?WIN TV breached for vaccination story? ? ACMA
(too old to reply)
2013-06-07 12:02:27 UTC

?WIN TV breached for vaccination story? ? ACMA Posted on June 7, 2013
Reasonable Hank

The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) has handed down
its decision on WIN News? terrible mistake - which it refused to
acknowledge ? of including anti-vaccine zealot Meryl Dorey in a news
segment during a Measles outbreak in South Western Sydney. Dorey raised
the autism/vaccines zombie, and the community complained. That execrable
piece of false balance made it all the way to Media Watch:

Video: http://skep.li/11oJN5z

Here is the ACMA Press Release, in full: http://skep.li/13pvX6m

ACMA media release 41/2013 ? 7 June

WIN Television NSW Pty Ltd (WIN TV) breached two provisions of the
Commercial Television Industry Code of Practice in a news report on WIN
News Illawarra about measles vaccination that misled its audience.

The report was broadcast on 16 August 2012 and concerned an outbreak of
measles in south-western Sydney.

Included in the story was the following unqualified statement made by a
non-expert: ?All vaccinations, in the medical literature, have been
linked with the possibility of causing autism??

The Australian Communications and Media Authority found that by
broadcasting that statement and by conveying a higher level of
controversy and uncertainty about immunisation than was justified by the
facts, WIN TV had failed to broadcast factual material accurately.

?The story would have misled an ordinary viewer about the level of risk
of vaccinating children,? said ACMA Chairman, Chris Chapman.

The ACMA also found that WIN TV did not make reasonable efforts to
correct the significant error of fact.

?While the ACMA has no power to direct the making of an on-air
corrective statement, given the circumstances of this case and the
important public health issues involved, the ACMA recommended to WIN TV
that it make an on-air statement concerning the ACMA?s findings,? added
Mr Chapman.

The licensee has, however, declined to take this opportunity to clarify
on air this important public health issue, one which no doubt remains of
ongoing concern to its audience and the wider Australian public. The
licensee offered to provide a link on its website to the ACMA?s finding.

A link to investigation report 2883 can be found here.

For more information please contact: Emma Rossi, Media Manager, (02)
9334 7719 and 0434 652 063 or ***@acma.gov.au.

Pretty decisive. Thank you ACMA. Thank you Media Watch.

It is a pity WIN News didn?t take the opportunity to correct the record
on-air. This is what it?s viewers deserve, especially after such
John H. Gohde
2013-06-07 13:05:33 UTC
Post by Dan
?WIN TV breached for vaccination story? ? ACMA Posted on June 7, 2013
Reasonable Hank
The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) has handed down
its decision on WIN News? terrible mistake - which it refused to
acknowledge ? of including anti-vaccine zealot Meryl Dorey in a news
segment during a Measles outbreak in South Western Sydney. Dorey raised
the autism/vaccines zombie, and the community complained. That execrable
Here is the ACMA Press Release, in full:http://skep.li/13pvX6m
ACMA media release 41/2013 ? 7 June
WIN Television NSW Pty Ltd (WIN TV) breached two provisions of the
Commercial Television Industry Code of Practice in a news report on WIN
News Illawarra about measles vaccination that misled its audience.
The report was broadcast on 16 August 2012 and concerned an outbreak of
measles in south-western Sydney.
Included in the story was the following unqualified statement made by a
non-expert: ?All vaccinations, in the medical literature, have been
linked with the possibility of causing autism??
The Australian Communications and Media Authority found that by
broadcasting that statement and by conveying a higher level of
controversy and uncertainty about immunisation than was justified by the
facts, WIN TV had failed to broadcast factual material accurately.
?The story would have misled an ordinary viewer about the level of risk
of vaccinating children,? said ACMA Chairman, Chris Chapman.
The ACMA also found that WIN TV did not make reasonable efforts to
correct the significant error of fact.
?While the ACMA has no power to direct the making of an on-air
corrective statement, given the circumstances of this case and the
important public health issues involved, the ACMA recommended to WIN TV
that it make an on-air statement concerning the ACMA?s findings,? added
Mr Chapman.
The licensee has, however, declined to take this opportunity to clarify
on air this important public health issue, one which no doubt remains of
ongoing concern to its audience and the wider Australian public.  The
licensee offered to provide a link on its website to the ACMA?s finding.
A link to investigation report 2883 can be found here.
For more information please contact: Emma Rossi, Media Manager, (02)
Pretty decisive. Thank you ACMA. Thank you Media Watch.
It is a pity WIN News didn?t take the opportunity to correct the record
on-air. This is what it?s viewers deserve, especially after such
Bull Alert!
John H. Gohde
2013-06-07 23:41:50 UTC
There is nothing wrong with your computer monitor. Do not attempt to
adjust the screen. I am controlling transmission. I can change the
focus to a soft blur or sharpen it to crystal clarity. For the next
few minutes, sit quietly and try to focus on all that you can see and
hear. Repeat to yourself: I am no longer in the land of the Science
Psychos. Tell yourself: There is nothing wrong with my monitor. The
problem is NOT in my mind, but in that dumb primary preventive service
called vaccination.


P.S.: That picture at the top of the article is way to big. It is
that way because of a Facebook bug. I am in control. The size of
that picture will be reduced in half, some time tomorrow. Why?
Because moi is ALWAYS in in control.
