(too old to reply)
Ilena Rose
2009-07-26 21:47:06 UTC
From Health Lover, Ilena Rosenthal




Haven't read this piece, but wanted to add that David Gorski (who for
years hid behind "Orac" ... is a very active participant on Wikipedia,
the Healthfraud List, the Snake oil Vigilante Brigade ... while being
a recipient of money from the DOD. He has several pro-vacccination
industry blogs ... and haunted Usenet for years tho prefers arenas
where their is censorship in his favour.


Thanks for posting this John.
Happy Oyster
2009-07-26 22:53:22 UTC
Well, this deserves a repost. Ilena Rosenthal blames herself perfectly... ;O)
Post by Ilena Rose
From Health Lover, Ilena Rosenthal
Haven't read this piece, but wanted to add that David Gorski (who for
years hid behind "Orac" ... is a very active participant on Wikipedia,
the Healthfraud List, the Snake oil Vigilante Brigade ... while being
a recipient of money from the DOD. He has several pro-vacccination
industry blogs ... and haunted Usenet for years tho prefers arenas
where their is censorship in his favour.
Thanks for posting this John.
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Mark Probert
2009-07-26 22:52:02 UTC
From Health Lover(???), Ilena Rosenthal
Haven't read this piece,
Then you should. Remember how dumb youlooked when you posted that you
throught I was my uncle, who died in 1970?

but wanted to add that David Gorski (who for
years hid behind "Orac"
Which most people knew anyway, thanks to your publicizing it.
... is a very active participant on Wikipedia,
the Healthfraud List, the Snake oil Vigilante Brigade
Likewise, incorrect.

... while being
a recipient of money from the DOD.
For fundamental breast cancer research. Why would you leave that out?
Would you rather he got the money to fund his research from implant
manufacturers? Of course you wouldn't.

He has several pro-vacccination
industry blogs ...
That is correct. Every article is well written and fully documented to
prove that vaccines are safe and effective.

and haunted Usenet for years tho prefers arenas
where their is censorship in his favour.
I's bet the family jewels that if you were to post a comment on any of
his blogs, he would publish it. He allows all posts, except commercial
spam. He has engaged in lengthy discussions with many of the anti-
vaccinationists, like Dr. Jay Gordon.

However, one of the blogs you promote not only censors, but also bans
commentors. I have been banned, can you imagine that? The real owner
of that blog, one J.B.Handley, cybersquats on several URLs. When your
name was used on a cybersquatting website, you were quite rightly
upset, and I supported you. However, you support a cyber squatter.
Frankly, I do not understand why you think one is right, and one is
wrong. Both, to me, are wrong. .
Yes, that is the website I just referred to. 1984 in a blog.
Peter Bowditch
2009-07-27 00:22:21 UTC
Post by Ilena Rose
From Health Lover, Ilena Rosenthal
Haven't read this piece, but wanted to add that David Gorski (who for
years hid behind "Orac" ... is a very active participant on Wikipedia,
the Healthfraud List, the Snake oil Vigilante Brigade ... while being
a recipient of money from the DOD. He has several pro-vacccination
industry blogs ... and haunted Usenet for years tho prefers arenas
where their is censorship in his favour.
Thanks for posting this John.
How's the prostitute business going Ilena? I read on the Internet (and
therefore can say with compete impunity and immunity - refer Barrett v
Rosenthal) that you were so bad at the hooking game that you couldn't
make a living in San Diego, one of the world's largest naval ports. I
also read that even when you tried to give it away for free to promote
your services the sailors still preferred to pay other tarts, possibly
because they were worried about your vaccination status.
Peter Bowditch aa #2243
The Millenium Project http://www.ratbags.com/rsoles
Australian Council Against Health Fraud http://www.acahf.org.au
To email me use my first name only at ratbags.com
2009-07-27 06:57:33 UTC
Post by Peter Bowditch
How's the prostitute business going Ilena? I read on the Internet (and
therefore can say with compete impunity and immunity - refer Barrett v
Rosenthal) that you were so bad at the hooking game that you couldn't
make a living in San Diego, one of the world's largest naval ports. I
also read that even when you tried to give it away for free to promote
your services the sailors still preferred to pay other tarts, possibly
because they were worried about your vaccination status.
they say lack of maternal bonding is the cause of hostility along with lack
of premarital sex

helped by circumcision

Most Aussie are circumcised
Peter Bowditch
2009-07-27 07:28:45 UTC
Post by john
Post by Peter Bowditch
How's the prostitute business going Ilena? I read on the Internet (and
therefore can say with compete impunity and immunity - refer Barrett v
Rosenthal) that you were so bad at the hooking game that you couldn't
make a living in San Diego, one of the world's largest naval ports. I
also read that even when you tried to give it away for free to promote
your services the sailors still preferred to pay other tarts, possibly
because they were worried about your vaccination status.
they say lack of maternal bonding is the cause of hostility along with lack
of premarital sex
helped by circumcision
Most Aussie are circumcised
Which has what to do with Ilena? Does she offer premarital sex as a
speciality? Does she tie people up and insists they call her "Mother".
Does she ask potential clients if they are circumcised? Do you know
that John is the generic term in the USA for the customer of a
Peter Bowditch aa #2243
The Millenium Project http://www.ratbags.com/rsoles
Australian Council Against Health Fraud http://www.acahf.org.au
To email me use my first name only at ratbags.com
2009-07-27 08:34:16 UTC
Post by Peter Bowditch
Post by john
they say lack of maternal bonding is the cause of hostility along with lack
of premarital sex
helped by circumcision
Most Aussie are circumcised
Which has what to do with Ilena? Does she offer premarital sex as a
speciality? Does she tie people up and insists they call her "Mother".
Does she ask potential clients if they are circumcised? Do you know
that John is the generic term in the USA for the customer of a
Wooosh, your term for went over your head.

I was thinking of your hostility actually, and obsession with prostitutes.

Of course I know that. I can live with that, wee bit easier than living
with your hostility ;0)
Brian Gaff
2009-07-29 07:41:11 UTC
Don't slag him off, he is a nice chap!
Why am I replying to trolls, Well maybe its the weather!
Brian Gaff....Note, this account does not accept Bcc: email.
graphics are great, but the blind can't hear them
Email: ***@blueyonder.co.uk
Post by Ilena Rose
From Health Lover, Ilena Rosenthal
Haven't read this piece, but wanted to add that David Gorski (who for
years hid behind "Orac" ... is a very active participant on Wikipedia,
the Healthfraud List, the Snake oil Vigilante Brigade ... while being
a recipient of money from the DOD. He has several pro-vacccination
industry blogs ... and haunted Usenet for years tho prefers arenas
where their is censorship in his favour.
Thanks for posting this John.
2009-07-29 08:10:21 UTC
Post by Brian Gaff
Don't slag him off, he is a nice chap!
Why am I replying to trolls, Well maybe its the weather!
Yeah, really nice guide down to hell
D. C. Sessions
2009-07-31 03:15:33 UTC
Post by john
Yeah, really nice guide down to hell
You only say that because he links to your site.
| The brighter the stupid burns, the more |
| chance that someone will see the light. |
+- D. C. Sessions <***@lumbercartel.com> -+
Bob Officer
2009-09-12 03:12:55 UTC
On Sun, 26 Jul 2009 15:47:06 -0600, in misc.health.alternative, Ilena
Post by Ilena Rose
From Health Lover, Ilena Rosenthal
Haven't read this piece,
That sort of sums up your place in the world. You haven't read, and
most likely never will the article. In the End it is all about you
and your web site. The drive to get more and more donations which
seem to disappear. You like having the cash to spend for a night out
and movie? Have you ever had an actual legal audit of your income
charity's Ms I/I.M.R. Lord?

BTW What is you current legal name? Irene Lord? Ilena Rose? Or it is
Irene Lord?
Bob Officer
Posting the truth