, it made me literally LOL.
2014-05-26 04:01:06 UTC
Post by BruceS
Post by Lu
Post by Bob Officer
On Sun, 25 May 2014 00:22:02 -0400, in misc.health.alternative, Lu
Post by Lu
Post by Bob Officer
On Sun, 25 May 2014 08:13:43 +1200, in misc.health.alternative,
Post by george152
Post by Bob Officer
I read one criticism of Tomljenovic's work one the net. The critic
said, ~~"It appears as if Tomljenovic writes her studies using a
conclusion and then works backwards designing tests and data
collection methods which will produce the required sets which seems
to agree with her conclusion.
Sounds like carole has several non de plumes
I would estimate the sock puppet count to be 12-16 now and growing.
Seventeen now with the addition of "The Sock", if my count is right.
the count...
And each of them have the same identical flaws...
I mark all Carole's sock (dummies) with the color pink. I have been waiting
for a whole thread to be alo pink responders. LOL
I don't know if that's fundamentally wrong, or the most right thing I've
read on this ng today. Either way, it made me literally LOL.
Alo = all, if that is what you mean. (g)

2014-05-26 21:48:09 UTC
Post by Lu
Post by BruceS
Post by Lu
Post by Bob Officer
On Sun, 25 May 2014 00:22:02 -0400, in misc.health.alternative, Lu
Post by Lu
Post by Bob Officer
On Sun, 25 May 2014 08:13:43 +1200, in misc.health.alternative,
Post by george152
Post by Bob Officer
I read one criticism of Tomljenovic's work one the net. The critic
said, ~~"It appears as if Tomljenovic writes her studies using a
conclusion and then works backwards designing tests and data
collection methods which will produce the required sets which seems
to agree with her conclusion.
Sounds like carole has several non de plumes
I would estimate the sock puppet count to be 12-16 now and growing.
Seventeen now with the addition of "The Sock", if my count is right.
the count...
And each of them have the same identical flaws...
I mark all Carole's sock (dummies) with the color pink. I have been waiting
for a whole thread to be alo pink responders. LOL
I don't know if that's fundamentally wrong, or the most right thing I've
read on this ng today. Either way, it made me literally LOL.
Alo = all, if that is what you mean. (g)
No, I barely paused at the typo. I meant the idea of coloring all her
sock puppets, then waiting for the all-pink (= she just talks to
herself) thread. She's pretty loony, so I could see it happening.
Since I get a good bit of my entertainment on Usenet from watching
mentally ill people do their little dances, I'm not really judging your
approach to choreographing one.
2014-05-27 00:59:34 UTC
Post by BruceS
Post by Lu
Post by BruceS
Post by Lu
Post by Bob Officer
On Sun, 25 May 2014 00:22:02 -0400, in misc.health.alternative, Lu
Post by Lu
Post by Bob Officer
On Sun, 25 May 2014 08:13:43 +1200, in misc.health.alternative,
Post by george152
Post by Bob Officer
I read one criticism of Tomljenovic's work one the net. The critic
said, ~~"It appears as if Tomljenovic writes her studies using a
conclusion and then works backwards designing tests and data
collection methods which will produce the required sets which seems
to agree with her conclusion.
Sounds like carole has several non de plumes
I would estimate the sock puppet count to be 12-16 now and growing.
Seventeen now with the addition of "The Sock", if my count is right.
the count...
And each of them have the same identical flaws...
I mark all Carole's sock (dummies) with the color pink. I have been waiting
for a whole thread to be alo pink responders. LOL
I don't know if that's fundamentally wrong, or the most right thing I've
read on this ng today. Either way, it made me literally LOL.
Alo = all, if that is what you mean. (g)
No, I barely paused at the typo. I meant the idea of coloring all her
sock puppets, then waiting for the all-pink (= she just talks to
herself) thread. She's pretty loony, so I could see it happening.
Since I get a good bit of my entertainment on Usenet from watching
mentally ill people do their little dances, I'm not really judging your
approach to choreographing one.
Thanks for explaining your point of view and it is a good one. Sort of never
thought of my color coding as choreographing since I didn't think beyond the
possibility of a whole thread in pink. Just the thought of a 10 response
thread with all the posts from Carole's sock puppets makes me laugh.

2014-05-27 03:38:51 UTC
Post by Lu
Post by BruceS
Post by Lu
Post by BruceS
Post by Lu
Post by Bob Officer
On Sun, 25 May 2014 00:22:02 -0400, in misc.health.alternative, Lu
Post by Lu
Post by Bob Officer
On Sun, 25 May 2014 08:13:43 +1200, in misc.health.alternative,
Post by george152
Post by Bob Officer
I read one criticism of Tomljenovic's work one the net. The critic
said, ~~"It appears as if Tomljenovic writes her studies using a
conclusion and then works backwards designing tests and data
collection methods which will produce the required sets which seems
to agree with her conclusion.
Sounds like carole has several non de plumes
I would estimate the sock puppet count to be 12-16 now and growing.
Seventeen now with the addition of "The Sock", if my count is right.
the count...
And each of them have the same identical flaws...
I mark all Carole's sock (dummies) with the color pink. I have been waiting
for a whole thread to be alo pink responders. LOL
I don't know if that's fundamentally wrong, or the most right thing I've
read on this ng today. Either way, it made me literally LOL.
Alo = all, if that is what you mean. (g)
No, I barely paused at the typo. I meant the idea of coloring all her
sock puppets, then waiting for the all-pink (= she just talks to
herself) thread. She's pretty loony, so I could see it happening.
Since I get a good bit of my entertainment on Usenet from watching
mentally ill people do their little dances, I'm not really judging your
approach to choreographing one.
Thanks for explaining your point of view and it is a good one. Sort of never
thought of my color coding as choreographing since I didn't think beyond the
possibility of a whole thread in pink. Just the thought of a 10 response
thread with all the posts from Carole's sock puppets makes me laugh.
I doubt there is sufficient pink in the world
2014-05-28 22:30:55 UTC
Post by george152
Post by Lu
Post by BruceS
Post by Lu
Post by BruceS
Post by Lu
Post by Bob Officer
On Sun, 25 May 2014 00:22:02 -0400, in misc.health.alternative, Lu
Post by Lu
Post by Bob Officer
On Sun, 25 May 2014 08:13:43 +1200, in misc.health.alternative,
Post by george152
Post by Bob Officer
I read one criticism of Tomljenovic's work one the net. The critic
said, ~~"It appears as if Tomljenovic writes her studies using a
conclusion and then works backwards designing tests and data
collection methods which will produce the required sets which seems
to agree with her conclusion.
Sounds like carole has several non de plumes
I would estimate the sock puppet count to be 12-16 now and growing.
Seventeen now with the addition of "The Sock", if my count is right.
the count...
And each of them have the same identical flaws...
I mark all Carole's sock (dummies) with the color pink. I have been waiting
for a whole thread to be alo pink responders. LOL
I don't know if that's fundamentally wrong, or the most right thing I've
read on this ng today. Either way, it made me literally LOL.
Alo = all, if that is what you mean. (g)
No, I barely paused at the typo. I meant the idea of coloring all her
sock puppets, then waiting for the all-pink (= she just talks to
herself) thread. She's pretty loony, so I could see it happening.
Since I get a good bit of my entertainment on Usenet from watching
mentally ill people do their little dances, I'm not really judging your
approach to choreographing one.
Thanks for explaining your point of view and it is a good one. Sort of never
thought of my color coding as choreographing since I didn't think beyond the
possibility of a whole thread in pink. Just the thought of a 10 response
thread with all the posts from Carole's sock puppets makes me laugh.
You're far from alone in that.
Post by george152
I doubt there is sufficient pink in the world
Dare we hope for a pink ink shortage? That would be a sort of e-muzzle
for Carole.
2014-05-29 04:21:55 UTC
Post by BruceS
Post by george152
Post by Lu
Post by BruceS
Post by Lu
Post by BruceS
Post by Lu
Post by Bob Officer
On Sun, 25 May 2014 00:22:02 -0400, in misc.health.alternative, Lu
Post by Lu
Post by Bob Officer
On Sun, 25 May 2014 08:13:43 +1200, in misc.health.alternative,
Post by george152
Post by Bob Officer
I read one criticism of Tomljenovic's work one the net. The critic
said, ~~"It appears as if Tomljenovic writes her studies using a
conclusion and then works backwards designing tests and data
collection methods which will produce the required sets which seems
to agree with her conclusion.
Sounds like carole has several non de plumes
I would estimate the sock puppet count to be 12-16 now and growing.
Seventeen now with the addition of "The Sock", if my count is right.
the count...
And each of them have the same identical flaws...
I mark all Carole's sock (dummies) with the color pink. I have been waiting
for a whole thread to be alo pink responders. LOL
I don't know if that's fundamentally wrong, or the most right thing I've
read on this ng today. Either way, it made me literally LOL.
Alo = all, if that is what you mean. (g)
No, I barely paused at the typo. I meant the idea of coloring all her
sock puppets, then waiting for the all-pink (= she just talks to
herself) thread. She's pretty loony, so I could see it happening.
Since I get a good bit of my entertainment on Usenet from watching
mentally ill people do their little dances, I'm not really judging your
approach to choreographing one.
Thanks for explaining your point of view and it is a good one. Sort of never
thought of my color coding as choreographing since I didn't think beyond the
possibility of a whole thread in pink. Just the thought of a 10 response
thread with all the posts from Carole's sock puppets makes me laugh.
You're far from alone in that.
Post by george152
I doubt there is sufficient pink in the world
Dare we hope for a pink ink shortage? That would be a sort of e-muzzle
for Carole.
Then she would start whining about the pawns of big pharma suppressing her
freedom of speech.

Bob Casanova
2014-05-29 16:55:58 UTC
On Thu, 29 May 2014 00:21:55 -0400, the following appeared
Post by Lu
Post by BruceS
Post by george152
Post by Lu
Post by BruceS
Post by Lu
Post by BruceS
Post by Lu
Post by Bob Officer
On Sun, 25 May 2014 00:22:02 -0400, in misc.health.alternative, Lu
Post by Lu
Post by Bob Officer
On Sun, 25 May 2014 08:13:43 +1200, in misc.health.alternative,
Post by george152
Post by Bob Officer
I read one criticism of Tomljenovic's work one the net. The critic
said, ~~"It appears as if Tomljenovic writes her studies using a
conclusion and then works backwards designing tests and data
collection methods which will produce the required sets which seems
to agree with her conclusion.
Sounds like carole has several non de plumes
I would estimate the sock puppet count to be 12-16 now and growing.
Seventeen now with the addition of "The Sock", if my count is right.
the count...
And each of them have the same identical flaws...
I mark all Carole's sock (dummies) with the color pink. I have been waiting
for a whole thread to be alo pink responders. LOL
I don't know if that's fundamentally wrong, or the most right thing I've
read on this ng today. Either way, it made me literally LOL.
Alo = all, if that is what you mean. (g)
No, I barely paused at the typo. I meant the idea of coloring all her
sock puppets, then waiting for the all-pink (= she just talks to
herself) thread. She's pretty loony, so I could see it happening.
Since I get a good bit of my entertainment on Usenet from watching
mentally ill people do their little dances, I'm not really judging your
approach to choreographing one.
Thanks for explaining your point of view and it is a good one. Sort of never
thought of my color coding as choreographing since I didn't think beyond the
possibility of a whole thread in pink. Just the thought of a 10 response
thread with all the posts from Carole's sock puppets makes me laugh.
You're far from alone in that.
Post by george152
I doubt there is sufficient pink in the world
Dare we hope for a pink ink shortage? That would be a sort of e-muzzle
for Carole.
Then she would start whining about the pawns of big pharma suppressing her
freedom of speech.
Dunno about you, but any claims which include reference to
"Big XXX" tend to trip (or at minimum to arm) my BS
Bob C.

"The most exciting phrase to hear in science,
the one that heralds new discoveries, is not
'Eureka!' but 'That's funny...'"

- Isaac Asimov
2014-05-29 18:52:58 UTC
Post by Bob Casanova
On Thu, 29 May 2014 00:21:55 -0400, the following appeared
Post by Lu
Post by BruceS
Post by george152
Post by Lu
Post by BruceS
Post by Lu
Post by BruceS
Post by Lu
Post by Bob Officer
On Sun, 25 May 2014 00:22:02 -0400, in misc.health.alternative, Lu
Post by Lu
Post by Bob Officer
On Sun, 25 May 2014 08:13:43 +1200, in misc.health.alternative,
Post by george152
Post by Bob Officer
I read one criticism of Tomljenovic's work one the net. The
said, ~~"It appears as if Tomljenovic writes her studies using a
conclusion and then works backwards designing tests and data
collection methods which will produce the required sets which
to agree with her conclusion.
Sounds like carole has several non de plumes
I would estimate the sock puppet count to be 12-16 now and growing.
Seventeen now with the addition of "The Sock", if my count is right.
the count...
And each of them have the same identical flaws...
I mark all Carole's sock (dummies) with the color pink. I have been waiting
for a whole thread to be alo pink responders. LOL
I don't know if that's fundamentally wrong, or the most right thing I've
read on this ng today. Either way, it made me literally LOL.
Alo = all, if that is what you mean. (g)
No, I barely paused at the typo. I meant the idea of coloring all her
sock puppets, then waiting for the all-pink (= she just talks to
herself) thread. She's pretty loony, so I could see it happening.
Since I get a good bit of my entertainment on Usenet from watching
mentally ill people do their little dances, I'm not really judging your
approach to choreographing one.
Thanks for explaining your point of view and it is a good one. Sort of never
thought of my color coding as choreographing since I didn't think beyond the
possibility of a whole thread in pink. Just the thought of a 10 response
thread with all the posts from Carole's sock puppets makes me laugh.
You're far from alone in that.
Post by george152
I doubt there is sufficient pink in the world
Dare we hope for a pink ink shortage? That would be a sort of e-muzzle
for Carole.
Then she would start whining about the pawns of big pharma suppressing her
freedom of speech.
Dunno about you, but any claims which include reference to
"Big XXX" tend to trip (or at minimum to arm) my BS
Does that mean you refuse to accept the existence of the 200mpg
carburetor that Big Oil suppressed? What about the various "free
energy" engines that Big Utilities keep hiding? Meanwhile, Big Banks
are keeping us slaves with their lending schemes, and Big Government is
watching our every move, online and irl. Wake up, sheeple, or I'm going
to have to start using my caps lock.
2014-05-29 21:22:06 UTC
Post by BruceS
Post by Bob Casanova
On Thu, 29 May 2014 00:21:55 -0400, the following appeared
Post by Lu
Post by BruceS
Post by george152
Post by Lu
Post by BruceS
Post by Lu
Post by BruceS
Post by Lu
Post by Bob Officer
On Sun, 25 May 2014 00:22:02 -0400, in
misc.health.alternative, Lu
Post by Lu
Post by Bob Officer
On Sun, 25 May 2014 08:13:43 +1200, in
Post by george152
Post by Bob Officer
I read one criticism of Tomljenovic's work one the net. The
said, ~~"It appears as if Tomljenovic writes her studies
using a
conclusion and then works backwards designing tests and data
collection methods which will produce the required sets which
to agree with her conclusion.
Sounds like carole has several non de plumes
I would estimate the sock puppet count to be 12-16 now and growing.
Seventeen now with the addition of "The Sock", if my count is right.
the count...
And each of them have the same identical flaws...
I mark all Carole's sock (dummies) with the color pink. I have
for a whole thread to be alo pink responders. LOL
I don't know if that's fundamentally wrong, or the most right
read on this ng today. Either way, it made me literally LOL.
Alo = all, if that is what you mean. (g)
No, I barely paused at the typo. I meant the idea of coloring all her
sock puppets, then waiting for the all-pink (= she just talks to
herself) thread. She's pretty loony, so I could see it happening.
Since I get a good bit of my entertainment on Usenet from watching
mentally ill people do their little dances, I'm not really judging your
approach to choreographing one.
Thanks for explaining your point of view and it is a good one. Sort of never
thought of my color coding as choreographing since I didn't think beyond the
possibility of a whole thread in pink. Just the thought of a 10 response
thread with all the posts from Carole's sock puppets makes me laugh.
You're far from alone in that.
Post by george152
I doubt there is sufficient pink in the world
Dare we hope for a pink ink shortage? That would be a sort of e-muzzle
for Carole.
Then she would start whining about the pawns of big pharma
suppressing her
freedom of speech.
Dunno about you, but any claims which include reference to
"Big XXX" tend to trip (or at minimum to arm) my BS
Does that mean you refuse to accept the existence of the 200mpg
carburetor that Big Oil suppressed? What about the various "free
energy" engines that Big Utilities keep hiding? Meanwhile, Big Banks
are keeping us slaves with their lending schemes, and Big Government
is watching our every move, online and irl. Wake up, sheeple, or I'm
going to have to start using my caps lock.
If I'm not mistaken, at one time not too long ago, carole had claimed
that Nicola Tesla had invented an electric engine that could run forever
without a power source, but that it had been suppressed by Henry Ford,
Thomas Edison, and other moguls of industry at that time.

In fairness to carole, she did not include J.D. Rockefeller is that case
study of suppression by men-psychopaths.

carole likes to reserve Rockefeller exclusively for her indictment of
modern medical schools and of course, the pharmaceutical industry.

Tesla is one of carole's heroes. she probably has a picture of him,
taped to her shower stall wall, but covered by a plastic bag, so the
water doesn't get to it.

Loading Image...
"You have to remember Michele I don't take any
pharmaceutical products at all except for the
occasional panadeine for the odd hangover."
- carole hubbard on 3 Jun 2004
Message-ID: <***@posting.google.com>


"I do binge a little here and there - so what?"
- carole hubbard on 30 Jun 2004
Message-ID: <***@posting.google.com>


"A drink or two doesn't give one a hangover. Lose count?
Are you a drunk who tries to minimize their binge drinking?
Alcoholics often defend their drinking, Carole. Hangovers
don't happen after a drink or two. Drinking to the point
of getting a hangover is binge drinking. Occasionally
binging is binging. Understand that?"
- Michelle replying to carole on 1 Jul 2004
Message-ID: <***@posting.google.com>



“Haven't drunk in years. It was a social thing when I was
working away from home, thought it was fun at the time,
sort of like in holiday mode. The result of being brought
up in an overly straight environment where my parents drank
1 bottle of beer between themselves at xmas every 2nd year.
Things change. I don't drink anymore because I don't like
hangovers.” – carole hubbard on 27 Apr 2014
Message-ID: ***@4ax.com

”I gave up smoking using my own willpower and gave up
drinking by substituting with soft drink, which I have
now downscaled to about 1 750ml bottle a week mixed
with soda water - 1/4 lemon squash 3/4 soda water.
I had a drink at a xmas party xmas before last.
As I said, occasionally I indulge, or if I go
to visit somebody who drinks.”
– carole hubbard on 27 Apr 2014
Message-ID: ***@4ax.com

"I gave it [drinking] up about 5 or 6 years ago. Maybe
occasional glass of something if I go out."
- carole hubbard on 28 Apr 2014
Message-ID: <***@4ax.com>

“I wouldn't take pharmaceutical drugs for anything.”
– carole hubbard on 30 Apr 2014
Message-ID: ***@4ax.com

“I don't take drugs for anything, except the occasional
paracetamol less and less frequently.”
– carole hubbard on 30 Apr 2014
Message-ID: ***@4ax.com

“Drinking alcohol is not illegal. But apart from that,
I gave up shortly after 2006. And why shouldn't I drink,
I'm an adult ie over 21.”
– carole hubbard on 17 May 2014
Message-ID: ***@4ax.com

"I had a couple of midori and lemonade the other day -
should have stopped at one though."
- carole hubbard on 12/15/2011
Message-ID: <od5Gq.301$%***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>








2014-06-05 15:25:40 UTC
Post by Fred
Post by BruceS
Post by Bob Casanova
On Thu, 29 May 2014 00:21:55 -0400, the following appeared
Post by Lu
Post by BruceS
Post by george152
Post by Lu
Post by BruceS
Post by Lu
Post by BruceS
Post by Lu
Post by Bob Officer
On Sun, 25 May 2014 00:22:02 -0400, in
misc.health.alternative, Lu
Post by Lu
Post by Bob Officer
On Sun, 25 May 2014 08:13:43 +1200, in
Post by george152
Post by Bob Officer
I read one criticism of Tomljenovic's work one the net. The
said, ~~"It appears as if Tomljenovic writes her studies
using a
conclusion and then works backwards designing tests and data
collection methods which will produce the required sets which
to agree with her conclusion.
Sounds like carole has several non de plumes
I would estimate the sock puppet count to be 12-16 now and
Seventeen now with the addition of "The Sock", if my count is
the count...
And each of them have the same identical flaws...
I mark all Carole's sock (dummies) with the color pink. I have
for a whole thread to be alo pink responders. LOL
I don't know if that's fundamentally wrong, or the most right
read on this ng today. Either way, it made me literally LOL.
Alo = all, if that is what you mean. (g)
No, I barely paused at the typo. I meant the idea of coloring all her
sock puppets, then waiting for the all-pink (= she just talks to
herself) thread. She's pretty loony, so I could see it happening.
Since I get a good bit of my entertainment on Usenet from watching
mentally ill people do their little dances, I'm not really judging your
approach to choreographing one.
Thanks for explaining your point of view and it is a good one. Sort of never
thought of my color coding as choreographing since I didn't think beyond the
possibility of a whole thread in pink. Just the thought of a 10 response
thread with all the posts from Carole's sock puppets makes me laugh.
You're far from alone in that.
Post by george152
I doubt there is sufficient pink in the world
Dare we hope for a pink ink shortage? That would be a sort of e-muzzle
for Carole.
Then she would start whining about the pawns of big pharma
suppressing her
freedom of speech.
Dunno about you, but any claims which include reference to
"Big XXX" tend to trip (or at minimum to arm) my BS
Does that mean you refuse to accept the existence of the 200mpg
carburetor that Big Oil suppressed? What about the various "free
energy" engines that Big Utilities keep hiding? Meanwhile, Big Banks
are keeping us slaves with their lending schemes, and Big Government
is watching our every move, online and irl. Wake up, sheeple, or I'm
going to have to start using my caps lock.
If I'm not mistaken, at one time not too long ago, carole had claimed
that Nicola Tesla had invented an electric engine that could run forever
without a power source, but that it had been suppressed by Henry Ford,
Thomas Edison, and other moguls of industry at that time.
In fairness to carole, she did not include J.D. Rockefeller is that case
study of suppression by men-psychopaths.
carole likes to reserve Rockefeller exclusively for her indictment of
modern medical schools and of course, the pharmaceutical industry.
Tesla is one of carole's heroes. she probably has a picture of him,
taped to her shower stall wall, but covered by a plastic bag, so the
water doesn't get to it.
I have a great respect and admiration for Tesla. He was a brilliant
man, who came up with some very inventive ideas. When I first started
seeing the cult stuff about him, it was a bit bewildering. Why do they
have to make up stuff and exaggerate so much, when the truth was pretty
impressive? When a great man gets a gathering of worshipers, it makes
him a laughingstock.
Bob Officer
2014-06-05 16:34:01 UTC
On Thu, 05 Jun 2014 09:25:40 -0600, in misc.health.alternative,
Post by BruceS
Post by Fred
Post by BruceS
Post by Bob Casanova
On Thu, 29 May 2014 00:21:55 -0400, the following appeared
Post by Lu
Post by BruceS
Post by george152
Post by Lu
Post by BruceS
Post by Lu
Post by BruceS
Post by Lu
Post by Bob Officer
On Sun, 25 May 2014 00:22:02 -0400, in
misc.health.alternative, Lu
Post by Lu
Post by Bob Officer
On Sun, 25 May 2014 08:13:43 +1200, in
Post by george152
Post by Bob Officer
I read one criticism of Tomljenovic's work one the net. The
said, ~~"It appears as if Tomljenovic writes her studies
using a
conclusion and then works backwards designing tests and
collection methods which will produce the required sets
to agree with her conclusion.
Sounds like carole has several non de plumes
I would estimate the sock puppet count to be 12-16 now and
Seventeen now with the addition of "The Sock", if my count is
the count...
And each of them have the same identical flaws...
I mark all Carole's sock (dummies) with the color pink. I have
for a whole thread to be alo pink responders. LOL
I don't know if that's fundamentally wrong, or the most right
read on this ng today. Either way, it made me literally LOL.
Alo = all, if that is what you mean. (g)
No, I barely paused at the typo. I meant the idea of coloring all her
sock puppets, then waiting for the all-pink (= she just talks to
herself) thread. She's pretty loony, so I could see it happening.
Since I get a good bit of my entertainment on Usenet from watching
mentally ill people do their little dances, I'm not really judging your
approach to choreographing one.
Thanks for explaining your point of view and it is a good one. Sort of never
thought of my color coding as choreographing since I didn't think beyond the
possibility of a whole thread in pink. Just the thought of a 10 response
thread with all the posts from Carole's sock puppets makes me laugh.
You're far from alone in that.
Post by george152
I doubt there is sufficient pink in the world
Dare we hope for a pink ink shortage? That would be a sort of e-muzzle
for Carole.
Then she would start whining about the pawns of big pharma
suppressing her
freedom of speech.
Dunno about you, but any claims which include reference to
"Big XXX" tend to trip (or at minimum to arm) my BS
Does that mean you refuse to accept the existence of the 200mpg
carburetor that Big Oil suppressed? What about the various "free
energy" engines that Big Utilities keep hiding? Meanwhile, Big Banks
are keeping us slaves with their lending schemes, and Big Government
is watching our every move, online and irl. Wake up, sheeple, or I'm
going to have to start using my caps lock.
If I'm not mistaken, at one time not too long ago, carole had claimed
that Nicola Tesla had invented an electric engine that could run forever
without a power source, but that it had been suppressed by Henry Ford,
Thomas Edison, and other moguls of industry at that time.
In fairness to carole, she did not include J.D. Rockefeller is that case
study of suppression by men-psychopaths.
carole likes to reserve Rockefeller exclusively for her indictment of
modern medical schools and of course, the pharmaceutical industry.
Tesla is one of carole's heroes. she probably has a picture of him,
taped to her shower stall wall, but covered by a plastic bag, so the
water doesn't get to it.
I have a great respect and admiration for Tesla. He was a brilliant
man, who came up with some very inventive ideas. When I first started
seeing the cult stuff about him, it was a bit bewildering. Why do they
have to make up stuff and exaggerate so much, when the truth was pretty
impressive? When a great man gets a gathering of worshipers, it makes
him a laughingstock.
yep. We use many of Tesla inventions and discoveries on a daily
basis. Tesla, DeForest, and a host of other great leaders in early
electronics, opened the door to so many of our modern conveniences.
Bob Officer

"One of my pet hates is being made an idiot
out of ...but you go right ahead"
Carole Hubbard in Message-ID:
2014-06-05 16:54:57 UTC
Post by Bob Officer
On Thu, 05 Jun 2014 09:25:40 -0600, in misc.health.alternative,
Post by BruceS
Post by Fred
Post by BruceS
Post by Bob Casanova
On Thu, 29 May 2014 00:21:55 -0400, the following appeared
Post by Lu
Post by BruceS
Post by george152
Post by Lu
Post by BruceS
Post by Lu
Post by BruceS
Post by Lu
Post by Bob Officer
On Sun, 25 May 2014 00:22:02 -0400, in
misc.health.alternative, Lu
Post by Lu
Post by Bob Officer
On Sun, 25 May 2014 08:13:43 +1200, in
Post by george152
Post by Bob Officer
I read one criticism of Tomljenovic's work one the net. The
said, ~~"It appears as if Tomljenovic writes her studies
using a
conclusion and then works backwards designing tests and
collection methods which will produce the required sets
to agree with her conclusion.
Sounds like carole has several non de plumes
I would estimate the sock puppet count to be 12-16 now and
Seventeen now with the addition of "The Sock", if my count is
the count...
And each of them have the same identical flaws...
I mark all Carole's sock (dummies) with the color pink. I have
for a whole thread to be alo pink responders. LOL
I don't know if that's fundamentally wrong, or the most right
read on this ng today. Either way, it made me literally LOL.
Alo = all, if that is what you mean. (g)
No, I barely paused at the typo. I meant the idea of coloring all her
sock puppets, then waiting for the all-pink (= she just talks to
herself) thread. She's pretty loony, so I could see it happening.
Since I get a good bit of my entertainment on Usenet from watching
mentally ill people do their little dances, I'm not really judging your
approach to choreographing one.
Thanks for explaining your point of view and it is a good one. Sort
of never
thought of my color coding as choreographing since I didn't think
beyond the
possibility of a whole thread in pink. Just the thought of a 10 response
thread with all the posts from Carole's sock puppets makes me laugh.
You're far from alone in that.
Post by george152
I doubt there is sufficient pink in the world
Dare we hope for a pink ink shortage? That would be a sort of e-muzzle
for Carole.
Then she would start whining about the pawns of big pharma suppressing her
freedom of speech.
Dunno about you, but any claims which include reference to
"Big XXX" tend to trip (or at minimum to arm) my BS
Does that mean you refuse to accept the existence of the 200mpg
carburetor that Big Oil suppressed? What about the various "free
energy" engines that Big Utilities keep hiding? Meanwhile, Big Banks
are keeping us slaves with their lending schemes, and Big Government
is watching our every move, online and irl. Wake up, sheeple, or I'm
going to have to start using my caps lock.
If I'm not mistaken, at one time not too long ago, carole had claimed
that Nicola Tesla had invented an electric engine that could run forever
without a power source, but that it had been suppressed by Henry Ford,
Thomas Edison, and other moguls of industry at that time.
In fairness to carole, she did not include J.D. Rockefeller is that case
study of suppression by men-psychopaths.
carole likes to reserve Rockefeller exclusively for her indictment of
modern medical schools and of course, the pharmaceutical industry.
Tesla is one of carole's heroes. she probably has a picture of him,
taped to her shower stall wall, but covered by a plastic bag, so the
water doesn't get to it.
I have a great respect and admiration for Tesla. He was a brilliant
man, who came up with some very inventive ideas. When I first started
seeing the cult stuff about him, it was a bit bewildering. Why do they
have to make up stuff and exaggerate so much, when the truth was pretty
impressive? When a great man gets a gathering of worshipers, it makes
him a laughingstock.
yep. We use many of Tesla inventions and discoveries on a daily
basis. Tesla, DeForest, and a host of other great leaders in early
electronics, opened the door to so many of our modern conveniences.
Aren't three phase electrical systems credited to Tesla?

I'm not an electrical engineer, much less an electrician, but from what
I understand that Tesla worked on, could it be that what carole meant
when she referred to a "perpetual electric engine" was Tesla's induction

It does look as though Tesla's contributions were a bit more weighty
than Edison's.

Did his wireless energy transmission never catch on for technical

It's too bad Tesla died in poverty. Edison appears to have been a better
businessman than Tesla.
From: "Carole" <***@iimetro.com.au>
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative,alt.usenet.kooks
Message-ID: <jo_el.14373$***@news-server.bigpond.net.au>
Date: Sun, 25 Jan 2009 14:09:19 GMT
Post by Bob Officer
On Fri, 23 Jan 2009 12:11:43 GMT, in alt.usenet.kooks, "Carole"
Post by Bob Officer
Post by BruceS
Bob Officer is against alternative medicine.
I am against ineffective treatments and irrational risks. Unlike
Carole, I am against [products] which have not been shown to be
effective treatments and have an unknown value and unassessed risk.
You wouldn't know an ineffective treatment if it jumped up and bit
you on the dick.
Bob Officer
2014-06-05 17:23:21 UTC
On Thu, 05 Jun 2014 12:54:57 -0400, in misc.health.alternative, Fred
Post by Fred
Post by Bob Officer
On Thu, 05 Jun 2014 09:25:40 -0600, in misc.health.alternative,
Post by BruceS
Post by Fred
Post by BruceS
Post by Bob Casanova
On Thu, 29 May 2014 00:21:55 -0400, the following appeared
Post by Lu
Post by BruceS
Post by george152
Post by Lu
Post by BruceS
Post by Lu
Post by BruceS
Post by Lu
Post by Bob Officer
On Sun, 25 May 2014 00:22:02 -0400, in
misc.health.alternative, Lu
Post by Lu
Post by Bob Officer
On Sun, 25 May 2014 08:13:43 +1200, in
Post by george152
Post by Bob Officer
I read one criticism of Tomljenovic's work one the net. The
said, ~~"It appears as if Tomljenovic writes her studies
using a
conclusion and then works backwards designing tests and
collection methods which will produce the required sets
to agree with her conclusion.
Sounds like carole has several non de plumes
I would estimate the sock puppet count to be 12-16 now and
Seventeen now with the addition of "The Sock", if my count is
the count...
And each of them have the same identical flaws...
I mark all Carole's sock (dummies) with the color pink. I have
for a whole thread to be alo pink responders. LOL
I don't know if that's fundamentally wrong, or the most right
read on this ng today. Either way, it made me literally LOL.
Alo = all, if that is what you mean. (g)
No, I barely paused at the typo. I meant the idea of coloring all her
sock puppets, then waiting for the all-pink (= she just talks to
herself) thread. She's pretty loony, so I could see it happening.
Since I get a good bit of my entertainment on Usenet from watching
mentally ill people do their little dances, I'm not really judging your
approach to choreographing one.
Thanks for explaining your point of view and it is a good one. Sort
of never
thought of my color coding as choreographing since I didn't think
beyond the
possibility of a whole thread in pink. Just the thought of a 10 response
thread with all the posts from Carole's sock puppets makes me laugh.
You're far from alone in that.
Post by george152
I doubt there is sufficient pink in the world
Dare we hope for a pink ink shortage? That would be a sort of e-muzzle
for Carole.
Then she would start whining about the pawns of big pharma suppressing her
freedom of speech.
Dunno about you, but any claims which include reference to
"Big XXX" tend to trip (or at minimum to arm) my BS
Does that mean you refuse to accept the existence of the 200mpg
carburetor that Big Oil suppressed? What about the various "free
energy" engines that Big Utilities keep hiding? Meanwhile, Big Banks
are keeping us slaves with their lending schemes, and Big Government
is watching our every move, online and irl. Wake up, sheeple, or I'm
going to have to start using my caps lock.
If I'm not mistaken, at one time not too long ago, carole had claimed
that Nicola Tesla had invented an electric engine that could run forever
without a power source, but that it had been suppressed by Henry Ford,
Thomas Edison, and other moguls of industry at that time.
In fairness to carole, she did not include J.D. Rockefeller is that case
study of suppression by men-psychopaths.
carole likes to reserve Rockefeller exclusively for her indictment of
modern medical schools and of course, the pharmaceutical industry.
Tesla is one of carole's heroes. she probably has a picture of him,
taped to her shower stall wall, but covered by a plastic bag, so the
water doesn't get to it.
I have a great respect and admiration for Tesla. He was a brilliant
man, who came up with some very inventive ideas. When I first started
seeing the cult stuff about him, it was a bit bewildering. Why do they
have to make up stuff and exaggerate so much, when the truth was pretty
impressive? When a great man gets a gathering of worshipers, it makes
him a laughingstock.
yep. We use many of Tesla inventions and discoveries on a daily
basis. Tesla, DeForest, and a host of other great leaders in early
electronics, opened the door to so many of our modern conveniences.
Aren't three phase electrical systems credited to Tesla?
Yep. As are all heterodyne receivers. The IF Transformer, where one
frequency is mixed either additive or subtracted from another. Thus
when you are listening to 680KHz The radio processed the 680Khz
signal through 3 stages and the last stage mixes a 655Hz signal with
the output to produce an audio signal in a speaker or head-phones.
Post by Fred
I'm not an electrical engineer, much less an electrician, but from what
I understand that Tesla worked on, could it be that what carole meant
when she referred to a "perpetual electric engine" was Tesla's induction
It does look as though Tesla's contributions were a bit more weighty
than Edison's.
Tesla was just a small team. Edison employed several hundred
inventors and tinkers, often they worked from their own ideas, and
often from consultations with edison on his ideas. Not everything
invented or developed in his labs was his own idea or product.
Post by Fred
Did his wireless energy transmission never catch on for technical
The lost of Broadcast power is due to the inability for the devices
to absorb all the power transmitted.

You want to listen to a 1 kilowatt radio (1000 volts and 1 amp)
transmitter , and you are 100 miles away. You might be able to pick
.03 milliwatt up a (3 or 4 millivolt signal at .01 milli-amp), Power
radiated drops with the square of the distance. Just like light
getting dimmer the more distance you are from it.
Post by Fred
It's too bad Tesla died in poverty. Edison appears to have been a better
businessman than Tesla.
Tesla was just an inventor he needed a honest guide for business. 90%
of what Tesla invented was released to public domain. He had no drive
to be a business man. Edison was in the business of invention.
Bob Officer

"One of my pet hates is being made an idiot
out of ...but you go right ahead"
Carole Hubbard in Message-ID:
Bob Officer
2014-05-29 22:04:15 UTC
On Thu, 29 May 2014 12:52:58 -0600, in misc.health.alternative,
Post by BruceS
Post by Bob Casanova
On Thu, 29 May 2014 00:21:55 -0400, the following appeared
Post by Lu
Post by BruceS
Post by george152
Post by Lu
Post by BruceS
Post by Lu
Post by BruceS
Post by Lu
Post by Bob Officer
On Sun, 25 May 2014 00:22:02 -0400, in misc.health.alternative, Lu
Post by Lu
Post by Bob Officer
On Sun, 25 May 2014 08:13:43 +1200, in misc.health.alternative,
Post by george152
Post by Bob Officer
I read one criticism of Tomljenovic's work one the net. The
said, ~~"It appears as if Tomljenovic writes her studies using a
conclusion and then works backwards designing tests and data
collection methods which will produce the required sets which
to agree with her conclusion.
Sounds like carole has several non de plumes
I would estimate the sock puppet count to be 12-16 now and growing.
Seventeen now with the addition of "The Sock", if my count is right.
the count...
And each of them have the same identical flaws...
I mark all Carole's sock (dummies) with the color pink. I have been
for a whole thread to be alo pink responders. LOL
I don't know if that's fundamentally wrong, or the most right thing I've
read on this ng today. Either way, it made me literally LOL.
Alo = all, if that is what you mean. (g)
No, I barely paused at the typo. I meant the idea of coloring all her
sock puppets, then waiting for the all-pink (= she just talks to
herself) thread. She's pretty loony, so I could see it happening.
Since I get a good bit of my entertainment on Usenet from watching
mentally ill people do their little dances, I'm not really judging your
approach to choreographing one.
Thanks for explaining your point of view and it is a good one. Sort of never
thought of my color coding as choreographing since I didn't think beyond the
possibility of a whole thread in pink. Just the thought of a 10 response
thread with all the posts from Carole's sock puppets makes me laugh.
You're far from alone in that.
Post by george152
I doubt there is sufficient pink in the world
Dare we hope for a pink ink shortage? That would be a sort of e-muzzle
for Carole.
Then she would start whining about the pawns of big pharma suppressing her
freedom of speech.
Dunno about you, but any claims which include reference to
"Big XXX" tend to trip (or at minimum to arm) my BS
Does that mean you refuse to accept the existence of the 200mpg
carburetor that Big Oil suppressed? What about the various "free
energy" engines that Big Utilities keep hiding? Meanwhile, Big Banks
are keeping us slaves with their lending schemes, and Big Government is
watching our every move, online and irl. Wake up, sheeple, or I'm going
to have to start using my caps lock.
You left out UFOs and Aliens, Submarines in Great Salt Lake, and
Singtech's matter creating toroids.

Does anyone ever recall Alexander Abian math claims?

Maybe Robert E. McElwaine could make another appearence as well? and
Good old Jack (the pyramids are pumps) Safatti
Bob Officer

"One of my pet hates is being made an idiot
out of ...but you go right ahead"
Carole Hubbard in Message-ID:
Bob Casanova
2014-05-30 17:27:28 UTC
On Thu, 29 May 2014 15:04:15 -0700, the following appeared
Post by Bob Officer
On Thu, 29 May 2014 12:52:58 -0600, in misc.health.alternative,
Post by BruceS
Post by Bob Casanova
On Thu, 29 May 2014 00:21:55 -0400, the following appeared
Post by Lu
Post by BruceS
Post by george152
Post by Lu
Post by BruceS
Post by Lu
Post by BruceS
Post by Lu
Post by Bob Officer
On Sun, 25 May 2014 00:22:02 -0400, in misc.health.alternative, Lu
Post by Lu
Post by Bob Officer
On Sun, 25 May 2014 08:13:43 +1200, in misc.health.alternative,
Post by george152
Post by Bob Officer
I read one criticism of Tomljenovic's work one the net. The
said, ~~"It appears as if Tomljenovic writes her studies using a
conclusion and then works backwards designing tests and data
collection methods which will produce the required sets which
to agree with her conclusion.
Sounds like carole has several non de plumes
I would estimate the sock puppet count to be 12-16 now and
Seventeen now with the addition of "The Sock", if my count is
the count...
And each of them have the same identical flaws...
I mark all Carole's sock (dummies) with the color pink. I have been
for a whole thread to be alo pink responders. LOL
I don't know if that's fundamentally wrong, or the most right thing I've
read on this ng today. Either way, it made me literally LOL.
Alo = all, if that is what you mean. (g)
No, I barely paused at the typo. I meant the idea of coloring all her
sock puppets, then waiting for the all-pink (= she just talks to
herself) thread. She's pretty loony, so I could see it happening.
Since I get a good bit of my entertainment on Usenet from watching
mentally ill people do their little dances, I'm not really judging your
approach to choreographing one.
Thanks for explaining your point of view and it is a good one. Sort of never
thought of my color coding as choreographing since I didn't think beyond the
possibility of a whole thread in pink. Just the thought of a 10 response
thread with all the posts from Carole's sock puppets makes me laugh.
You're far from alone in that.
Post by george152
I doubt there is sufficient pink in the world
Dare we hope for a pink ink shortage? That would be a sort of e-muzzle
for Carole.
Then she would start whining about the pawns of big pharma suppressing her
freedom of speech.
Dunno about you, but any claims which include reference to
"Big XXX" tend to trip (or at minimum to arm) my BS
Does that mean you refuse to accept the existence of the 200mpg
carburetor that Big Oil suppressed? What about the various "free
energy" engines that Big Utilities keep hiding? Meanwhile, Big Banks
are keeping us slaves with their lending schemes, and Big Government is
watching our every move, online and irl. Wake up, sheeple, or I'm going
to have to start using my caps lock.
You left out UFOs and Aliens, Submarines in Great Salt Lake, and
Singtech's matter creating toroids.
...and many other examples; the woowoos are legion. The
Expanding Earth crowd, for example.
Post by Bob Officer
Does anyone ever recall Alexander Abian math claims?
Unfortunately, yes. And there's a reference there to Archie
Plutonium, another of the greats.
Post by Bob Officer
Maybe Robert E. McElwaine could make another appearence as well? and
Good old Jack (the pyramids are pumps) Safatti
"Sarfatti", IIRC.
Bob C.

"The most exciting phrase to hear in science,
the one that heralds new discoveries, is not
'Eureka!' but 'That's funny...'"

- Isaac Asimov
Bob Officer
2014-05-30 21:40:10 UTC
On Fri, 30 May 2014 10:27:28 -0700, in misc.health.alternative, Bob
Post by Bob Casanova
On Thu, 29 May 2014 15:04:15 -0700, the following appeared
Post by Bob Officer
On Thu, 29 May 2014 12:52:58 -0600, in misc.health.alternative,
Post by BruceS
Post by Bob Casanova
On Thu, 29 May 2014 00:21:55 -0400, the following appeared
Post by Lu
Post by BruceS
Post by george152
Post by Lu
Post by BruceS
Post by Lu
Post by BruceS
Post by Lu
Post by Bob Officer
On Sun, 25 May 2014 00:22:02 -0400, in misc.health.alternative, Lu
Post by Lu
Post by Bob Officer
On Sun, 25 May 2014 08:13:43 +1200, in misc.health.alternative,
Post by george152
Post by Bob Officer
I read one criticism of Tomljenovic's work one the net. The
said, ~~"It appears as if Tomljenovic writes her studies using a
conclusion and then works backwards designing tests and data
collection methods which will produce the required sets which
to agree with her conclusion.
Sounds like carole has several non de plumes
I would estimate the sock puppet count to be 12-16 now and
Seventeen now with the addition of "The Sock", if my count is
the count...
And each of them have the same identical flaws...
I mark all Carole's sock (dummies) with the color pink. I have been
for a whole thread to be alo pink responders. LOL
I don't know if that's fundamentally wrong, or the most right thing
read on this ng today. Either way, it made me literally LOL.
Alo = all, if that is what you mean. (g)
No, I barely paused at the typo. I meant the idea of coloring all her
sock puppets, then waiting for the all-pink (= she just talks to
herself) thread. She's pretty loony, so I could see it happening.
Since I get a good bit of my entertainment on Usenet from watching
mentally ill people do their little dances, I'm not really judging your
approach to choreographing one.
Thanks for explaining your point of view and it is a good one. Sort of never
thought of my color coding as choreographing since I didn't think beyond the
possibility of a whole thread in pink. Just the thought of a 10 response
thread with all the posts from Carole's sock puppets makes me laugh.
You're far from alone in that.
Post by george152
I doubt there is sufficient pink in the world
Dare we hope for a pink ink shortage? That would be a sort of e-muzzle
for Carole.
Then she would start whining about the pawns of big pharma suppressing her
freedom of speech.
Dunno about you, but any claims which include reference to
"Big XXX" tend to trip (or at minimum to arm) my BS
Does that mean you refuse to accept the existence of the 200mpg
carburetor that Big Oil suppressed? What about the various "free
energy" engines that Big Utilities keep hiding? Meanwhile, Big Banks
are keeping us slaves with their lending schemes, and Big Government is
watching our every move, online and irl. Wake up, sheeple, or I'm going
to have to start using my caps lock.
You left out UFOs and Aliens, Submarines in Great Salt Lake, and
Singtech's matter creating toroids.
...and many other examples; the woowoos are legion. The
Expanding Earth crowd, for example.
Post by Bob Officer
Does anyone ever recall Alexander Abian math claims?
Unfortunately, yes. And there's a reference there to Archie
Plutonium, another of the greats.
Post by Bob Officer
Maybe Robert E. McElwaine could make another appearence as well? and
Good old Jack (the pyramids are pumps) Safatti
"Sarfatti", IIRC.
You 'R' right... Give the man a free signed copy of the Woo-Woo Credo
Bob Officer

"One of my pet hates is being made an idiot
out of ...but you go right ahead"
Carole Hubbard in Message-ID:
Bob Casanova
2014-05-31 16:56:48 UTC
On Fri, 30 May 2014 14:40:10 -0700, the following appeared
in sci.skeptic, posted by Bob Officer <*.*@*.*>:

...Give the man a free signed copy of the Woo-Woo Credo
Cool! Yet another bookmark for reference; thanks!
Bob C.

"The most exciting phrase to hear in science,
the one that heralds new discoveries, is not
'Eureka!' but 'That's funny...'"

- Isaac Asimov
Bob Casanova
2014-05-30 17:20:15 UTC
On Thu, 29 May 2014 12:52:58 -0600, the following appeared
Post by BruceS
Post by Bob Casanova
On Thu, 29 May 2014 00:21:55 -0400, the following appeared
Post by Lu
Post by BruceS
Post by george152
Post by Lu
Post by BruceS
Post by Lu
Post by BruceS
Post by Lu
Post by Bob Officer
On Sun, 25 May 2014 00:22:02 -0400, in misc.health.alternative, Lu
Post by Lu
Post by Bob Officer
On Sun, 25 May 2014 08:13:43 +1200, in misc.health.alternative,
Post by george152
Post by Bob Officer
I read one criticism of Tomljenovic's work one the net. The
said, ~~"It appears as if Tomljenovic writes her studies using a
conclusion and then works backwards designing tests and data
collection methods which will produce the required sets which
to agree with her conclusion.
Sounds like carole has several non de plumes
I would estimate the sock puppet count to be 12-16 now and growing.
Seventeen now with the addition of "The Sock", if my count is right.
the count...
And each of them have the same identical flaws...
I mark all Carole's sock (dummies) with the color pink. I have been
for a whole thread to be alo pink responders. LOL
I don't know if that's fundamentally wrong, or the most right thing I've
read on this ng today. Either way, it made me literally LOL.
Alo = all, if that is what you mean. (g)
No, I barely paused at the typo. I meant the idea of coloring all her
sock puppets, then waiting for the all-pink (= she just talks to
herself) thread. She's pretty loony, so I could see it happening.
Since I get a good bit of my entertainment on Usenet from watching
mentally ill people do their little dances, I'm not really judging your
approach to choreographing one.
Thanks for explaining your point of view and it is a good one. Sort of never
thought of my color coding as choreographing since I didn't think beyond the
possibility of a whole thread in pink. Just the thought of a 10 response
thread with all the posts from Carole's sock puppets makes me laugh.
You're far from alone in that.
Post by george152
I doubt there is sufficient pink in the world
Dare we hope for a pink ink shortage? That would be a sort of e-muzzle
for Carole.
Then she would start whining about the pawns of big pharma suppressing her
freedom of speech.
Dunno about you, but any claims which include reference to
"Big XXX" tend to trip (or at minimum to arm) my BS
Does that mean you refuse to accept the existence of the 200mpg
carburetor that Big Oil suppressed? What about the various "free
energy" engines that Big Utilities keep hiding? Meanwhile, Big Banks
are keeping us slaves with their lending schemes, and Big Government is
watching our every move, online and irl.
Of course not; those are obviously 100% accurate. ;-)
Post by BruceS
Wake up, sheeple, or I'm going
to have to start using my caps lock.
Oh, NO, Mr. Bill!
Bob C.

"The most exciting phrase to hear in science,
the one that heralds new discoveries, is not
'Eureka!' but 'That's funny...'"

- Isaac Asimov
2014-06-05 15:30:09 UTC
Post by Bob Casanova
On Thu, 29 May 2014 12:52:58 -0600, the following appeared
Post by BruceS
Post by Bob Casanova
On Thu, 29 May 2014 00:21:55 -0400, the following appeared
Post by Lu
Post by BruceS
Post by george152
Post by Lu
Post by BruceS
Post by Lu
Post by BruceS
Post by Lu
Post by Bob Officer
On Sun, 25 May 2014 00:22:02 -0400, in misc.health.alternative, Lu
Post by Lu
Post by Bob Officer
On Sun, 25 May 2014 08:13:43 +1200, in misc.health.alternative,
Post by george152
Post by Bob Officer
I read one criticism of Tomljenovic's work one the net. The
said, ~~"It appears as if Tomljenovic writes her studies using a
conclusion and then works backwards designing tests and data
collection methods which will produce the required sets which
to agree with her conclusion.
Sounds like carole has several non de plumes
I would estimate the sock puppet count to be 12-16 now and
Seventeen now with the addition of "The Sock", if my count is
the count...
And each of them have the same identical flaws...
I mark all Carole's sock (dummies) with the color pink. I have been
for a whole thread to be alo pink responders. LOL
I don't know if that's fundamentally wrong, or the most right thing I've
read on this ng today. Either way, it made me literally LOL.
Alo = all, if that is what you mean. (g)
No, I barely paused at the typo. I meant the idea of coloring all her
sock puppets, then waiting for the all-pink (= she just talks to
herself) thread. She's pretty loony, so I could see it happening.
Since I get a good bit of my entertainment on Usenet from watching
mentally ill people do their little dances, I'm not really judging your
approach to choreographing one.
Thanks for explaining your point of view and it is a good one. Sort of never
thought of my color coding as choreographing since I didn't think beyond the
possibility of a whole thread in pink. Just the thought of a 10 response
thread with all the posts from Carole's sock puppets makes me laugh.
You're far from alone in that.
Post by george152
I doubt there is sufficient pink in the world
Dare we hope for a pink ink shortage? That would be a sort of e-muzzle
for Carole.
Then she would start whining about the pawns of big pharma suppressing her
freedom of speech.
Dunno about you, but any claims which include reference to
"Big XXX" tend to trip (or at minimum to arm) my BS
Does that mean you refuse to accept the existence of the 200mpg
carburetor that Big Oil suppressed? What about the various "free
energy" engines that Big Utilities keep hiding? Meanwhile, Big Banks
are keeping us slaves with their lending schemes, and Big Government is
watching our every move, online and irl.
Of course not; those are obviously 100% accurate. ;-)
Well, maybe not 100% "accurate", but they're 100% *something*. There's
more to life than evidence, you know. I read somewhere from someone who
fervently believes that atomic energy is all a fabrication. I guess the
deal there is that Big Atomic has been behind all the faked bombs,
including the two in anger and thousands of tests, and the generation
plants as well. I don't know what Big Atomic gets out of this farce,
but that's probably because I'm not in the Illuminati.
Post by Bob Casanova
Post by BruceS
Wake up, sheeple, or I'm going
to have to start using my caps lock.
Oh, NO, Mr. Bill!
2014-05-29 19:22:00 UTC
Post by Bob Casanova
On Thu, 29 May 2014 00:21:55 -0400, the following appeared
Post by Lu
Post by BruceS
Post by george152
Post by Lu
Post by BruceS
Post by Lu
Post by BruceS
Post by Lu
Post by Bob Officer
On Sun, 25 May 2014 00:22:02 -0400, in misc.health.alternative, Lu
Post by Lu
Post by Bob Officer
On Sun, 25 May 2014 08:13:43 +1200, in misc.health.alternative,
Post by george152
Post by Bob Officer
I read one criticism of Tomljenovic's work one the net. The
said, ~~"It appears as if Tomljenovic writes her studies using a
conclusion and then works backwards designing tests and data
collection methods which will produce the required sets which
to agree with her conclusion.
Sounds like carole has several non de plumes
I would estimate the sock puppet count to be 12-16 now and growing.
Seventeen now with the addition of "The Sock", if my count is right.
the count...
And each of them have the same identical flaws...
I mark all Carole's sock (dummies) with the color pink. I have been waiting
for a whole thread to be alo pink responders. LOL
I don't know if that's fundamentally wrong, or the most right thing I've
read on this ng today. Either way, it made me literally LOL.
Alo = all, if that is what you mean. (g)
No, I barely paused at the typo. I meant the idea of coloring all her
sock puppets, then waiting for the all-pink (= she just talks to
herself) thread. She's pretty loony, so I could see it happening.
Since I get a good bit of my entertainment on Usenet from watching
mentally ill people do their little dances, I'm not really judging your
approach to choreographing one.
Thanks for explaining your point of view and it is a good one. Sort of never
thought of my color coding as choreographing since I didn't think beyond the
possibility of a whole thread in pink. Just the thought of a 10 response
thread with all the posts from Carole's sock puppets makes me laugh.
You're far from alone in that.
Post by george152
I doubt there is sufficient pink in the world
Dare we hope for a pink ink shortage? That would be a sort of e-muzzle
for Carole.
Then she would start whining about the pawns of big pharma suppressing her
freedom of speech.
Dunno about you, but any claims which include reference to
"Big XXX" tend to trip (or at minimum to arm) my BS
I just automatically reject her BS. She can go after the pharmaceutical
industry all she wants but lack of proof of her claims and lack of
credibility gets her nowhere.
2014-05-25 05:02:02 UTC
Post by Lu
Post by Bob Officer
On Sun, 25 May 2014 08:13:43 +1200, in misc.health.alternative,
Post by george152
Post by Bob Officer
I read one criticism of Tomljenovic's work one the net. The critic
said, ~~"It appears as if Tomljenovic writes her studies using a
conclusion and then works backwards designing tests and data
collection methods which will produce the required sets which seems
to agree with her conclusion.
Sounds like carole has several non de plumes
I would estimate the sock puppet count to be 12-16 now and growing.
Seventeen now with the addition of "The Sock", if my count is right.
Or the crazy lady with a hundred cats who doesn't wipe herself
Bob Casanova
2014-05-24 19:15:17 UTC
On Sun, 25 May 2014 04:05:47 +1000, the following appeared
in sci.skeptic, posted by Fred's brain fungus
Post by Fred's brain fungus
Dangerous Vaccines Found to Cause Symptoms of Shaken Baby Syndrome
You've selected a remarkably appropriate nym.

One can only wish that, without exposing the rational to
collateral damage, you could be visited by every disease
prevented or mitigated by vaccines.

[appropriate followups set]
Bob C.

"The most exciting phrase to hear in science,
the one that heralds new discoveries, is not
'Eureka!' but 'That's funny...'"

- Isaac Asimov